• 我国城市社区居民文化生活也必然具有网络化特色

    The cultural life of urban community residents in our country inevitably possesses network feature.


  • 方法:选取昆明市城市社区居民超重肥胖者111名超重肥胖者151名。

    Methods: 111 subjects characterized as non-overweight and obesity and 151 subjects characterized as overweight and obesity were studied in Kunming urban communities.


  • 通过分析居民安全行为能力影响因素建立完整北京城市社区居民安全行为能力指标体系

    The author analyzed the factors of safe behavior ability for resident, and established the integrated indicator system of safe behavior ability for Beijing city community resident.


  • 网络时代互联网深入我国城市社区千家万户成为城市社区居民工作学习、日常生活重要工具

    In network age, the Internet, going into the midst of common families in urban community of our country, becomes an important tool for residents to work, study and live with.


  • 城市社区居民我国大肠癌防治重点人群,开展城市居民大肠癌筛查是我国大肠癌预防控制的重要内容。

    The urban community residents are the key in carrying out preventing and controlling work of colorectal cancer screening in China.


  • 这个项目背后意图警员走出警车走进我们社区直接店主居民交流了解城市真实动态

    The idea behind the program is to get the police officers out of their cars and into our neighborhoods where they can talk directly to merchants and residents about the real dynamics of our city.


  • 似乎如果城市居民,你认识邻居比例通常一个较小社区居民认识的要

    It seems that if you are a city resident, you typically know a smaller proportion of your neighbors than you do if you are a resident of a smaller community.


  • 第一家庭朋友们来说这并不奇怪,巴马家庭毕竟城市居民他们以前是社区组织者,长久以来熟识城市一道风景

    That is no surprise to friends of the first family. The Obamas, after all, are city people, former community organizers who have long felt at home in the urban landscape.


  • Filippelli,印第安纳波利斯大约80%的城市花园社区居民管理,私人后花园不算在内

    Indianapolis has about 80 urban gardens managed by community members, not including personal backyard gardens, Filippelli says.


  • 这个社区临近布朗斯威尔——边境城市城里人都不待见帕克的居民

    The neighbourhood was close to Brownsville, a large border city, but people from the city kept their distance.


  • 斯普林菲尔德汉密尔顿城市公用事业环保团体目前积极推动项目居民社区内进行普及。

    Utilities and environmental groups from Springfield and Hamilton are in the process of initiating the same project in their communities.


  • 已有100多个城市(居民人数共1.1亿)签名参与了“十大要点”——即可加强社区灾害安全的若干项行动。

    More than 100 cities, with nearly 110 million residents, have signed up to the "Ten Essentials" -actions that will make communities safer from disasters.


  • 来自当地社区城市居民区域人口多种并且持续增加使用压力

    There are multiple and increasing usage pressures to be expected, from local communities, the city's inhabitants and people in the region.


  • 很容易就可以训练一队社区工人关注老年城市居民,为解决“空巢”进行有规律的、目标化家庭访问提供医疗保障。

    Squads of lightly trained social workers monitor the city's older residents, paying regular house visits aimed at combating isolation and assuring that medical problems are attended to.


  • 城市居民社会资本分为个人关系资本社区网络资本。

    The capital can be divided into two parts: personal relation capital and community network capital.


  • 数字化作用下城市住宅小区居民生活模式电子社区的研究一个重要命题。

    The new life mode of urban residence community inhabitants in the digitization is a key for electronic community.


  • 变革力量来自一代城市居民,他们身份不同;来自不同社区,但同样拥有责任感

    The force of change is a new generation of urban dwellers that bring a different set of values around identity, community and responsibility.


  • 社区城市社会组织居民生活基本

    The community is the basic of the city society organization and the resident live.


  • 美国加利福尼亚南部城市,位于洛杉矶东南以东。887年贵格会教徒建立,现在多种工业的一个居民社区人口77,'7

    A city of southern California east-southeast of Los Angeles. Founded by Quakers in 887, it is a residential community with varied industries. Population, 77, '7.


  • 越来越多的城市居民社区单位,选择以个人或者集体方式进行体育活动。

    Based on the community, more and more citizens go in for the sports either individually or collectively.


  • 作为一个移民城市深圳正在努力推动居民社区意识部分为了帮助外国人更多了解深圳。

    As a migrant city, Shenzhen is making efforts to promote a sense of community among its residents, part of this is to help expats learn more about Shenzhen.


  • 目的了解城市居民就医现状社区医疗咨询与指导性卫生服务付费意愿

    Objective To learn the present situation of seeing doctor and willingness to pay money for community health service among the urban inhabitants.


  • 城市居民爱好农场继续寻找灰色眼睛包括格鲁吉亚作为埃格蒙特新城社区

    Former city dwellers looking for hobby farms also continue to eye Grey County, south of Georgian Bay and including such communities as Egremont and Neustadt.


  • 目的了解保定市城市居民社区卫生服务利用情况及其城市卫生服务网络功能影响

    Objective To know about the urban residents' utilization of community health services in Baoding city and its influence on the functions of the urban health services network.


  • 社区城市居民建设娱乐、进行社会交往重要场所应建立完善社区体育服务体系

    The community is the important place for entertainment and society associations of city peoples, hence we should establish and consummate the community sports service system.


  • 城市居住社区一个在一定地域范围内居民提供居住游憩日常生活服务社区

    Urban Residential community serves as the community offering residents with services concerning dwelling, recreation and daily life within certain territorial scope.


  • 然后介绍城市社区卫生服务与贫困救助项目相关方面基本情况,说明了项目对建立完善我国城市居民医疗救助启示

    And next it revealed the inspiration China-UK Health Poverty Project (UHPP) brought for the perfection and establishment of resident's Medical Assistance by introducing its relevant basic situations.


  • 社区成为人们日常生活的一个重要场所城市居民单位社区人”转变。

    Citizens are shifting from "unit man" to "community man" and communities have become important places in their daily life.


  • 农贸市场城市零售业态,是城市社区商业重要组成部分,与城市居民日常生活息息相关

    The wet market is a kind of city retailing and is an important component of the community commerce in the city, which is related closely with the daily life of the townsman.


  • 除此之外,中国设立了2300社区机构城市居民提供医疗服务

    Besides this system China has set up over 2,300 community institutions, providing medical care service in its cities.


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