• 开始绞尽脑汁回忆疗养院发生

    She began to rack her brains to remember what had happened at the nursing home.


  • 这就是所谓学习悖论”:尝试学习知识的过程中,你越是痛苦挣扎甚至失败,你有可能以后更好回忆应用这些知识。

    Call it the "learning paradox": the more you struggle and even fail while you're trying to learn new information, the better you're likely to recall and apply that information later.


  • 清晰回忆恐慌感

    I can vividly remember the feeling of panic.


  • 怀念回忆他们孩提时代聚会

    He remembered their childhood meetings with nostalgia.


  • 眼睛就能真真切切回忆生命几乎每一件事情

    When he closed his eyes, he could conjure up in exact colour almost every event of his life.


  • 故事鲜明唤起意大利乡村生活回忆

    Her story is sharply evocative of Italian provincial life.


  • 他们坐在空荡荡育儿室里,深情回忆那个可怕夜晚每一细节

    They would sit there in the empty nursery, recalling fondly every smallest detail of that dreadful evening.


  • 研究人员发现那些报名辅导他人学生会努力理解准确回忆、更有效运用材料

    Researchers have found that students who sign up to tutor others work harder to understand the material, recall it more accurately and apply it more effectively.


  • 兴致勃勃回忆张他兄弟姐妹玩耍人造革沙发不可思议收音机表盘;那老是侧身的马。

    He recalls, lovingly, the old black leatherette sofa on which he and his siblings played; the magical dial of the radio; the horse which rubbed its flanks along the wall.


  • 妈妈莱斯回忆:“不停打电话那个公司直到最后妥协。”

    "His mom Leslie Jacobs remembers," he kept bugging me to call the company until I finally broke down.


  • 通常这种时刻成了我们永恒回忆目的有意识去做的。

    But usually the moments that form lasting memories for all of us are ones that I was purposeful about.


  • 但是,这部作品将缓缓的咏叹调过于频繁运用到了角色回忆过去死去儿子交流的场景。

    Yet too often the character breaks into ambling arias recalling days gone by or the latest communications from her son.


  • 无论什么原因我们无法准确回忆出我们所记住内容,是因为我们对于所储存的原始情景只有片断的记忆。

    Whatever the reason, we can't remember exactly what we're being reminded of because we only have fragments of that original moment stored.


  • 查希尔深情回忆中国老一辈领导人之间交往,多次强调中国阿富汗伟大朋友

    Zahir Shah emotionally recalled his contacts with the older generation of Chinese leaders and stressed several times that China is a great friend of Afghanistan.


  • 她以前同学高兴回忆安娜她们之中引人注目女孩:“显然大有前途。”

    Former classmates are happy to recall that Anna was the most striking girl in their group: "It was instantly clear that she would go far."


  • 自豪回忆道,麦凯恩坚决拒绝接受特殊待遇越南人他示好,要把他早点释放的时候,他一口回绝了,即使当时他已是病入膏肓

    Mr. Day recalls with pride Mr. McCain stubbornly refusing to accept special treatment or curry favor to be released early, even when gravely ill. Mr.


  • 确切讲,回忆思考、史实直觉探索于一身。

    Rather it is part reminiscence, part reflection, part history, and part intuitive exploration.


  • 好像陷入回忆,有些恍惚倒也不是……没想到给翻出来了……当时了,很难……

    She seemed like falling into memory and answered me in a trance: “that’s not the reason…I didn’t mean to take it out…I have brushed it clean at that time and it was really a tough job.”


  • 忧心忡忡回忆以前每个星期六晚上他都会吧的往事。

    He wistfully recalls Saturday nights when he went clubbing.


  • 老人一直在不停回忆直到死的一天。

    The old man kept writing his memoirs till the day he crossed over.


  • 我们知道怀旧危险的,可以良知坦然回忆那些时光

    We all know that nostalgia is dangerous, but I remember those days with a clear conscience.


  • 所以这些美好的回忆肯定回答:毫无疑问,圣诞节一年中最美好的日子。

    All of these wonderful thoughts lead me to affirm that Christmas is without doubt the best time of year.


  • 我们给了候选人13个问题,”高兴回忆涉及死刑立场劳工问题

    "We sent candidates 13 questions," he happily recalls, ranging from their stance on the death penalty to Labour issues.


  • 然后参与者们分派了一项任务,是为了他们分散注意力后来要求他们随意回忆他们之前看过那些短片

    Then participants were given a task to distract them after which they were asked to freely recall any of the clips they had seen earlier.


  • 因为父亲两岁时候就离开了,她不能有意识回忆有时喝醉虐待母亲的情形。

    Because her father left when she was just two, she can't consciously remember how he got drunk sometimes and abused her mother.


  • 回忆画笔,最好涂抹真实诗歌色彩

    Memory is the brush which can best lay on the true poetic colour.


  • 个例子,要是打算记住一首诗歌,我会先通篇然后尽可能回忆起诗歌内容。 学习理论称之为“检索”。

    When I am trying to memorize a poem, for example, I read it through a few times and them make myself try to repeat as much of it as possible from memory.


  • “正向心理学”的经典疗法是——回顾过去所有的经历,尽可能回忆为何成就了你,你为何了你一切,这样,你更好了解自己

    In classic therapy—where you review all your personalhistory, endlessly—you work to gain a better understanding of why you are theway you are, have done what you’ve done.


  • 经过一夜睡眠后的经过相同白天清醒时间更好回忆一系列有关语句它们之间联系

    People are better able to recall lists of related words and the connections between them after a night's sleep than after the same time spent awake during the day.


  • 经过一夜睡眠后的经过相同白天清醒时间更好回忆一系列有关语句它们之间联系

    People are better able to recall lists of related words and the connections between them after a night's sleep than after the same time spent awake during the day.


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