• 联邦所得税事项国内税收法典》调整。

    The federal income tax is governed by the Internal Revenue Code.


  • 进口关税国内税收

    Import duties and domestic taxes.


  • 南希是否希望秘密地国内税收局通个风?

    Did Nancy want him to tip off the irs confidentially?


  • 财务报告按照国内税收法报告目的加以区别

    Distinguish between the objectives of financial reporting and the reporting according to the Internal Revenue Code.


  • 第179条国内税收得到显着扩大有利于企业特别是小国

    Section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code has been dramatically expanded to the benefit of businesses, particularly small ones.


  • 利比亚废除食品国内税收以及进口税摩洛哥也真被攀升谷物价格进行补偿

    Libya abolished taxes and customs duties on food products, and Morocco tried to offset a surge in grain prices.


  • 一个联邦调查局、国内税收美国邮政检查进行的调查导致了上个月逮捕

    An investigation by the FBI, the Internal Revenue Service and the U. S. Postal Inspection Service lead to the arrest last month.


  • 财政内部文件的第42部分中可以找到国内税收制定住宅信贷计划的规章。

    The Internal Revenue Service regulations for the Housing Credit Program can be found under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code.


  • 这些分析得出如下结论单一政策调整效力而言,出口退税优于国内税收汇率政策;

    These analysis brings the following results:under protected trade and with respect to the effectiveness of the single policy, the export rebate is superior to the domestic tax and exchange rate;


  • 不会看电影戏剧时情绪失控,我从来都不是梦想家如果问我究竟有何追求,就是精通各项根据法律编纂国内税收服务规则

    I do not lose myself in films or plays, I've never been a dreamer, and if I aspire to any form of mastery at all, it is one defined by rules of the Internal Revenue Service and codified by law.


  • 历史上曾经员工十分仁慈的福布斯公司开始停止员工的401k译者注:401 k计划是美国1978年《国内税收法》第401条K项的规定。

    The company, historically benevolent to employees, has ceased matching contributions to its 401 (k) program.


  • 美国石油公司国外开发石油,却国内享受税收抵免(有时85%)。

    American oil companies earn a tax credit at home for royalties (of up to 85% in some cases) paid on oil extracted abroad.


  • 没有强劲的国内经济支持,经济增长带来税收收入将不足以减少国债

    Without a stronger domestic economy, growth will not generate enough tax revenue to reduce the debt.


  • 此次游说目的为了他们海外收入争取为期一年的税收减免,使他们能够按5%左右税率,将这笔钱转移回美国国内而不是当前35%的税率

    Their aim is to win a one-year tax amnesty on their foreign earnings, allowing them to repatriate that money at a tax rate of about 5%, instead of the 35% they face now.


  • 日本地震税收打击了日本投资者积极性他们不再把投往国内因为资金一旦回流,就得承担税赋

    The tax discouraged Japanese investors from repatriating money to Japan after its earthquake, because they did not want to pay the tax if they ever decided to return.


  • 理论上与GDP等同较少普遍使用的标准国内总收入它是工资利润税收的总和。

    A theoretically equivalent but less commonly-cited indicator is Gross Domestic Income, which adds up wages, profits and taxes.


  • 同时他们国内所面临竞争亦日趋激烈使他们对于成本亦就越加敏感——包括监管成本税收

    They are also facing ever fiercer competition at home and abroad, which makes them increasingly sensitive to costs-including the costs of regulation and tax.


  • 法案取消石油公司2004年获得的“国内生产”的税收减免,这项减免比对地理成本税收暂停征收数额上要小得多

    The bill would also rescind a tax credit for "domestic manufacturing" that oil companies received in 2004 and a much smaller tax break for geological expenses.


  • 尽管额外的国家税收带来更多实质性增长,英国还是大大超过美国国内当前最高税率35%的联邦所得税

    And Britain is also well ahead of the United States, where the current top rate of federal income tax is 35%, though additional state levies can add substantially more.


  • 由于国内企业进口需求增大,这些刺激海关代征进口产品税收迅猛增长

    All these stimulated remarkably the growth of tax collected by the customs administrations on behalf of the tax authorities upon imported products.


  • 国会研究部(国会提供报告库)一项评估结论税收减少了国内石油产量增加了进口量

    An evaluation by the Congressional Research Service, a think tank that provides reports to Congress, concluded that the tax significantly reduced domestic oil production and raised oil imports.


  • 所以经济复苏是否会带来更多工作并且西班牙送入一个良性循环?——持续增长国内消费更高税收公共医疗资金更多的工作岗位

    So will the recovery create jobs and send Spain into a virtuous cycle of increased domestic consumption, a higher tax take, healthy public finances and more jobs?


  • 一些税收激励可能包括刺激经济的一揽子方案中帮助刺激国内需求,”

    "Some taxation incentives are also likely to be included in the stimulus package to help boost domestic demand," Yin said.


  • 同时这些国家中,国内纵向税收竞争研究也较为深入

    At the same time in these countries, tax competition on the domestic longitudinal study deeper.


  • 巴西最近施行了一项新政策,国外投资者购买国内债务征收双倍税收

    Brazil recently doubled a tax on foreign purchases of its domestic debt.


  • 高级官员,令人激动税收系统国内制造商消费过程,对产品生产过程比对消费过程以及补助金进口征收更高的税费。

    The existing system, senior officials say, taxes production more than consumption and, in effect, subsidizes importers at the expense of domestic producers.


  • 多半收入来自国内市场日本烟草,日本烟民已经承担较高税收大约每包卷烟价格63%。

    JT, which is dependent for more than half its revenues on the domestic market, says Japanese smokers are already burdened with high taxes, at about 63 per cent of the price of a pack of cigarettes.


  • 国内税法中制定相应条款,明确规定税收抵免主体对象完善对外税收协定

    Relevant provisions should be included in domestic taxation legislations to setup the subject and object of tax credit and taxation agreements with foreign countries should be completed.


  • 如何运用税收手段节约能源成为国内理论界思索研究一个非常重要紧迫的课题。

    How to use taxation to save energy have become a very important and urgent research topic which should be take into theoretical consideration.


  • 如何运用税收手段节约能源成为国内理论界思索研究一个非常重要紧迫的课题。

    How to use taxation to save energy have become a very important and urgent research topic which should be take into theoretical consideration.


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