• 固定(12)基本上能使空气透过。

    The immobilization network (12) is substantially permeable to air.


  • 第一条规定所称声讯,是利用固定电话传送声音等信息

    Article I the "radio services" mentioned in this regulation refers to the sound information transferred by fixed line phone.


  • 这里讨论通信领域关于融合概念固定移动因特融合(FMIC)。

    The new concept of fixed network, mobile network and Internet convergence(FMIC)is dis cussed in this paper.


  • 介绍了利用塑料挤出生产人工草坪生产工艺探讨了人工草皮固定网挤出模具设计

    The technological process of artificial skiing lawn by plastic extrusion method was introduced. The extrusion die design of artificial lawn was also discussed.


  • 通过固定网和移动融合FMC价值链分析提供固定和移动电信业务融合更好理解

    This article analyzes the value chain of FMC to provide a better understanding of the FMC service.


  • 文章指出IP移动固定结合粘合剂。分析了结合必要性、可能的途径需要的问题

    It also points out that IP is the bond of fixed network and mobile network, and analyzes the way toward FMI and related issues.


  • 移动固定存在大量共同技术因此讨论移动核心业务时,可以结合起来讨论。

    Mobile and fixed networks share many technologies, so fixed networks can be taken into consideration in the discussion of core and service networks of mobile networks.


  • 公开了使用固定(12)的空气循环系统(40)中所使用微生物面罩(24)杀微生物空气过滤器(10)。

    A microbicidal facemask (24) and a microbicidal air filter (10) used in an air circulation system (40) using the immobilization network (12) are disclosed.


  • 随着互联兴起TCP/IP协议采用各种应用层不穷,传统固定移动互联联系越来越紧密。

    With the rise of the Internet, TCP / IP protocol used cluster, the endless variety of applications, the traditional fixed network, mobile network and the Internet more and more closely linked.


  • 下面工人已经准备好了一个金属长长的钉子固定地面上,围住铲车即将慢慢卸下负荷地方

    Down below, the workmen had prepared a metal net, which was fixed to the ground with long nails, all around the space where the crane was slowly lowering its load.


  • 雷声公司Solipsys分部战术组件(TCN)技术可以使五角大楼通过固定移动通信方法迅速连接传感器分发信息

    The Raytheon Solipsys Tactical Component Network (TCN) technology will enable the Pentagon to link sensors and distribute information instantly across both fixed and mobile communication methods.


  • 外科医生会在缺损处放置医用外科,然后再一个小的外科固定固定住。手术通常需要全身麻醉有时也可能采用局部麻醉脊髓麻醉。

    This operation is usually performed with general anesthesia or occasionally using regional or spinal anesthesia.


  • 返回固定位置时,以太连接重新检测到通信就可以这个接口上恢复。

    Upon return to the docking station, the Ethernet connection would be detected and communication resumed over this interface.


  • ITU固定电话移动电话宽带互联服务平均成本相加,计算人均国民总收入所占比例,得出ict价格指数。

    The ITU's ICT price basket combines the average cost of fixed-line telephones, mobile phones and fixed-line broadband Internet services, calculated as a proportion of gross national income per person.


  • 牵引蛛丝作为支撑用来将圆一个个终点固定在外河湖之上的树杈上,形成一种辐射状

    "Dragline" silk is used to create the supporting strands that anchor the endpoints of an orb web to tree branches overhanging rivers or lakes and forms the radial threads in the web.


  • 专利商标局认为“NexusOne这个名称俄勒冈州波特兰Integra电信公司旗下的Nexus固定宽带语音服务T1产品相近。

    The name "Nexus One" was ruled too close to Portland, Oregon based Integra Telecom's own registered trademark for its Nexus fixed bandwidth integrated voice and internet T1 product.


  • Wi - Fi固定因特连接提供一个理想无线连接方式,而蓝牙则是为,怎么说,个人区域(personal area net work)内的所有东西提供了个理想的无线连接方式。

    Wi-Fi offers an ideal wireless connection to a fixed Internet connection, while Bluetooth offers an ideal wireless connection for, well, anything in your personal area network.


  • 研究设计彻底清创应用钛(固定椎体骨髓炎患者进行回顾性临床放射学评估

    Study Design. A retrospective clinical and radiologic evaluation of patients with vertebral osteomyelitis treated via radical debridement and stabilization using titanium mesh cages.


  • 路自装置进行自体髂骨移植填充,从而完成关节固定

    Arthrodesis was done with autogenous iliac bone graft or titanium cage supplemented with anterior self-lock plates in both groups.


  • 摄像机固定一个架子上使用时通过标准以太电缆接入家庭小型办公但有点奇怪的产品出售时不提供电缆。

    The camera, mounted on a small stand, plugs into a home or small office network using a standard Ethernet cable, which, somewhat surprisingly, is not supplied.


  • 这个绳索构造柱子之上金属固件固定创造了一个跨越室内宽度的弹性表面

    The rope canopy is strung up around the structural columns and held in place by metal fixings, creating a flexible surface that spans the length of the space.


  • 动物实验临床应用基础上,改用弹力透明气囊替代皮片传统固定方法

    Methods on the basis of animal experiment and clinical application, the former fixed appendix and dressing were replaced with elastic net and transparent gasbag.


  • 目的探讨一期前路病灶清除植骨固定治疗相邻结核临床疗效

    Objective To analyze the clinical effect of treating adjacent multi-vertebral tuberculosis by anterior radical debridement, titanium mesh bone fusion and internal fixation.


  • 目的观察结合钛钢板固定治疗不稳定型下颈椎骨折临床效果

    Objective To observe the clinical effect of anterior plate with titanium mesh and bone graft in the treatment of unstable lower cervical spine fractures.


  • 目前通信行业正处于转型期固定移动融合也是酝酿之中,时期设备营销面临更多风险

    In the time of communications changing structure and fixed-mobile convergence scheming, vendition of the fixed network equipment is faced with much more venture.


  • 采用型钢焊接的框架结构两侧安全带支撑固定链条上。

    Frame is sectional steel design with two lateral safety grids. Supporting angles are fixed on bush roller chains.


  • (形石)固定这样填充线金属丝高分子材料生产

    Stone box (box-shaped stone cage). Stone cage net is fixed in place so that filling of the wire or wire-mesh polymer material production.


  • 方法对19胸腰段椎体爆裂骨折侧前路减压髂骨、肋骨、加z - plate、Kaneda内固定系统重建脊柱稳定的临床资料进行总结。

    Methods 19 cases with thoracolumbar burst fracture were treated by anterolateral decompression, intervertebral bone grafting with ilium costa titanium mesh, and fixation with Z-PLATE or KANEDA system.


  • 方法中部骨折同时伴有不同部位骨质缺损15位患者联合修复缺损形成坚强固定

    Methods 15 cases with mid facial fracture associated with bone defect were reconstructed and fixed with titanium mesh or titanium mesh combined with titanium plate.


  • 方法中部骨折同时伴有不同部位骨质缺损15位患者联合修复缺损形成坚强固定

    Methods 15 cases with mid facial fracture associated with bone defect were reconstructed and fixed with titanium mesh or titanium mesh combined with titanium plate.


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