• 将会进一步第七探讨

    I'll discuss this further in Chapter 7.


  • 第七张画里一个姑娘体操

    In Picture 7, a girl is doing gymnastics.


  • 随后阿内尔卡帮助安切洛蒂球队第七分钟取得领先

    But the returning Anelka put Carlo Ancelotti's side ahead in the seventh minute.


  • 知道第七第四十二街交叉处交通多么拥挤

    He knew how the traffic congested at the junction of Seventh Avenue and Forty-second Street.


  • 店员第七走道调味品一起蕃茄酱旁边

    EMPLOYEE: That would be in aisle 7, with the condiments. It is right next to the ketchup.


  • 知道第七街和第四十二街交叉处交通多么拥挤

    He knew how the traffic congested at the junction of Seventh AvenueForty-second Street.


  • 店员第七走道调味品一起蕃茄酱旁边

    EMPLOYEE: : That would be in aisle 7, with the condiments. It is right next to the ketchup.


  • 但是现问题是……湖人保持第七的位置上吗?

    The question remains... can the Lakers even hold onto seven?


  • 冥王星第七宫会让大多数伙伴间都经历好的的两种影响

    Most couples experience a mixture of good and bad effects from a seventh-house Pluto.


  • 第七上帝劳作歇息为此赐福于第七天,为“神圣的。”

    So on the seventh day, God rested from his labors and for this reason he blessed the seventh day and declared it "holy."


  • 卡拉第七名字命名的一集中说的,氪星距离地球23个星系

    According gto Kara in the season 7 episode named after her, Krypton was located 23 galaxies away from Earth.


  • 我们下雨前第七的位置,而如果下雨的话我们大概只能这个名次结束

    We were running seventh before the rain came and we would have probably finished there if it had been totally dry.


  • 第七时候下了幸好雨势没有加大,完成了比赛没有遇到任何麻烦

    At Turn Seven and in the final sector there were a few drops of rain, but luckily it did not get worse and I was able to finish my run without any bother.


  • 第七戒律中,讲到第六条戒律一样:罪恶始于内心所以内心玷污地方

    He goes through the seventh commandment and says the same thing about it as he said about the sixth commandment. It begins in the mind, so it is in the mind where we get defiled.


  • 一阵子第七大道上扎营直到市容人员扔掉人行道上有碍观瞻个人物品

    For a long stretch, he had been camped out on Seventh Avenue, until a city sanitation crew disposed of his belongings, which had become an eyesore on the sidewalk.


  • 5月金星伴随火星对情侣第七时,将会恋人保持一种热切,甜蜜初见的关系

    Venus will accompany her lover Mars in May, and with this majestic cosmic couple in that house, you have a chance now to make your relationship as warm and close as it was when you first met.


  • 我们着手开发款相机我们制定了功能优先级顺序,影片拍摄功能大概第七第八的位置

    When we sat down in development and listed our priorities, film was probably only seventh or eighth on the list.


  • 第七第八级测验主要著重拼音、单字的大小写标点符号,语言能力书面表达技巧

    For Levels 7 and 8, a major portion of the test deals with skills in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and skills in usage and expression in writing.


  • 粉红蓝色测试据说第七有95%的准确性而且错误结果退款好象满足研究所述标准

    The Pink or Blue test, which claims 95 percent accuracy at seven weeks and gives refunds for wrong results, appears to meet the standards described in the new study.


  • 假如说第七空间,比起我们第三维空间,则你是个英雄超级英雄,不不,你会是上神

    Say, you are in the 7th dimension, compare to us, the third dimension. You will a hero, no, a super hero, no, a God.


  • 或许2011年法拉利到时候继续续约他们车手了,也或许他们第七了,这样的话不会想去那儿

    Maybe in 2011 Ferrari will want to renew their drivers again, or maybe they will be seventh and I will not want to go there, " said the current Renault driver."


  • 北卡罗来纳杜克大学执教的阿里利教授:“如果一个天长,人们在第七兴奋感肯定不如第一天。”

    Prof Ariely, who teaches at Duke University in North Carolina, said: "on a long vacation, day seven is less good than day one because it's not as exciting."


  • 对于徘徊第七的《灾难电影》来说,这几天完全一个大灾难——也明显的表明,观众已经厌倦那些恶搞影片

    It was a COMPLETE Disaster for Disaster movie, trudging along in seventh spot - a sure sign that people are fed up with all these lame-o spoof movies.


  • 并且以色列围攻耶利哥城时,他们约柜,吹着喇叭绕城绕一个星期,终于第七城墙了,得来全不费功夫。

    And when the Israelites besieged Jericho, they carried the Ark around the city for a week, blowing trumpets until, on the seventh day, the walls fell down, allowing easy conquest.


  • 明白些,第七季首映集中,不但甜蜜微笑开怀大笑,还跟他那纠结了不知道多久的前世冤家Cuddy沙滩上头卿卿我我。

    In fact, in the premiere, we'll see him smiling, laughing, and canoodling on the beach with at-long-last ladylove Cuddy.


  • 第七维度,你们会对所有一切中的神圣的光有清晰认识,同时你们也会庆祝神圣到来的过程中感受到无比欢乐

    At the Seventh Dimension of Light, there is a Clear Understanding of the Divine Light in all things and the Joy of celebrating the Divine Light and Heart in Ceremonies of Sacred Communion and Love.


  • 离婚率出乎意料地,一路攀升——研究中13%夫妻第三时候离婚,29%第七离婚,46.1%第十六年的时候离婚了。

    Divorce rates, no surprise, go up over time—with 13.9% of couples in the study having busted up at the three-year mark, 29% at year seven and 46.1% at year 16.


  • LaurieKenGraff德克萨斯州本州的家庭农场牧场使用TheMaize所提供服务第七的时候他们一点点变化。

    Laurie and Ken Graff are using the Maize's services on their family farm and ranch in Hondo, Texas, for the seventh year — though they do things a little differently.


  • LaurieKenGraff德克萨斯州本州的家庭农场牧场使用TheMaize所提供服务第七的时候他们一点点变化。

    Laurie and Ken Graff are using the Maize's services on their family farm and ranch in Hondo, Texas, for the seventh year — though they do things a little differently.


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