• 社会经济运行表现两种状态均衡运行均衡运行

    The operation of social economy can be divided into two states: equilibrium and disequilibrium.


  • 出于这个目的,运行KaazingWebSocket网关服务支持伙伴负载均衡感知允许负载均衡路由器配置为WebSocket服务器的伙伴。

    For this reason, services running on Kaazing WebSocket Gateway support peer load balancer awareness, which allows the load-balancing router to be configured as a peer next to WebSocket servers.


  • 如果由于维护或者升级的原因需要移除一个单元负载均衡可以流量直接发送正在运行那个单元。

    If a cell needs to be removed for maintenance or an upgrade, the load balancer can be directed to send traffic to just the cell that is running.


  • 因为嵌入方式运行WEB服务器上ModSecurity自动利用附加负载均衡特性

    Because it works embedded in web servers, ModSecurity will automatically take advantage of the additional load balancing and scalability features.


  • 本文介绍了搜索引擎并行检索均衡适应机制的解决方案,经实践证明运行效果良好达到预期目标

    This paper introduce research and practice of parallel retrieval balanced auto-adapted mechanism in search engine, it proved the operation result is good by practice, and reached the re-set target.


  • 另外托盘轴向运行一定均衡负荷作用

    In addition, the axial flexibility of tray has some load balanced effects in the operation.


  • 一个多层数据库应用系统中,应用程序服务器负载均衡能力为各个客户端应用程序正常运行提供一系列的安全保障

    In application system of a multi-layer database, the ability of application servers load balance can provide some safety service to ensure the systems normal running.


  • 第四部分博弈要素、博弈过程、博弈均衡方面拆迁行为进行了博弈分析,系统地分析了拆迁补偿主体行为关系、拆迁补偿制度运行成本。

    Fourthly, the author take the Game Pattern research by the balance, etc., analyzed systematically about the relation of principal part's action and house-demolishing compensation.


  • 沟通协调可使矛盾着各个方面居于统一体中,使系统结构均衡,使项目实施运行过程顺利。

    Communication and coordination of all aspects of the contradiction in unity, so that the system structure is balanced, so that the operation process and project implementation.


  • 资源管理对于构造大型应用系统非常重要,其中连接管理确保系统有效运行负载均衡关键

    It is important for large scare application system to manage resources, and the most important aspect is the connection management.


  • 规则运行取决于交易各方投入成本利益收益均衡

    The latent regulation's moving is decided by a balance between the costs and the profits of the transacting parties related.


  • 部分管网布局不合理管线运行压力均衡无法满足居民生活用气要求

    Part of the pipe network is unreasonable, the pipeline operating pressure is not balanced, gas can not meet the living requirements.


  • 平衡钢索卷扬提升升船机在升降过程保持水平提升钢索索均衡对安全运行至关重要

    It is important to maintain the ship chamber horizontal and keep cable tensions in equilibrium during the running of the hoisting fully balancing type ship lifter.


  • 本文通过运用可计算一般均衡模型(简称CGE)模拟整个社会经济运行情况,模拟水运整个国民经济的影响

    This thesis USES the computable general equilibrium model (CGE for short) to simulate the entire operation of economy and the impact of shipping industry to national economy.


  • 同时发电机多机组并网运行时,通过功率均衡电路实现各机组有功功率功功率均衡分配

    At the same time, the power sharing controllers control the real power share and the reactive power share during the parallel operation of the diesel generators.


  • 分析我国经济运行机制基础上,探讨中国均衡模型的建模问题

    Then based on the analysis of movemechanism of the economy of China, the problem of the disequilibrium models of China is presented in this paper.


  • 买方市场出现是中国经济运行型态短缺经济”供需动态均衡经济”转型一个标志

    A buyer's market has shaped up, which marked the beginning of China's economy shifting from "the shortage economy" to "supply and demand dynamic equilibrium economy".


  • 股票市场价格均衡均衡均可用一定方法进行测量 ,应运用测量方法 ,才能搞好股市运行均衡分析

    The equilibrium and disequilibrium of the stock market can be measured with certain method. Only when this method is used properly can equilibrium analysis of market movements be carries out properly.


  • 以水均衡方程为基础,应用时间序列分析法建立系统管理模型对地下水资源系统进行系统运行控制预测管理

    Systematic management model is set up by time series analytic method based on water balance equation to control, predict and manage groundwater resources system.


  • 分析我国经济运行机制基础建立了中国宏观经济均衡模型系统

    Based on the analysis of move mechanism of the economy of China, the disequilibrium model system of Chinese macroeconomic is established in this paper.


  • 上海某市域快速轨道交通线为例,通过计算机仿真铺画列车运行方法,对开行快慢车后行地点的选择以及列车始发的均衡问题进行了分析研究。

    Finally, this paper studies the problem of the selection of overtaking station and the proportion of train interval by computor simulation of train graph making on Shanghai urban rail transit line.


  • 传统方法相比缩短均衡时间提高系统均衡精度。经实际运行表明该方法成功的。

    The new method can shorten the equalization time and improve the control precision, compared with the traditional one, and it is proved to be successful in practical operation.


  • 为期会期间,通过实际运行考证,表现良好效果证明了对动态负载均衡技术改进的有效性。

    During the 10 days' Winter Universiade, after the test of real operation, the system performed very well, which proved the effectiveness of improved dynamic load-balancing technology.


  • 一般均衡理论分析宏观经济增长仍然具有重要意义可以使我们深刻理解中国宏观经济运行内在机制

    The theory of common balance remains significant to analysis of increase of macro-control economy, for it helps us understand deeply the inner mechanism of movement of Chinese macro-control economy.


  • 只有通过均衡我们饮食我们才能保持身体正常运行

    Only by balancing our diet can we keep our body functioning well.


  • 古诺均衡状态下企业竞争进行了分析,通过引入竞争对手间反应函数的概念,横向兼并后企业运行决策进行了研究。

    By introduction of rivals reaction function the strategic decisions of mergered firms are discussed, from which some interesting conclusions are drawn.


  • 绘图说明城市化经济运行均衡状态均衡状态

    Make a figure to explain the state of equilibrium and disequilibrium of economy operation of urbanization.


  • 只有通过均衡我们饮食,我们才能保持身体正常运行

    Only by balancing our diet _______________ our body functioning well.


  • 因此市场均衡基数适当的调低缴费基数缴费比例,将会对有利于劳动力市场培育社会保障系统运行

    Thus, it will foster the labor market and social security system if the base and radio of fee are appropriately reduced on the basis of the market wags.


  • 因此市场均衡基数适当的调低缴费基数缴费比例,将会对有利于劳动力市场培育社会保障系统运行

    Thus, it will foster the labor market and social security system if the base and radio of fee are appropriately reduced on the basis of the market wags.


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