• 去往需要30分钟到达喷泉广场的路上,通过了那一条她曾经乞讨零钱街道

    On her daily 30-minute walk to the skating fountain, she passes streets where she once begged for spare change.


  • 上个月两个阿富汗男子围着O志愿者要求他们女孩子喷泉广场离开。

    One day last month, two young Afghan men confronted Percovich and a volunteer and demanded that they remove girls from the skating fountain.


  • 大雁塔前面亚洲最大音乐喷泉广场同时也是最大的唐文化主题公园

    In front of swallow tower is the biggest musical fountain square in Asia. Also is the largest park of culture of Tang dynasty.


  • 公司开发建设亚洲最大矩阵水景喷泉广场大雁塔广场誉为西安城市会客厅”。

    The "largest matrix waterscape fountain square in Asia" the Northern Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda developed and constructed by the company is renowned as urban "Reception Hall" of Xi'an.


  • 大连东港商务区国际游艇位于大连市东港商务区音乐喷泉广场东侧其中港池面积约7公顷,陆域面积约3公顷,东北地区最大城市中心游艇港;

    Dalian Donggang International Marina is located on the east side of Fountain Plaza, holding 7-hectare water area and 3-hectare lands, which is the largest downtown marina in Northeast China.


  • 广场喷泉喷水高达40英尺

    The main square has a fountain that spouts water 40 feet into the air.


  • 广场大大小小的艺术喷泉共计有四百个喷嘴,东北角还有两个供奉印度教神坛

    Four hundred dancing fountain heads are incorporated into the plaza, and in the area's north-eastern corner are two Hindu shrines.


  • 广岛和平设计俯式水泥栏杆,为大通曼哈顿广场设计了“”雕塑喷泉

    He designed the swooping concrete railings for the Peace Bridge at Hiroshima, and the sunken water garden at Chase Manhattan Plaza.


  • 工程是一个16英亩的开发区,开发区近邻格伦达风雨商业街廊,内设一个大型方式广场众多公寓住宅好多喷泉,准备2008年开业。

    His next project, a 16-acre development with a large public square, apartments and lots more fountains, will open in 2008 next to the Glendale Galleria.


  • 皇冠喷泉:位于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市的社区环形广场千禧公园真是公共艺术品

    Crown Fountain: Interactive work of public art featured in Millennium Park, which is in the Loop community area of Chicago, Illinois, United States.


  • 坐落于明尼苏达州购物中心,拥有大型的核心店、美食广场喷泉宽广停车场

    THE Southdale shopping centre in Minnesota has an atrium, a food court, fountains and acres of parking.


  • 少数年轻人跳到斯德哥尔摩塞格广场喷泉不过街头没有出现狂欢跳舞庆祝的场面。

    A handful of youngsters jumped into the fountain on Sergels Square in Stockholm, yet there was no wild partying or dancing in the streets.


  • 西斯·科特在位期间,修了好些笔直大马路宽阔的广场那些广场上,继任者们建起一些巴洛克式的教堂,还有喷泉这些成了罗马城市骄傲

    It was he who built many of the straight roads and broad squares on which his successors bestowed the Baroque churches and fountains that have been the city's pride ever since.


  • 人类理所当然认为使用与生俱来的权利,所以亚利桑那州市镇广场公共喷泉冒着那里农民们选择种植需水量大的农作物。

    But such is the human inclination to take water as a birthright that public fountains still may bubble in Arizona's town squares and farmers there raise thirsty crops.


  • 喷泉儿童游戏,在巴统长达五英里的滨海林荫大道上漫步,这条大道上并排棕榈树吊床以及游乐广场

    FOUNTAINS dance, children play and families stroll along Batumi's five-mile seafront boulevard, lined with palm trees, hammocks and playgrounds.


  • 世界上一个有着古老文明城市,罗马众多城堡宫殿古色古香建筑物喷泉广场以及修剪得很整齐的公园

    Held as a place where one of the oldest civilizations of the world prospered, Rome is where you'd get to see numerous castles, palaces, archaic edifices, fountains, squares and well-manicured parks.


  • 整个城市充满喷泉飞溅广场庭院

    The city is alive with fountains splashing in little squares and courtyards.


  • 尼加拉瓜瀑布多伦多国家电视塔、伦敦·特拉法加广场喷泉世界地标性建筑孩子的性别变为粉红色蓝色之庆贺

    World landmarks including Niagara Falls, Toronto's CN Tower and the fountains at London's Trafalgar Square will turn pink or blue to celebrate the birth, depending on whether it is a girl or boy.


  • 许多认为赛季结束时候丰收女神广场喷泉庆祝,你认为皇马做到这些吗?

    Many people think you'll end the season celebrating a title win at the Cibeles fountain. Do you think that Real Madrid can do it?


  • 如何才能玩转意大利首都?不妨女神奥黛丽·赫本一样探访古老小巷广场-温馨提示:千万忘了特雷维喷泉枚硬币许愿。

    Explore the ancient side streets and piazzas of Italy's capital - just like Audrey Hepburn - but don't forget to throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain.


  • 本文介绍公园设计构思以及入口广场、园林、建筑地面喷泉植物应用以及灯光设计。

    The paper introduces the design conception of the park and the entrance square, garden building, surface fountain, plant application and light design.


  • 圣彼得广场,卡洛斯。马代尔诺喷泉贝尔尼尼的圣徒雕像之剪影。

    Silhouette of fountain by Carlo Moderno with statues of saints by Bernini, St Peter' s Square.


  • 最初的袭击中,闭幕电视摄像头拍摄男子敲打纳沃纳广场喷泉大理石雕像

    In the first, a man was filmed on closed-circuit television cameras hitting a marble statue on a fountain in the Piazza Navona.


  • 一座音乐喷泉刚刚文化广场建成

    A music fountain has just been completed in the Culture Square.


  • 雕塑喷泉广场建筑假山、花木等都可成为园林创作主景

    The sculptures, fountains, square, architectures, rockery and various plants become the main sceneries of the creation of forestry.


  • 小孩不想花钱游泳,于是决定诺丁汉广场喷泉里漂着

    When one child didn't want to have to pay to go swimming, he decided to go snorkeling in the fountains of Notts Market Square instead.


  • 环绕广场周围大型音乐喷泉广场尽头就是大海

    Around the square is large music fountain, at the end of the square is the sea.


  • 1904年时报广场开业的阿斯特酒店(Astor Hotel)设有一个巨大屋顶花园内有棚架、礼拜堂凯旋拱门喷泉回廊露天舞台。

    The Astor Hotel, which opened in Times Square in 1904, had a vast rooftop garden with pergolas, tempiettos, triumphal arches, fountains, arcades and a bandshell.


  • 1904年时报广场开业的阿斯特酒店(Astor Hotel)设有一个巨大屋顶花园内有棚架、礼拜堂凯旋拱门喷泉回廊露天舞台。

    The Astor Hotel, which opened in Times Square in 1904, had a vast rooftop garden with pergolas, tempiettos, triumphal arches, fountains, arcades and a bandshell.


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