• 仍然别的情况出现,特别是端市场。

    There could be other use cases, particularly in the midrange.


  • 妻子主要任务就是打理家务养育子女

    The principal roles of the wife are to keep house and raise the children.


  • 在中选手一般都队伍最好选手或者最好之一。

    Player that solos mid is usually one of the best if not the best player in the team.


  • 北约舰艇战机已经在中蓄势待发准备执行任务。

    Nato ships and aircraft are being assembled in the central Mediterranean to take on the responsibility.


  • 上周在中伦敦办公楼看到女士上了出租车。

    Last week I saw two women getting into a cab outside an office in central London.


  • SHV乐天百货出售在中万客隆的所有股份经营权

    SHV is selling its entire stake and management rights in the joint venture to Lotte Shopping.


  • 在中太平洋坎顿附近绿海龟过一片珊瑚的不毛之地。

    A green turtle glides over a wasteland of dead coral near Kanton island in the central Pacific.


  • 大使致词指出瓷器在中关系史上发挥重要作用

    Ambassador Zhang pointed out, in the history of the bilateral relationship between China and the Netherlands, porcelain have played an important role.


  • 去年估计低收入国家,有970万需要接受HIV治疗

    An estimated nine million seven hundred thousand people in low - and middle-income countries were in need of H.I.V. treatment last year.


  • 1948年12月那个晚上庄灵10,和的父母一起在中号上。

    Zhuang Ling was 10 years old on the December night in 1948 when his family boarded the Chung Ting.


  • 智利联盟concertacion的良好领导下渡过过去二十年。

    FOR the past two decades Chile has been rather well-governed by the Concertación, a centre-left coalition.


  • 示例类似管理命令示例,不同的是定义命令,任务命令使用定义步骤

    This example is similar to the admin command example, except that here, the command is defined within, and steps are defined within the task command with.


  • 市场,来自其它国家的新生酿酒商来势汹汹特别是新西兰酒业片繁荣景象

    There is now stiff competition in the mid-market from other New World producers, notably New Zealand, where the wine industry is booming (see article).


  • 卫组织支持行动呼吁是为了在中低收入国家扩大针对精神疾患的精神卫生服务覆盖面

    WHO is supporting a call for action to increase the coverage of mental health services for mental disorders in low - and middle-income countries.


  • 例如一个保存模拟在中时,实际应用程序一样填充id字段

    For example, when you save a domain class to a mock table, the id field is populated as it would be in a live application.


  • 佛罗里达州东海岸肯尼迪航天现场观看发射的观众来说,这次试飞的观测范围英里。

    For those spectators in the area of the Kennedy Space Center on central Florida? S eastern coast, the test launch should be viewable for miles around.


  • 诺基亚摩托罗拉索尼爱立信一直市场互相竞争,也是手机运营商最为看重、补贴最高一块。

    Nokia, Motorola and Sony Ericsson were chasing the middle of the market where the high volumes and high subsidies from the mobile phone operators were.


  • 全球范围内,未经矫正屈光不正是视力损害主要原因低收入国家白内障仍然致盲主要原因。

    Globally, uncorrected refractive errors are the main cause of visual impairment; cataracts remain the leading cause of blindness in middle - and low-income countries.


  • 在中埃及其他非洲友好国家共同努力下,论坛提出非建立新型伙伴关系实现共同繁荣目标一定能够实现。

    Under the concerted efforts of China, Ethiopia and other friendly African countries, the new partnership raised by the Forum and the aim of achieving common prosperity will.


  • 哈特曼有绝对权利坚持任何神学概念,在中的意义都不足与匹敌自由意志重要性,也不足以神圣天命相比。

    Hartman's absolutely right to insist that no theological concept is as important to Paradise Lost as free will on the one hand and divine providence on the other.


  • 脚本基线测试者所规定基本参数标准相结合,比如说姓名比较数据超级链接(可以人工操作者在中打开的)。

    Associates script lines with standard sets of tester-defined properties, such as Name, Compare Data, and links to attachments (which can opened within Manual tester).


  • 子星质量,看到x射线脉动,经常会发现非常接近于,太阳质量的1。44,但是小部分情况在中

    And whenever you make a measurement of the mass when it is a neutron star when you see the x-ray pulsations, you almost always find 4 that it is very close to 1.4 times the mass of the sun.


  • 如果上面的网布看起来呈拉伸或者撑起来样子,就说明上打滑,或者大底的花纹已经磨光了,该买跑鞋了。

    If the upper appears pulled or stretched so that the foot is sliding off the midsole, or the grooves on the outsole are worn smooth, it's time for new running shoes.


  • 6月26日起在中爪哇发生病例周围地区开展大规模暴发应对免疫接种活动,目标是78,000名5以下的儿童

    A large outbreak response immunization targeting 78,000 children aged less than five years was held from 26 June around the case in Central Java.


  • 宝马酒附近把放下,她暂时化险为夷迷登登地住处去了,一路上只感觉自己两只长度好像不一样来高一脚一脚的。

    She temporarily head off the danger and went back to her house. It seemed that different length of her feet she felt high and low in turn when walking in the way home.


  • 宝马酒附近把放下,她暂时化险为夷迷登登地住处去了,一路上只感觉自己两只长度好像不一样来高一脚一脚的。

    She temporarily head off the danger and went back to her house. It seemed that different length of her feet she felt high and low in turn when walking in the way home.


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