• 法国队决赛以3:0获胜

    France triumphed 3–0 in the final.


  • 他们决赛以22:6大败新西兰队

    They demolished New Zealand 22–6 in the final.


  • 幻想世界我们他们决赛对阵。

    In dreamland we play them in the final.


  • 肯尼迪决赛以0:6和0:6连输两盘落败。

    Kennedy was outclassed 0–6 0–6 in the final.


  • 利物浦队决赛不敌对手,以0:2输掉比赛。

    Liverpool couldn't match the opposition in the final and lost 2–0.


  • 决赛德国队发挥得几乎和阿根廷队一样出色。

    Germany ran Argentina very close in the final.


  • 预赛成绩好,且有望决赛同样出色的表现。

    He did well in the heats ; hopefully he'll do as well in the final.


  • 决赛狠狠地裁判之后上周受到首次禁赛处罚。

    He received the original ban last week after stamping on the referee's foot during the final.


  • 澳大利亚克里斯·罗伯逊决赛击败了的本国对手克里斯·迪特玛。

    Chris Robertson of Australia beat his compatriot Chris Dittmar in the final.


  • 决赛瑞典队轻松战胜了法国队

    In the final game Sweden easily overcame France.


  • 决赛倒下了。

    But he was down in the final.


  • 我们决赛惨败

    We were massacred in the final.


  • 打破消沉率领八一队连续第六次摘取联赛桂冠——决赛独得40

    Wang broke out of his slump to lead the Army team to its sixth consecutive CBA title - scoring 40 in the final game.


  • 2011赛季大满贯最佳战绩:亚军决赛中负于科维托娃。

    Best Grand Slam result in 2011: Wimbledon r-up.


  • 决赛澳大利亚Twickenham体育场12-6击败主队英格兰队。

    Australia defeated England 12-6 in the final at Twickenham.


  • 另外一冷门爆出多特蒙德决赛以3:1击败强大的尤文图斯,赢得了冠军

    Another upset followed four years later when Borussia Dortmund defeated Champions League favourites Juventus 3-1 in the final.


  • 连续第二决赛失利索德林必须品尝失败的苦涩。12个月这里费德勒打败。

    Soderling had to deal with being comfortably beaten in the final for the second year in a row, following his defeat by Federer 12 months ago.


  • 年后决赛,c罗开场时有一些尚佳表现随后又形同消失巴萨以2 - 0取得胜利

    A year later, in the final, CR 7 had a few good looks in the opening minutes and then faded away for the remainder of the match. Barca went onto win 2-0.


  • 希腊队决赛中一比零击败葡萄牙获得冠军队员们因此获得现代希腊十一天神美誉。

    Having defeated Portugal 1-0 to win the championship, the players were lauded2 as “the 11 gods of modern Greece.”


  • 新西兰决赛击败法国韦伯埃利斯奖杯因传说发明了橄榄球拉格公学学生得名

    New Zealand beat France in the final to become the first team to lift the newly crafted Webb Ellis Cup, named after the Rugby school pupil credited with inventing rugby union.


  • 这位奥运会冠军世界冠军一轮比赛跑出了1350的成绩,在决赛中打破自己保持的纪录

    The former Olympic and world champion clocked 13.50 seconds in the first round and soared to break his own record in the final.


  • 门将巴尔德斯脑赢球所独占。他说:“决赛什么事情都有可能发生特别是对阵曼联的时候。”

    Anything can happen in a final, especially against the team we are playing against.


  • 1998- 1999欧冠联赛曼彻斯特联队决赛击败拜仁慕尼黑再次登顶冠军,无疑是足球史上伟大的时刻

    Arguably the greatest football moment has to be Manchester United's triumphant comeback over Bayern Munich in the 1998-1999 champions league final.


  • 决赛对手周五另一场决赛三届澳网冠军罗杰·费德勒2008打入决赛的特松加胜者

    He'll take on the winner of Friday night's semifinal between three-time Australian Open winner Roger Federer and 2008 finalist Jo-Wilfried Tsonga.


  • 决赛对手周五另一场决赛三届澳网冠军罗杰·费德勒2008打入决赛的特松加胜者

    He'll take on the winner of Friday night's semifinal between three-time Australian Open winner Roger Federer and 2008 finalist Jo-Wilfried Tsonga.


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