• 地磁成因地球物理学的重大理论难题之一

    Formation cause of geomagnetic field is one of the important difficult problems of geophysics.


  • 地震探测应用地球物理学分支学科,其诞生则是源于地震波增加。

    This method is a part of applied geophysics and is based on the propagation of seismic waves in the earth's crust.


  • 每个估计应变状态地质学地球物理学的方法取得的较好的一致性

    The estimated strain status of each block is well consistent with those derived by the methods of geology and geophysics.


  • 地震预测油藏描述主要工具之一成为储层地球物理学的核心内容。

    Seismic reservoir prediction is one of the main tools in reservoir description, and has become a core in reservoir geophysics.


  • 伟大的发现一些复杂地球物理学难题给出了模棱两可的解释,正在改变地球科学家有关地球细微处思考

    This remarkable finding, which offers plausible solutions to some perplexing geophysical puzzles, is transforming what Earth scientists think about the most remote part of our planet.


  • 显然试图解释预测磁场变化地球物理学必须了解发生什么

    Clearly, geophysicists who seek to explain and forecast changes in the field must understand what happens in the outer core.


  • 只要我们消耗化石燃料,我们就在排放二氧化碳。”哥伦比亚大学地球物理学克劳斯· 拉克内

    "As long as we're consuming fossil fuels, we're putting out CO2," says Klaus Lackner, a geophysicist at Columbia University.


  • 加拿大地球物理学家 Tuzo Wilson意识到,如果一块内部固定火山移动表面板块形成了岛屿就会导致岛屿年龄增加。

    Canadian geophysicist Tuzo Wilson realized that this age progression could result if the islands were formed on a surface plate moving over a fixed volcanic source in the interior.


  • 地球物理学家说:幸运是,新建科学实验室设施即将诗人手中夺回领域

    Fortunately, new lab facilities dedicated to the study of clouds will soon wrest that field from poets, the geophysicists argue.


  • 地球物理学亚利桑那州废弃铜矿矿井进行第二次试验,他们25铁板间隔的放置地下45米出坑道中。

    The geophysicists went on to conduct a second test in an abandoned copper mine in Arizona, using 25 iron plates spaced at various intervals in tunnels up to 45 metres below ground.


  • 就是侏罗纪公园’。”马施旧金山召开美国地球物理学协会会议上发言

    "This is my Jurassic Park," he said at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.


  • 本周出版的《地球物理学研究通讯》上,研究小组解释道:这些原子电荷因此它们可能受到太阳地球磁场的影响。

    Those atoms, the team explains this week in Geophysical Research Letters, are not electrically charged, so they can't be influenced by magnetic fields from the sun or Earth.


  • 即将出版地球物理学研究快报》上,一个研究小组报道说,无线电信号变化土星极光的强度正好一致

    In an upcoming issue of Geophysical Research Letters, a team reports that the variations in radio signal coincide with the intensity of the planet's auroras.


  • 而言之,根据巴贝同事地球物理学评论快报最新解释卫星照片分析结果错误的。

    In short, as Barber and his colleagues explain in a recent paper in Geophysical Review Letters, the analysis of what the satellites were seeing was wrong.


  • 幸运是,通过测量·基洛断层线速度小组加勒比海地球物理学取得了实质性进展

    Fortunately, he says, by measuring the speed of the Enriquillo fault line, his team has made substantial progress in Caribbean geophysics.


  • 虽然气温不断攀升美国地球物理学一份最新调查显示美国以往更加不关心全球变暖作斗争的事情。

    Even as the temperature was climbing, a new survey by the American Geophysical Union found that Americans are less concerned than ever about combatting global warming.


  • 海啸来临的时候,纽约基督教神父,一个俄勒冈州的工程学教授,一个圣地亚哥地球物理学电视

    When it came, they were all glued to their televisions - a Jesuit priest in New York, an engineering professor in rural Oregon, a geophysicist in San Diego.


  • 看上去一种强烈趋势地球物理学家们还清楚一系列强烈地震除了偶然之外,是否预示着更多的可能。

    That might seem like a powerful trend, but geophysicists do not know whether the clustering of large earthquakes represents anything more than chance.


  • 地球物理学埃米尔。欧卡尔认为智利地震产生海啸其实真的不算

    Geophysicist Emile Okal agreed that the the tsunami spawned by the Chile earthquake wasn't really all that small.


  • 但是在此之前地球物理学者们认为,这种俯冲带地震仅仅年轻的海洋地壳挤入地幔处才可能发生。

    But geophysicists had thought that great subduction-zone earthquakes happened only where younger oceanic crust scrapes its way into the mantle.


  • 上述数据是阿拉斯加大学两位地球物理学瓦伦蒂娜·拉迪克丽金·霍克通过电脑模型计算出的,该电脑模型来自1961至2004年期间300多个冰川资料记载

    Geophysicists Valentina Radic and Regine Hock of the University of Alaska base these calculations on a computer model derived from records for more than 300 glaciers between 1961 and 2004.


  • 地球物理学早就知道,地球磁场变化原因深藏地球中心

    Geophysicists have long known that the source of the fluctuating magnetic field lies deep in the center of the earth.


  • 作为地球物理学者,美国航天航空局喷气动力实验室所做的研究帮助正确时间正确的位置发射宇宙飞船,并且使之准确到达目的地

    His research for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a geophysicist helps launch spacecraft at the correct time and position to reach their exact destinations.


  • 此次地震对我们教训,”艾米尔卡尔伊利诺伊州伊万斯顿西北大学的一名地球物理学家,她的研究领域巨大地震巨大海啸

    "This earthquake is a lesson in humility," says Emile Okal, a geophysicist at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, who studies great earthquakes and tsunamis.


  • 美国地质调查局地球物理学赫德纳特说:“我们它们超级地震,它们的力量十分可怕。”

    We call them great earthquakes. Everybody else calls them horrible, said USGS geophysicist Ken Hudnut.


  • 美国地质调查局地球物理学赫德纳特说:“我们它们超级地震,它们的力量十分可怕。”

    "We call them great earthquakes. Everybody else calls them horrible," said USGS geophysicist Ken Hudnut.


  • 35年来放置月球表面反射镜依然使用一些地球物理学测地学兴趣的科学家用它们来研究月球引力场如何时间变化。

    Some 35 years on, reflectors placed on the lunar surface are still used by scientists interested in geophysics and geodesy (for example, how the moon's gravitational field shifts over time).


  • 这个组织国际地球物理学年会(LGY)一个派生机构,但是项目已经地球物理学拓展地图测绘生物学

    This group is an outgrowth of the International Geophysical Year (I.G.Y.); but its program has broadened from geophysics to include mapping and biology.


  • 今年3月,美国地质勘探局地球物理学汤姆·帕森斯(Tom Parsons)告诉自然”杂志,伊斯坦布尔未来25年内7更高级别地震袭击机率在30%60%之间

    In March, USGS geophysicist Tom Parsons told Nature that the chances of Istanbul being hit by a magnitude 7 or greater quake in the next 25 years are between 30 and 60 percent.


  • 今年3月,美国地质勘探局地球物理学汤姆·帕森斯(Tom Parsons)告诉自然”杂志,伊斯坦布尔未来25年内7更高级别地震袭击机率在30%60%之间

    In March, USGS geophysicist Tom Parsons told Nature that the chances of Istanbul being hit by a magnitude 7 or greater quake in the next 25 years are between 30 and 60 percent.


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