• 和唱团篡夺戈登国王王位

    CHORUS: To seize King Gordon's throne?


  • 对于一个国王来说,这样爱情允许的。于是,为了心爱女人为妻,他放弃英国国王的王位

    Because such a romance was not be permitted for a king, he abdicated the British throne in order to marry the woman he loved.


  • 对于一个国王来说,这样爱情允许的。于是,为了心爱女人为妻,他放弃英国国王的王位

    Because such a romance was not be permitted for a king, he abdicated2 the British throne in order to marry the woman he loved.


  • 国王日子快要到头了;外甥了——疯子登上王位了,一直会疯癫

    The King is near his end; my nephew is madmad will mount the throne, and mad remain.


  • 1986年,这位位继承人告诉一位电视记者自己乡间别墅海格罗夫与植物交谈刺激它们生长时,他们放声大笑

    They laughed aloud in 1986 when the heir to British throne told a TV reporter that he talked to his plants at his country house, Highgrove, to stimulate their growth.


  • 奥德赛,伊奥德修斯法亚克斯国王阿尔辛努斯证明了王位

    In the Odyssey, king Odysseus of Ithaca proves his royal status to king Alcinous of the Faiakes.


  • 这位年轻国王身居王位感到很不自在。

    The young king was uneasy on the throne.


  • 沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜拉自从2005年继承王位进行彻底改组

    King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia made the most thorough reshuffle of his government since assuming the throne in 2005.


  • 因为国王乔治没有儿子伊利莎白二世才得以继承父亲王位

    Elizabeth II succeeded her father, King George VI, because he had no sons.


  • 国王死后两个儿子获得王位

    When the old king died, his two sons both wanted to get the throne.


  • 年迈国王王位让给了儿子

    The old king relinquished his throne to his son.


  • 于是,公众不再纠缠于如果查尔斯王子当了国王之后应该做些什么而是更多地开始关注在等待王位的过程取得哪些成就。

    That debate settled, attention has focused not so much on what Prince Charles might do when he becomes king but what he has achieved as the heir in waiting.


  • 1702年1703年战争中,迅速打败了萨克森废黜了奥斯都波兰王位,并扶植了一个自己喜欢傀儡国王

    In the campaigns of 1702 and 1703 he repeatedly defeated the Saxons and then deposed Augustus from the Polish throne in favour of his own puppet king.


  • 报使哎呀可怜的国王徘徊空旷唐宁街房屋内,痛骂叛徒密谋夺取现已不稳王位

    HERALD: Alas, poor king, he roams the emptying Rooms of Downing Street, wailing that traitors Plot to seize his now unsteady throne.


  • 然后最近正在争夺宝座弗雷德里克马修公爵国王告诉他们:“给你们三个小时的时间,第一个件最好礼物带回,谁就继承王位。”

    He then called upon two young dukes, Frederick and Matthew, who had the nearest claims to the throne. The king told them, “Whichever of you brings me the finest gift will win my kingdom.


  • 获得王位之前做了23王储,其中十年一个非正式摄政王前任摄政王是1995年中风衰弱的法赫德国王

    He spent 23 years as crown prince before ascending the throne, ten of those as an unofficial regent after his predecessor, King Fahd, suffered a debilitating stroke in 1995.


  • 统治英国的1485年1509年期间,这位篡位国王不仅稳定加强统治网罗钱财而且意图王位基础,牢固地建立都王朝。

    From 1485 to 1509 he ruled England, a usurper-king steadily tightening his grip and casting his net for money, intent on establishing his Tudor dynasty firmly on the throne.


  • 继承人威廉王子日前(在接受采访)称童年梦想当一警察,此外他还讲述自己前额上的“哈利·波特疤痕”的来历。

    Prince William dreamed of becoming a policeman when he was younger, the heir to the British throne has admitted - while also revealing how he came to get a "Harry Potter scar" on his forehead.


  • 这位27岁的英第二继承人于当天上午离开惠灵顿飞往悉尼,将对澳大利亚进行为期三天的非正式访问

    The 27-year-old second in line to the throne flew out of Wellington Tuesday morning bound for Sydney for a three-day unofficial visit to Australia.


  • 略微超过半数57%的人认为未来50依然的低位,只有40%的人认为2111年威廉凯特子孙仍然王位

    A narrow majority, 57%, think there will be a place for a British monarch in 50 years but only 40% think William and Kate's descendants will still be on the throne in 2111.


  • 一任丈夫,法兰西国王十六岁上就去世了,这让丢掉法国王位——为此她悲痛欲绝。

    Her first, the King of France, had died at the age of sixteen and so she had lost the French throne - a circumstance that had caused her great pain.


  • 兄弟带到王位争吵的来龙去脉给了国王

    The brothers were ushered into his presence, and they told him all about the dispute.


  • 1986年,弗格森26岁的英第4号继承人安德鲁王子完婚。

    In 1986, Ferguson married then 26-year-old Andrew, who is 4th in line to the throne.


  • 国王继承人查尔斯王储本周二还清了英国王室350多年笔旧债好几万英镑高额利息一笔勾销。

    Heir to the throne Prince Charles on Tuesday paid off a family debt incurred more than 350 years agobut was spared the accumulated interest that could have run into tens of thousands of pounds.


  • 沙特阿拉伯的苦恼的改革派对Abdullah国王寄予很高希望Abdullah国王2005年继承王位,因改其革主义倾向赢得了广泛声誉

    Saudi Arabia’s beleaguered liberals had placed high hopes in King Abdullah, who succeeded to the throne in 2005 with a reputation for reformist tendencies.


  • 根据网站说法,继承人查尔斯王子的第二任妻子米拉麦当娜狄翁法国木匠ZacharieCloutier的后裔。

    Camilla - the second wife of Prince Charles, Britain's heir to the throne - Madonna and Dion are all descended from French carpenter Zacharie Cloutier, according to the website.


  • 问到第二顺位继承人是否可以亲吻,威廉说到:“亲!”

    When she asked the second-in-line to the throne for a kiss, he said: "Go for it!"


  • 倘若真正国王回来不得不让出王位

    If ever the true king came, he would have to relinquish the throne.


  • 同时也一些搞笑的镜头,其中Kalmadi先生戏称国王继承人(本次运动会揭幕Diana王子

    There were also nice comic touches, including Mr Kalmadi’s description of the heir to the British throne (who opened the games) asPrince Diana”.


  • 同时也一些搞笑的镜头,其中Kalmadi先生戏称国王继承人(本次运动会揭幕Diana王子

    There were also nice comic touches, including Mr Kalmadi’s description of the heir to the British throne (who opened the games) asPrince Diana”.


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