• 广告城市美术一个名为桂林掠影》展览举办者是艺术家张凌洪

    The AD says that at the City art Gallery, there is an exhibition called Glance of Guilin by the artist Zhang Linghong.


  • 这座城市正在美化自己的博物馆美术

    The city is sprucing up its museums and galleries.


  • 1954年,斯提出伊拉克,科尔德斯坦的Duhok地区,1977年1982年,他在卢布尔雅那(南斯拉夫西北部城市学习美术

    Born in Duhok in Iraqi Kurdistan in 1954, Mr Siti studied fine arts in Ljubljana from 1977 until 1982.


  • 这种感觉我们体验过剧场美术演讲或是一个陌生的城市闲逛那种困惑的感觉难以描述的。

    It's a feeling we have all experienced, whether in a lecture theatre, an art gallery or wandering around an unfamiliar city, but confusion is tricky to describe.


  • 很多游客来说某个城市一定要去当地的博物馆美术文化熏陶才不虚此行。

    FOR many tourists, a city break would be incomplete without visiting a museum or gallery to take in some culture.


  • 结合交友城市指南富有竞争力酒吧游戏 四方会可以让酒吧,餐厅美术用户通过手机登记

    A combination of friend-finder, city guide and competitive bar game, Foursquare lets userscheck in” with a cellphone at a bar, restaurant or art gallery.


  • 英国美术利物浦城郊展览馆选择了克里姆特来举行这个大型展览这个城市享有2008年欧洲文化首都美名。

    In Britain the Tate Gallery's Liverpool outpost has chosen Klimt for its big show while the city is the 2008 European capital of culture.


  • 过去十年里这座城市因为前卫艺术盛况越来越多的认识关注,各类时尚画廊美术与日俱增

    In the past decade, the city has increasingly been recognized for its cutting-edge art scene, and hip galleries have proliferated.


  • 0607年间,斯塔林应摩尔复杂关系城市博物馆——安大略湖多伦多美术之邀,创作了名叫《感染作品

    In 2006-07, Starling created a work called Infestation Piece for the Toronto Art Gallery of Ontario, a museum and a city with a complex relationship with Moore.


  • 随着拍卖价格飞速上扬数以百计画室画廊私人美术纷纷北京上海这样城市开张

    With auction prices soaring, hundreds of new studios, galleries and private art museums are opening in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai.


  • 城市的古根海姆博物馆现代当代艺术博物馆,步行美术博物馆,酒店艺术爱好者梦想之旅

    Opposite of the city's Guggenheim museum, a museum of modern and contemporary art, and in walking distance to the museum of Fine Arts, the hotel is an art-lovers dream getaway.


  • 四川美术学院设计艺术硕士学位重庆大学建筑学院城市规划专业博士生在读。

    MA in Arts Designing of Sichuan Institute of Fine Arts, now is studying Urban Planning Doctor Degree in the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University.


  • 毕尔巴鄂附近饭店理想位置毕尔巴鄂,西班牙城市坐在对面标志性古根海姆博物馆步行美术购物

    Gran Hotel Domine Bilbao boasted the ideal location in the city of Bilbao, Spain, sitting opposite of the iconic Guggenheim Museum and in walking distance to the Fine Arts Museum and shopping.


  • 城市壁画民众而存在美术

    Mural paintings is an art for the people.


  • 拥有法国文学美术学位巴黎撰写关于建筑城市规划博士论文

    Holding degrees in French Literature and Fine Arts, he moved to Paris to do a doctoral dissertation on architecture and urban planning.


  • 西雅图奥林匹克雕塑公园作为城市雕塑公园新的构思模式不仅西雅图美术另一个场域也是西雅图第一公共艺术聚合地

    As a new concept model of City Sculpture Park, Seattle Olympic Sculpture Park is not only another field of the Seattle art Museum, is the first public art site to the polymerization.


  • 缺席”表达了关于空间想象,见于美术雕塑建筑景观城市等等领域,且尺度各异。

    On imagination of spaces, absence is common in various scales, including painting, sculpture, architecture, landscape and urban design.


  • 可以一整天漫步城市之中,当地人交谈参观美术博物馆

    You can spend the whole day walking around the city, talking to the locals, visiting galleries and museums.


  • 建筑坐落城市郊区,与鸿美术相邻。 鸿坤美术馆是这个设计团队2013年完成的。

    It is located on the outskirts of the city, next door to the Hongkun Museum of Fine Art, which was completed by the studio in 2013.


  • 每年大约有一百万游客佛罗伦萨参观美术教堂博物馆菲齐美术这座城市著名美术

    Florence is visited each year by about a million tourists who come to see the art galleries, churches and museums. The Uffizi Palace is the most famous art gallery in the city.


  • 城市人类文明载体,不仅集聚物质经济集聚了文化艺术城市像一座露天美术馆,容纳并陈列着大量的雕塑作品。

    The city is the loading of mankind civilization, it not only gathered the material and economies, but also gathered the culture and arts.


  • 作品先后中国美术成都现代艺术馆、中国上海城市雕塑中心厦门艺术中心等地收藏。

    His works have been collected at National Art Museum of China (NAMOC), Modern Art Gallery of Chengdu, Shanghai Municipal Sculpture Center of China, and the Art Center of Xiamen.


  • 城市景观中的探索美学现代城市环境色彩线索进行美术教育

    To search aesthetic from"the form"and "the color"of city scenery, and use the color of modern city environment as a clue to carry through the art education;


  • 美术别墅周边花园建立了进一步关系复杂城市各部分产生对话。

    The new Fine Arts Museum is a step further in the continuum established with the Villa and the surrounding garden, and with the dialogue that the whole complex establishes in the city.


  • 美术别墅周边花园建立了进一步关系复杂城市各部分产生对话。

    The new Fine Arts Museum is a step further in the continuum established with the Villa and the surrounding garden, and with the dialogue that the whole complex establishes in the city.


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