• 介绍常见汽车振动噪声隔离技术,其中对能有效防止共振发生的车模态频率规划表进行详细介绍。

    The table of programming natural frequencies which layouts the natural frequencies of all subsystem of the vehicle in the process of design is one of the effective ways to isolate resonance.


  • Ellenbogen团队怀疑丘脑扮演了类似隔离角色,发送纺锤阻断大脑区域噪声的感知反应

    The team suspects the thalamus acts as a sort of insulator, sending out spindle activity to stop areas of the brain from perceiving and responding to sounds.


  • 考虑工作信号躁声,感光光电二极管嵌入硅片芯片表面产生噪声元件隔离

    Operating signal noise was also considered, and the sensor photodiodes were deeply embedded in silicon to isolate them from noise-causing elements on the chip surface.


  • 分析了前端部件本振源相位噪声混频器本振射频端口隔离系统探测性能影响,指出距离较近时影响明显。

    The LO phase noise, LO-RF port isolation of the mixer in the front-end and their effect on the detectability of the radiometer were analyzed in this paper.


  • 产品用于一般模拟信号隔离应用要求精度稳定性线性同样严重噪声条件

    The product can also be used for general analog signal isolation applications requiring high accuracy, stability and linearity under similarly severe noise conditions.


  • 针对带有未知有界噪声非线性系统提出椭球滤波算法将其应用保证故障检测隔离

    A set membership filtering algorithm using ellipsoidal sets for nonlinear systems with unknown but bounded noises is proposed and applied to guaranteed fault detection and isolation(FDI).


  • 针对电流信号采集存在噪声干扰问题,采用高线性度模拟hcnr 201设计了电流信号隔离采集

    Aiming at the noise jamming problems in acquisition of small current signals, an isolation and acquisition board for current signal is designed based on HCNR201 high-linearity analog optical coupler.


  • 设计选择积分A/D转换芯片,采用光电隔离装置,有效降低电源噪声电机干扰大大提高了转换精度。

    The double integration A/D converter and the electro-optical isolation device are used to reduce the mains noise and motor interference, which can significantly improve the accuracy of A/D conversion.


  • 脉搏信号微弱敏感干扰,因此为了消除脉搏测试中的各种噪声设计隔离电路多重滤波电路

    Weak pulse signal, sensitive, vulnerable to interference, in order to eliminate the noise pulse test, the isolation circuits and multiple filter circuit design.


  • 核电厂主蒸汽管线存在振动噪声过大大修时发现主蒸汽隔离闸板存在一定磨损

    There are over high vibrations and noises of the main steam piping lines of a Nuclear Power Plant. Wear abrasion of the main steam isolation valves was found during the fall outage.


  • 给出了在加入隔离进行抑制,双重瑞利散射噪声计算方法,并进行了模拟分析,得出放置隔离器的最佳位置

    Calculation is performed for the case that an optical isolator is inserted to suppress the DRB noise. Simulation results are given and the optimal position for the isolator is determined.


  • 给出了在加入隔离进行抑制,双重瑞利散射噪声计算方法,并进行了模拟分析,得出放置隔离器的最佳位置

    Calculation is performed for the case that an optical isolator is inserted to suppress the DRB noise. Simulation results are given and the optimal position for the isolator is determined.


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