• 人们发现,录音机在播放树上筑巢鸣禽的乞食叫声时,比起在播放地面筑巢的鸣禽的乞食叫声时,鸟蛋攻击的几率明显增大

    The eggs "advertised" by the tree-nesters' begging calls were found bitten significantly more often than the eggs associated with the ground-nesters' calls.


  • 地面指挥中心呼叫航天飞机“发现号”。

    This is Mission Control calling the space shuttle Discovery.


  • 发现任何危险,雄性就用鼻子轻拍地面

    As soon as he detects any danger, the bull taps on the ground with his trunk.


  • 一些马桶的冲水把手上地面发现相类似的细菌

    Some toilet flush handles also had bacteria comparable to what was found on the floor.


  • 研究小组发现他们能够得到涡轮机周围所有高度精准测量数据但是同时也意识装置安放在地面远非理想选择

    The team found they were able to get accurate measurements at all heights around the turbine, but realised that installing the device on the ground was far from ideal.


  • 这些菌落分成三类:分别马桶表面地面经常接触的地方发现的细菌。

    Bacterial communities were grouped into three categories: those found on toilet surfaces, on floors, and on surfaces usually touched by hands.


  • 上方靠近母牛可以发现它的形象从头到脚被纵向拉长地面往上看母牛却还是正常的比例大小。

    Up close the cow appears to be stretched from head to toe, but when viewed from the ground the cow regains normal proportions.


  • 在那里冥想时直接发现这个情况,此地散发出一个半透明(或者能量场),有点类似盛夏柏油路看到的因地面升温而产生的幻象

    You discovered first hand while meditating there, the area exuded a translucent wave field, similar to the mirage you see when observing heat rising from tarmac roads in the height of summer.


  • 田先生一家最终地面上时,发现家里人平安无恙

    When he and his family finally set their feet on the ground, he found out that everyone was fine.


  • 雷达各种天气条件下作战,可以立即发现监控跟踪敏感区域所有地面移动目标和所有海上目标(移动和固定)。

    The radar, which is operational under all weather conditions, immediately detects, monitors, and tracks all ground moving targets and all sea targets (moving and stationary) in the region of interest.


  • 根氦管路意外泄露最后地面支持人员发现问题源自一个松动密封环

    A helium line unexpectedly vented, eventually leading ground support crews to a ring that had come loose from a seal.


  • 之后阳光开始脖子热气女人皮肤上的香味一样地面蒸起的时候推开房门发现屋里

    And after that, when the sun had begun to burn against his neck, when the heat rose from the ground like perfume from a woman's skin, he opened the door to his house and found her.


  • 执行Nasa阿波罗计划宇航员月球地面(地球可见面)发现元素的踪迹

    Astronauts sent as part of NASA's Apollo missions found trace amounts of silver, along with gold, on the near-side (Earth-facing side) of the Moon.


  • 韩国名网友日前互联网上发布了一个神秘麦田图片(),并称该麦田圈发现于忠清南道保宁市附近地面

    A South Korean netizen recently published a picture of a crop circle (see photo) on the Internet, claiming it was found near the country's Chungnam Boryoung City.


  • 挖土时尸块涌出地面事实暴露出来——也就是说人们发现丈夫毒瘾

    As the dirt is dug up and the body parts start to surface, the facts are coming to light-that is, people are finding out about her husband's addiction.


  • 经过多次远距离飞行之后再比较两个钟表,结果发现喷气式飞机钟表比地面上的钟表

    After a number of long distance flights the two clocks were compared and the one that had been on the plane was running behind the clock that had stayed on the ground.


  • 自然设计师Ren Shuwa说:“3次试验开幕我们发现地面渗水迹象而且有些植物偏向一边。”

    Ren Shuwa, Engineer of Nature Pavilion said "After the three trial openings, we found there were signs of water seeping onto the ground, and some plants were leaning to one side."


  • 人们发现播撒过的单个云中降落地面的雨量,是从未经播撒云中降落下来的3

    It was found that three times as much rain fell to the ground from seeded single clouds as from unseeded clouds.


  • 如果Bethlehem不是什么议员早就地窖里块案发现场的地面了。

    But if Bethlehem wasn't a Senator you would be right there in his basement looking for that killing floor.


  • 很多种鸟常常共同迁徙,但是他们停下来觅食休息的时候,就会发现不同种类有的地面上,有的在中层高度,有的则顶处

    Mixed flocks of several species often travel together, but when they are feeding or resting you will spot different birds on the ground, at mid-level heights and at the tree tops.


  • 但是由于新的挖掘地面几乎零距离,因此如果的话,应该发现接近时间点的物种损失世界上其他地方多。

    But since the new digs were so close to ground zero, the immediate species loss ought to be have been - if anything - greater there than anywhere else in the world.


  • 美国国家航空航天局表示天文学家使用地面望远镜搜寻太阳系之外行星发现了上百个不同的天体。

    According to NASA, "Astronomers using ground-based telescopes to hunt for planets outside our solar system, dubbed extrasolar planets, have nabbed more than a hundred alien worlds."


  • 有一次清澈湛蓝马尔代夫水域发现自己忽视远处两条露出地面巨型鲼,当时我跪在沙滩上观察一个珊瑚

    In the clear blue waters of the Maldives I once found myself ignoring a pair of giant manta rays just five metres from where I was kneeling on the sand staring at a coral outcrop.


  • 飞机撞击地面时震了,他苏醒过来时,他惊异发现身边有名妇女照料

    He was knocked unconscious during the crash landing, and when he came to, he was astonished to find a woman leaning over him.


  • 化石发现地点是马萨诸塞州阿特波罗北部一个露出地面岩层

    The team found the fossil in a rock outcrop in North Attleboro, Massachusetts.


  • 化石发现地点是马萨诸塞州阿特波罗北部一个露出地面岩层

    The team found the fossil in a rock outcrop in North Attleboro, Massachusetts.


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