• 地中海区域早期文明中拱形结构主要运用地下排水管上地上建筑首先发展广泛使用拱门的是罗马人。

    The arch was used by the early cultures of the Mediterranean area chiefly for underground drains, but it was the Romans who first developed and used the arch extensively in aboveground structures.


  • 在空中建筑楼阁地上建筑更为有趣

    There is more pleasure in building castles in the air than on the ground.


  • 这些圆形天窗仰望蕨类植物园,作为地上建筑

    These round skylights look up to a fern garden, which also ACTS as a central atrium for the building above.


  • 人生惟一理论目的地上建筑人间天堂。——希尔泰。

    The only theory, the purpose of life is building a paradise on earth in the earth.


  • 陵墓大型庄严墓葬建筑石头堆砌埋葬死者地上建筑

    Mausoleum: Large, impressive tomb, especially a stone building with places for entombment of the dead aboveground.


  • 篇文章发表几个月,其实是从他共同创立,地上建筑公司解雇了

    The article was publish just months before he was actually was fired from the company he co-founded and built from the ground up.


  • 无论地上建筑如何更新传世乃至不朽天空总是灵动、充满生机达到永恒

    No matter how updated, how long-lasting, even immortal the earthly buildings can be, the sky will always be full of lively spirits, full of life, reaching to eternity.


  • 隧道结构特殊性——狭小又相对封闭,造成隧道火灾不同地上建筑火灾的一些特点。

    As the tunnel structure has some particularities, narrow and comparatively close, there are many differences between the tunnel fires and the building fires.


  • 建筑工人叫他们完成额外建筑工作回来做一点小工便宜

    It is cheaper to have extra building work done when the builder is on site, rather than bringing him back for a small job.


  • 那位建筑师对着地上一个打手势

    The architect was gesticulating at a hole in the ground.


  • 台风席卷地震撼动的土地上日本最高看似最脆弱建筑——约500座木制宝塔——是如何屹立几个世纪的?

    In a land swept by typhoons and shaken by earthquakes, how have Japan's tallest and seemingly flimsiest old buildings—500 or so wooden pagodasremained standing for centuries?


  • 一千美国西南部现代祖尼人和皮人祖先在他们统治地上修建了复杂的道路建筑后来由于一些不为人所知的原因,又遗弃了这些复杂的道路和建筑

    The ancestors of the modern Zuni and Hopi built and then, for reasons still mysterious, abandoned the complex roads and structures of the domain they ruled a millennium ago in the American southwest.


  • 核电站座辅助建筑地上流淌着放射性液体。

    He made his way to the auxiliary building and viewed the radioactive water collected on the floor.


  • 如今,地上建筑早已兵火毁灭那些深藏地下物品长久保留下来。

    The structures of these places above the ground have long been destroyed, but the objects underground are still there.


  • 但是国会休会而且其他重要问题隐隐约约地出现(诸如建筑地上建立一个由两个街区构成社区等等)。

    But Congress was on recess, and other, more important, issues loomed (like whether a community could be built two blocks from a construction site, and so on).


  • 片土,一幢靠近一个风洞建筑里,人们正在创造更加不寻常东西

    In a building near a wind tunnel on the same sprawling site, something even more remarkable is being created.


  • 1967年以来,没有以色列首相能够阻止巴勒斯坦地上建起犹太建筑拉夫必须设法一劳永逸的解决这个问题。

    None of her predecessors since 1967 have managed it, but she would have to stop, once and for all, Jewish building on Palestinian land.


  • 白天城市到处都建筑灰尘声音有人晚上这座城市漂亮

    The swirl of construction dust and sound of jackhammers can be overwhelming during the day. Some say the city looks best at night.


  • 自己家人被迫在其他地方找到住所,如今在这块围墙保护起来的土地上,只留下当年建筑留下的瓦砾

    It is now heaped with builders' rubble and protected by a wall while she and her family have been forced to find a roof elsewhere.


  • 孟加拉男子中东建筑时,妻子往往丈夫家人一起迁入(中东)。

    WHEN a Bangladeshi man goes to work on a construction site in the Middle East, his wife typically moves in with her husband’s family.


  • 三个儿子都没有学到这个技能两个孟买建筑地上干活。

    None of his three sons has learned this skill; two are working on construction sites in Pune and Mumbai.


  • 接到任务,要去另外城市百基培送货,这次送一个门框一个建筑地上

    One day, he got an assignment that took him out of the city limits, into Bajpe; he was delivering a doorframe to a construction site.


  • 雇佣本地泥瓦匠岩壁上花岗岩自己徒弟们则负责将大包水泥瓦片峰顶的建筑地上

    He recruited local masons to quarry granite blocks out of the rock faces, and he and his disciples hauled bags of cement and roof tiles up to the site.


  • 陈勇军只好建筑地上泥瓦匠王莉低价从厂里买来了一台针织机,在家里门口摆摊做起了简单的针线活生意。

    Chen had to be a mason in a construction site while Wang Li bought an old knitting machine and set a stand before her gate. She was very skillful in knitting.


  • 机场建筑大师诺曼·福斯特爵士设计建造——他曾设计温布利球场——机场建造开垦沼泽,这也是现代英国建筑工程大壮举。

    Designed by architect Lord Norman Foster -who created the new Wembley Stadium -the airport would be a modern-day feat of British engineering built on reclaimed marshland.


  • 尽管这样,很多年轻人还是希望国外建筑地上干活

    Still, it is the ambition of many young men to travel abroad and work in the construction industry.


  • 尽管这样,很多年轻人还是希望国外建筑地上干活

    Still, it is the ambition of many young men to travel abroad and work in the construction industry.


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