• 这本分析同性恋团体艾滋病引发社会政治后果

    The book analyses the social and political ramifications of AIDS for the gay community.


  • 例如西班牙团体这个星期发布了一份报告,分析来自一个洞穴的12个安·德塔人DNA

    For example, a group in Spain published a paper this week analyzing the DNA from 12 Neanderthals found in a single cave.


  • 富兰克林计算机世界上最快计算机之一,它普朗克全球团体处理主要的密集运算分析

    One of the world's fastest computers, Franklin will handle the most computationally intensive analysis jobs for the Planck team worldwide.


  • 再次,将看作一个可以进行自转圈,他们表示不同的分析层面个体团体风险社区地区国家等等

    Further, think of the inner circles as also being capable of being rotated; they represent levels of analysis, for example, individual, group, venture, community, region, country, and so on.3.


  • 另外的一些人希望更多了解自己一个团体DIYgenomics团结一致了分析他们染色体组甚至进行参与临床试验

    Others hope to learn more about themselves: a group called DIYgenomics has banded together to analyse their genomes, and even conduct and participate in small clinical trials.


  • BPMN明显是一个会得到我们客户团体中的业务分析关注标准因此我们对它兴趣并且把精力投入到BPMN之中。

    BPMN is clearly a standard that business analysts in our customer community find interesting and therefore, we are interested in and significantly vested in BPMN.


  • 另一个相关存在这个技术团体主要其它范例元素组成事实中(结构分析数据分析等等)。

    Another relevant point lies in the fact the technical community is mainly composed of elements of other paradigms (Structured Analysis, Data Analysis, etc.).


  • 分析一结果并未排除财团其他团体未来出价收购Nufarm的可能。

    The development doesn't rule out future bids for Nufarm from the consortium or another group, analysts said.


  • 分析发现平安人寿团体保险客户关系管理存在着管理目标偏差、管理缺乏有效策略、管理系统有待完善问题。

    Life insurance group analysis found safe management relations exist between management objectives, the lack of effective management strategies, such as management systems to be perfect.


  • 对于公司个人团体国家星座图都一个很好的分析工具。没人知道为何占星学会有效。

    A horoscope is a great analytical tool for companies, individuals, any groups and countries as well - they too have a horoscope and this can be relevant for businesses.


  • 根据公共选择理论代理理论,分析土地收购中各利益团体

    Based on commonality choice theory and representation theory, the thesis analyses related interest parties.


  • 笔者通过历史分析,认为团体人格形式化历史的常态

    My opinion is that, the formalization of the group personality is the normal state in history through analysis.


  • 方法防御方式问卷康奈尔医学指数对海军某部177名潜水人员进行团体测验。 用等级相关系数分析二者的相关关系

    Methods 177 divers are tested in group with Defense Style Questionnaire(DSQ) and Cornell Medical Index(CMI), the relationship are analyzed with rank correlation coefficient.


  • 他们担心这个艰难做出经济分析建议年迈老朽的团体危险水域

    They fear the staid old body, which churns out economic analysis and recommendations, may drift into dangerous waters.


  • 课程涵盖各类团体合作为基础数位通讯分析设计执行测试

    This class covers the analysis, design, implementation and testing of various forms of digital communication based on group collaboration.


  • 小额信贷运行机制论述中,着重分析团体贷款分期付款担保替代等机制运行规律引入相关模型加以证明

    In the discourse of microfinance operation mechanism, focus on the operation law of the group loans, hire purchase and assured substitution, and the relevant model be introduced and proved.


  • 分析结果用于团体重大疾病保险的风险评估、精算定价产品开发评估环境因素对重大疾病的发病率影响具有一定借鉴意义

    The research results will be useful for risk analyzing, product developing and pricing, and have some reference value for evaluating the environmental impacts on critical illness morbidity.


  • 本文通过实证分析考察团体规模动态激励社会链接三个重要因素团体贷款影响。

    This paper studies empirically the influences of group scale, dynamic incentive and social ties on group lending.


  • 通过分析发现我国现行的太极拳活动不仅仅体育锻炼活动,同时也是一项团体性较强的社会活动。

    It is found from the analysis that the participating Taijiquan activity in China is not only a physical exercise activity but also a social group activity.


  • 美国个典型判例产生的“代理规则“通知-损害”规则分析中,我们可以得出团体保险中两个规则适用许多启示

    The paper focuses on the "agency rule" and the "notice-prejudice rule" derived from the precedents, and then argues the practice of the two rules.


  • 通过2 0 0 1年第九届全运会男子花剑团体决赛和个人前八名技术统计分析说明技术当今男子花剑比赛中的实用价值,重要地位积极作用

    The technique statistic analysis based on the male fleuret competition of the 9th game in 2001, showed that the swing puncture had important status and effect in the fleuret competition.


  • 接着盐城市交警支队违章查询系统可行性举办分析,而后系统设计头脑、设计倾向系统的团体布局进行显然的计议

    Then in yancheng city traffic police feasibility of illegal query system are analyzed, and the design of system design goal and thought, the whole system structure of the planning.


  • 本文分析水资源管理研究现状基础上,提出种基于GPRS网络传输的面向团体用户网络智能水资源管理系统体系结构

    Based on the actuality of water supply study, a new architecture of water supply management system aimed at group consumer of network intelligence of GPRS transmission I...


  • 通过分析发现太极拳运动不仅体育锻炼活动,同时也是一项团体性较强的社会活动

    This article finds that shadowboxing exercise are both a kind of sports and a social activity.


  • 然而分析说,双职工父母出现、子女数目减少被宠坏”、人员流动性增加物质主义以及家庭团体权威的丧失致使违法行为有增无减

    Instead, say analysts, the advent of two working parents, fewer and "spoiled" children, increased mobility, materialism and the loss of family and community authority have led to higher lawlessness.


  • 几个优秀的需求分MIS析管理软件进行了分析比较,最后强调人员素质团体合作性在需求分析过程中的人文作用

    Moreover, the article compares some excellent softwares used for requirement management. At last, the article also emphasizes the importance of the personnel's cooperation and capability.


  • 几个优秀的需求分MIS析管理软件进行了分析比较,最后强调人员素质团体合作性在需求分析过程中的人文作用

    Moreover, the article compares some excellent softwares used for requirement management. At last, the article also emphasizes the importance of the personnel's cooperation and capability.


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