• 变换对土壤侵蚀明显影响

    There was a significantly effect after the slope and slope length had been transformed.


  • 侵蚀影响降雨强度密切相关。

    The effect of slope length on erosion sediment is different at different rain intensity.


  • PAM覆盖度不同侵蚀产沙过程影响不同。

    The effect of slope length on erosion sediment is different at different PAM coverage.


  • 影响径流水流侵蚀产沙重要地貌因素之一

    Slope length is one of the important geomorphologic factors affecting the surface runoff and sediment yield.


  • 因此,土壤养分调控必须综合考虑因素。

    The results in this study recommed that the length and gradient of the slope should be considered in the soil nutrients management on sloping land.


  • 用能量观点解释降雨侵蚀产沙的影响

    This paper tries to explain the effects of slope gradient, slope length and rainfall on slope erosion from the viewpoint of energy.


  • 水流含沙量面产一定的影响,随越大影响力越小

    The sand content in the water flux affects the down stream sand and with less impact when the slope is long.


  • 决定能量沿变化影响径流与水流产过程重要地貌因素之一

    Slope length is one of the important topographical factors that can determine the energy change along a slope and affect the overland runoff and sediment process.


  • 张家口市水保试验站小区五年观测资料表明降雨强度影响径流量、侵蚀量随坡长的变化。

    Based on observation data of experiment plots at the City of Zhangjiakou, analysis was made on the effect of rainfall intensity on the relationship among slope length, runoff and soil loss.


  • 为了研究连续道路事故的关系,采集了5典型连续路段总为76。

    In order to study the effect of gradient and length of long and steep downgrade on the traffic accidents, the data of 1276 traffic accidents which occurred in 5 different typical downgrades 76.


  • 土壤侵蚀量度均存在显著相关关系,与相比,土壤侵蚀量变化更为敏感

    Soil erosion did not have a remarkable correlation with slope length and gradient, but was more sensitive to the change in gradient.


  • 分析双车道二级公路不同坡长大量运行速度实测数据的基础上,得出车辆运行规律

    The article puts forward the design method of grade in marshalling yard, pass to analyse the running characteristic of different wagons in marshalling yard.


  • 因此改变矸石局部地形缩短快速恢复植被提高土壤入渗是减少水土流失有效途径。

    Therefore, altering the small landform in waste rock hill partly, shorting the length of slope, recovering vegetations quickly, raising.


  • 通过试验示范调研分析,结果认为无论从影响看,都属严重土壤侵蚀地带

    The results show that the dam slop is the most serious erosion belt in view of both gradient and slop length;


  • 临界、临界不是个确定的一定范围内变化,变化范围由降雨面地形等因素决定

    Critical slope gradient or slope length is not a constant value, which varies in some ranges and depends on the factors of rainfall, slope type.


  • 本文分析了流域面积、流域流域度、流域和河道量算方法因子设计洪峰流量的影响

    This paper analyzes all main factors to influence flood peak, such as, the area of drainage basin, slope and streams, etc, and respectively calculating approach are introduced.


  • 通过速度减量之间的关系曲线,提出基于运行速度差满足公路服务水平要求的各级公路最大坡长限制值

    By analyzing the relationship between speed loss, speed discount in different gradient and grade length, the paper also brings forward the maximum longitudinal gradient and grade length limit.


  • 方法铝板制作相同不同齿钥匙模型相同夹持方式下模拟增配过程,观察总结钥匙上仿形刀痕迹倾斜角度的变化

    Methods Similated to duplicate model keys in sameness nipping manner, then observe and summarize the slope angel of profile modeling reamer trace how to change.


  • 山区公路分离式断面路线设计重点纵断面设计,在纵断面线形设计中通常使用控制参数容许最大最大容许

    The emphasis of montane highway design is vertical alignment's design, there are usually two controls parameters: concessional maximal longitudinal and concessional maximal length of grade.


  • 根据下路段事故统计资料,分析度、曲线衔接平曲线与道路安全关系提高大下路段安全,优化设计提供参考

    So the relationship between longitudinal gradient, grade length limit, vertical curve and safety is analyzed, which can be referred to improve the safety and optimize the profile design.


  • 沿盆地轴方向降缓、古地形等条件下,源远流地巨大定向曲流携带大量泥沙进入湖盆,河湖作用过渡带形成曲流河三角洲沉积体。

    The immense oriented meandering river, along the long axis of the depression and with the gentle declivity and long slope, carried a large amount of mud and sand into the lake basin.


  • 称颂鳄鱼漂亮,鳄鱼们暖和烂泥懒洋洋地晒太阳,在舒适只鳄鱼的前足趴在一只鳄鱼的背上时他拍摄它们

    He extolled their niceness, snapping them as they basked companionably on warm mud or on a favourite bank of long grass, the forefoot of one embracing the back of another.


  • 据此建立了金属矿床矿化深度深部规模地球化学预测模式

    Accordingly, the predictive geochemical prospecting model in depth and deep scale for Changpo super Sn poly metallic deposit is established.


  • 倒转背斜控制-钢坑矿床产出,层间剪切破碎断层控制矿体空闻位置

    The Changpo reverse anticline controls the location of Changpo-Tongkeng deposit, while the bed-parallel shear fracture zone and thrust fault control the ore bodies.


  • 迎接客人到来,村民在一起了一丰盛晚餐这样的晚餐每年重要节日也会举行

    The people in Changpojiao village gathers to eat an abundant dinner to welcome their guests. And such dinner is carried out in some important festivals every year.


  • 笔者通过实验研究发现有限实际滑动位置与无限的平行方法所假定滑动面不同

    Through laboratory study, it is found that the actual sliding surface occurred in veneer cover soil on finite slope is different from that of commonly used methods mentioned above.


  • 通过实验发现有限封面实际滑动位置与无限平行方法假定的滑动面不同

    Through laboratory study, it is found that the actual sliding surface occurred in veneer cover soil of variational thickness on finite slope is different from that of commonly used methods.


  • 紫外线中的uva肌肤伤害非常特别是春天

    Slope of the long ultraviolet UVA damage to the skin very large ', particularly in the spring.


  • 紫外线中的uva肌肤伤害非常特别是春天

    Slope of the long ultraviolet UVA damage to the skin very large ', particularly in the spring.


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