• 每年埃塞俄比亚人均啤酒消费量是4

    Ethiopians drink around four litres of beer per person per year.


  • 新兴市场的利润率低,但是啤酒消费的增长非常稳健

    Profits are thinner in such places, but beer drinking is growing healthily.


  • 2014年啤酒消费同样下降苹果酒混合饮料报告增长

    Similarly beer consumption declined in 2014, cider and mixed drinks sales grew.


  • 中国啤酒消费方面引人注目的增长其它更正式经济指标一样明显

    CHINA's remarkable growth is as apparent in beer consumption as it is in more formal economic indicators.


  • 利用个性态度两个变量啤酒消费细分六类不同消费群体。

    Making use of the two variables personality and attitude, the beer market is divided into six different segment markets.


  • 话说,根据样本获得结果新斯科舍省啤酒消费总体作出推论吗?

    In other words, can you make an inference about the population of Nova Scotia beer drinkers on the basis of results obtained from the sample?


  • 假定段时间打算对新斯科舍省啤酒消费进行另一次Web民意测验

    Imagine that you were to do another Web poll of Nova Scotia beer drinkers after a period had elapsed.


  • 观察频率期望频率之间任何差异可以解释新斯科舍省相同啤酒消费期望抽样可变性

    Any discrepancies between the observed and expected frequencies can be accounted for as expected sampling variability from the same population of Nova Scotia beer drinkers.


  • 我们不能排除这样虚假设,即自从上一次民意测验以来,新斯科舍省啤酒消费偏好已经发生了变化

    We cannot reject the null hypothesis that the preferences of Nova Scotia beer drinkers have changed since your last poll.


  • 民意测验结果可能反映新斯科舍省啤酒消费者总体对于啤酒品牌偏好真正差别

    It is more likely that your poll results reflect a real difference in brand preference among the population of Nova Scotia beer drinkers.


  • 人均消费较小意味着亚洲啤酒消费市场有着广阔的增产空间。”麒麟啤酒报告总结

    "There is more room for further growth in Asia down the line because Asians' per capita consumption is relatively small," the Kirin report said.


  • 扎啤是啤酒王国中的一朵奇葩,世界啤酒消费中的比例越来越高,在欧洲已经超过60%。

    Beer on draft is one of beer kingdom strange flower, the proportion in world beer consumption is higher and higher, had exceeded 60% in Europe.


  • 假设新斯科舍省啤酒消费统计样本没有发生偏差现在能够得出Keiths受欢迎品牌这一结论吗?

    Assuming that the sample of Nova Scotia beer drinkers is not biased, can you now conclude that Keith's is the most popular brand?


  • 英国美国过饱和竞争性市场不同酿酒厂能够保持盈利即使啤酒消费国家收入都在下降。

    In oversaturated, competitive markets of the UK and the us, various breweries are able to maintain profitability even as beer consumption and national incomes are in the decline.


  • 回答这个问题请考虑相关问题:如果获得另一个新斯科舍省啤酒消费者的样本,您希望看到完全相同结果吗?

    To answer this question, consider a related question: If you were to obtain another sample of Nova Scotia beer drinkers, would you expect to see exactly the same results?


  • 贯穿二十最高阅读量的在线版《每日图表》中的主题难于清楚辨明因为这些图表罗列平板电脑价格啤酒消费等各种主题。

    The theme running through the 20 most viewed daily charts published on this website in 2010 is hard to discern, with charts detailing everything from iPad prices to beer consumption.


  • 澳大利亚堪称豪饮国度,根据世界卫生组织公布的统计结果,该国人均每年啤酒消费德国、英国比利时之后,位居世界第14位。

    Australia has a reputation for being a nation of heavydrinkerscoming in at number 14 for beer consumption per capitabehindGermany, the United Kingdom and Belgium, says the WorldHealthOrganisation.


  • 认为一开始合适消费出售啤酒保持质量最重要是,即使可能会觉得很累,也要保持良好态度

    I think having the right customers to start with, selling the right beer, keeping it good, and most of all, keeping a good attitude yourself, even though you probably feel very tired.


  • 但是数据包括饮酒人群时,每人平均每年消费酒类13.4,其相当于1340单位670品脱啤酒

    But when the figures included people who did not drink the average person drank just 13.4 litres of alcohol a year which is 1340 units of alcohol or 670 pints of beer.


  • 台球桌旁挤满了人,打球的客人大都来自皇后区一家所谓的“摩托车俱乐部”,总体而言他们还算循规蹈矩,还消费不少啤酒

    The pool tables were both crowded, and the clientele - mostly bikers from a Queens "motor club" - were generally behaving themselves while consuming copious amounts of beer.


  • 消费当然希望啤酒和披萨越多好,反映了从更多消费中得到更多愉悦

    The consumer would like more of both, reflected in greater pleasure for greater consumption.


  • 世界卫生当局发布地图显示,美国人平均每年饮用纯酒7.5—10升。 美国人首选饮料啤酒,其占去酒类消费市场的53%;法国人最爱的饮料是葡萄酒,俄罗斯人最喜欢伏特加

    The preferred drink in the U.S. is beer, accounting for 53 per cent of alcohol consumption, whereas in France the favourite drink is wine and in Russia it is vodka.


  • 相对摩根大通(YouTube上有首关于沃伦教授的说唱歌曲“华尔街警长上任”)之类的金融大亨,倾向于站在“半打啤酒”这样的普通老百姓这一边,因此受到消费者保护团体喜爱

    She is loved by consumer groups because she leans more towards Joe Sixpack than JPMorgan (witness the pro-Warren rap tune on YouTube, “Got a New Sheriff”).


  • 然而对比于欧洲啤酒烈性酒市场的疲软,美洲市场人均烈性酒消费额则增长尤其是年轻消费群体中。

    Yet whereas Europe's beer and spirits markets are in the doldrums, per-capita consumption of spirits in America is increasing, especially among young consumers.


  • 然而对比于欧洲啤酒烈性酒市场的疲软,美洲市场人均烈性酒消费额则增长尤其是年轻消费群体中。

    Yet whereas Europe’s beer and spirits markets are in the doldrums, per-capita consumption of spirits in America is increasing, especially among young consumers.


  • 使消费震惊他们来说咖啡就是一个购买单位如同鸡蛋,一扎六瓶啤酒

    That shocked consumers, for whom a pound of coffee had been as standard a purchase unit as a dozen eggs or a six-pack of beer, he said.


  • 使消费震惊他们来说咖啡就是一个购买单位如同鸡蛋,一扎六瓶啤酒

    That shocked consumers, for whom a pound of coffee had been as standard a purchase unit as a dozen eggs or a six-pack of beer, he said.


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