• 厌氧条件下培养培养时间培养

    Incubate under anaerobic conditions for the duration of the incubation period.


  • 培养持续在1 ~3周内愈伤组织褐化指数培养期延长而增加

    Within the culture duration of 1-3 weeks, both callus Browning rate and Browning index increased with prolongation of the culture duration.


  • 年轻富有资质的球员难以正当的竞技理由解约,因其处在培养,上场者通常为年龄较大、经验较丰富的球员。

    It seems to be very difficult for a young, talented player to claimsporting just cause as long as he is still in training and an older and moreexperienced player is fielded instead.


  • 当作细菌培养生物学家通常细胞营养物质混合一个广口瓶里然后打旋最近葡萄收获那些葡萄酒发烧友一样。

    When growing bacterial cultures, biologists often mix cells in with nutrients in one big jar, then swirl, much like an aficionado over the latest vintage.


  • 事实上苹果这种过渡做了相当一时间的铺垫:乔布斯生前就已经开始着手培养前首席运营蒂姆·库克为继任者。

    Actually, Apple has been preparing for this transition for some time. Jobs had been grooming Apple's former COO Tim Cook to take over.


  • 21培养销售线索即将结束时发一封邮件收信人Marketo兴趣进行自我评分

    At the end of the 21 day lead nurturing period, a final email is sent giving options for recipient to self score themselves in terms of interest in Marketo.


  • 研究人员们将一组小鼠夏季”模拟光照下(光照16小时,无光照8小时)出生培养断乳,而将另一组小鼠在“冬季”模拟光照周下(光照8小时,无光照16小时)培养至相同时间。

    Researchers raised baby mice from birth to weaning in either "summer" light cycles of 16 hours of light and eight hours of dark or "winter" cycles of eight hours of light and 16 hours of dark.


  • 新加坡理工学院受训的一年间,着重培养学员微电子以及机电一体化方面的理论知识和技能。

    During the year in Singapore the students will focus on microelectronics and mechatronics.


  • 因此对于青春孩子鼓励为主,对评价客观有建设性他们培养自尊心自我价值感

    Therefore, , for the adolescent children should be encouraged to the evaluation of their objective and constructive, to help them develop self-esteem and self-worth.


  • 结论此简易细胞培养系统使细胞空间搭载条件下长存活,有利于研究空间辐射对增殖哺乳动物细胞的诱变效应。

    ConclusionA hypothermia cell culture facility was successfully established, which ensure technically mammalian cells to be carried by space craft and further research on space radiation.


  • 方法利用体外培养的单层近融合RPE细胞,采用棉签角膜移植环钻圆形细胞建立体外RPE细胞损伤模型

    Methods Cultured monolayer-confluent human RPE cells were scraped with a trephine and a cotton stick, and set up the injured model of RPE cells with round scraped area.


  • 早熟品种春蕾果实硬熟胚珠离体培养条件维持生长

    The young embryo of super-early maturing peach variety 'Chunlei 'at fruit hard-ripe stage maintain embryonic growth under the conditions of in vitro culture of ovule.


  • 所以我们应该抓住幼儿的关键,进行良好品德行为习惯教育培养

    So we should grasp the key children, good moral character and behavior habits of the education training.


  • 通过花药培养获得的水稻植株中,具有丰富的倍性变异,通常成熟基于形态特征识别单倍体二倍体及多倍体

    Through rice anther culture several kinds of ploidy plants can be obtained, such as haploid, diploid, polyploid and usually based on the morphology to distinguish their ploidy during maturity.


  • 学院引以为傲曾经培养26位诺贝尔获得者包括罗伯特·爱德华当时还是一实习生,实习最后一个试管婴儿成果获得诺贝尔奖。

    The college boasts an incredible 26 Nobel Prize winners, including Robert Edwards who is a Fellow and won his award last week for his IVF work.


  • 了解青春生理变化特征及其卫生青少年身心的健康成长良好心理素质培养具有重要意义

    Learning the physiological features and hygiene education of the puberty, it's important to develop the younger's excellent psychological qualities and sound bodies.


  • 实验结果提示共同培养一种有效分离潜伏病毒的方法。

    The data obtained suggested that co-culture is an effective method for isolating latent virus.


  • 青春孩子长到开始培养父母的年龄。

    Adolescence is when children start bringing up their parents.


  • 不同培养性状存在显著不同,同属的不同有较大差别,甚至同种的不同分离株生长速度菌落颜色大小以及成熟等方面均有差异。

    Not only fungi of different genera but also different fungi of same genera, even same species of different hosts were different in growth rate, colony color, colony size and mature period.


  • 这个专家过去年中已经培养了近150个人学习photoreading,培训个月,用来学习photoreading的技术

    In three years this expert had trained over 150 individuals in PhotoReading. The trainee spent two months learning the PhotoReading technique.


  • 采用乙炔抑制-培养研究北京郊区潮土上玉米生育土壤硝化状况。

    Acetylene Inhibition method was used in a soil core incubation system to study denitrification loss from Beijing fluvial soil during summer maize growth period.


  • 目的了解慢性阻塞性肺病急性加重(AECOPD)患者培养细菌种类。方法对95例aecopd患者有痰培养结果的病例进行分析。

    Objective to find out the kinds of bacterium of sputum cultivation in exacerbation of chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) and to provide health instruction for these patients.


  • 研究结果表明:(1培养至次融汇状态的乳鼠心脏成纤维细胞经低血清(0.4%FBS饥饿培养48小时G0/G1细胞占88.5%;

    Results: (1) Sub-confluent cells having starved in DMEM containing 0.4% FBS for 48h, 88.5% of the cells were at G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle.


  • 无论是微生物自然生长还是群体培养生长,都会使得食品发生化学质地变化而形成了一种能够延长贮藏的制品。

    Microbial growth, either of natural or inoculated populations, causes chemical andor textural changes forming a product that can be stored for extended periods.


  • 教育实习桥梁,把教师培养职后培训连接起来,实现职前培养—试用培训—在职培训一体化。

    The entirety of cultivation in pre occupation, training in probation period and in on occupation is achieved by serving the education practice a…


  • 小孢子离体培养最佳发育单核

    The best development period for microspore culture is monokaryotic stage;


  • 我国建筑学教育处于模式分化快速培养体系总体调整教学组织的局部改革相互并存。

    Education of architecture in China is developing in the period of fast diversification. Comprehensive regulation in education system comes with partial reformation.


  • 为了培养合格的管理人员,管培生培训半年不等。

    To qualify a candidate's training period may range from six months to five years.


  • 本研究设置直角座标机器人系统,用以扦移植组织培养苗至培养相关容器能取代移植作业人工降低一产业的人力需求

    A Cartesian coordinates robotic system was developed to transplant tissue culture plantlets or scions from a flat plane to culture flasks in order to minimize the need of labor.


  • 本研究设置直角座标机器人系统,用以扦移植组织培养苗至培养相关容器能取代移植作业人工降低一产业的人力需求

    A Cartesian coordinates robotic system was developed to transplant tissue culture plantlets or scions from a flat plane to culture flasks in order to minimize the need of labor.


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