• 央行可以快速调整政策设置适应商业周期转变政客们税收公共开支变革方面达成一致实施要花很长的时间。

    Central Banks can adjust their policy Settings swiftly to shifts in the business cycle, but politicians can take an age to agree upon and implement changes to taxes and to public spending.


  • 预防房地产泡沫他们必须适时调整商业住宅抵押贷款贷款价值

    They must also vary the loan-to-value ratio on commercial and residential mortgages to forestall real estate bubbles.


  • 商业库存饱受压抑因此即便是稍微地调整下方向,补充货源,也会促使工厂生产获得迅速的反弹

    Business inventories are deeply depressed and even a modest swing to restocking will bring a rapid rebound in factory production.


  • 框架通常商业工具开源工具组成,结合了定制调整满足特定环境要求

    The framework is typically made up of commercial or open-source tools in combination with customisation or tailoring to meet the specific environment needs.


  • 但是最终它们还是接受了新概念调整自己适应了这个更广阔商业市场

    But eventually, they embraced the concept, tailored for a broader commercial market.


  • 计划考验百度是否会因为公众批评调整自己商业模式。 批评人士称,这家纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市公司面临一场信心危机

    The plan aims to test Baidu's willingness to adjust its business model in response to what critics have billed as a crisis of confidence in the Nasdaq-listed Chinese company.


  • 很少有公司YouTube一样合适时机找到合适的商业想法并付诸实施。怀疑大部分的公司都会轻微错失时机,不得不作出相应的调整

    Rare companies like YouTube show what happens when entrepreneurs stumble on the right idea at just the right time, but I suspect that most companies miss the time window slightly and have to adjust.


  • 联储紧急下调贴现利率0.25个百分点(由联储向商业银行收取),调整后为3.25%,利率的适用范围扩大证券公司

    The Fed also made an emergency cut of one-quarter of a percentage point to its discount rate (which it charges commercial Banks), to 3.25%, and extended the rate to securities firms.


  • EngineYard提供的商业JRuby支持包括开发者支持以及生产环境中JRuby的调整优化建议

    Commercial JRuby support from Engine Yard includes developer assistance and advice on how to tune and optimize JRuby in production environments.


  • 开发人员特定类型情况数据调整当前商业Web高速缓存解决方案

    Developers tune current commercial Web caching solutions for specific types of situations and data.


  • 娱乐产业要求歌迷断网因为技术他们可以如此做调整自己商业模式

    The industry wants to punish music fans for what the technology lets them do, rather than adjusting their business model.


  • RCTV反击说,停播是因为收入减少,他们被迫要重新调整商业模式

    But RCTV counters that it had to rejig its business model to fit lower revenues.


  • 现在该高等专科学校大学重新考虑它们商业模式降低成本学费调整不甚昂贵的水平时候了。

    It is time for colleges and universities to rethink their business models, cut cost, and restructure the tuitions to affordable levels.


  • 通过不断调整直觉就能你的商业环境中发现看似无关的事情之间的联系。

    Fine-tuning your instincts will show you how seemingly random events fit together within your business environment.


  • 对此有所顾忌的央行已经准备根据商业银行放贷上限规定的遵守程度调整这些银行存款准备金。

    So worried has the PBoC become that it is now calibrating individual banks' reserve requirements based on their compliance with lending caps.


  • 2007年,几乎有一半经合组织(OECD)成员国实现了结构性财政盈余(根据商业周期情况调整后)。

    In 2007 almost half of the countries within the OECD ran structural fiscal surpluses (that is, adjusted for the state of the business cycle).


  • 成功别无选择,只能了解中国市场商业文化,以及快速地学习调整自己管理风格适应业务情况

    To succeed, you have no choice but to understand Chinese market, business culture, learn fast and be flexible to adjust your management style to fit business situations.


  • 7 - 11零售店之所以能够统治日本市场长达十年甚至更长时间,因为他们收集反馈信息调整他们库存欧洲zara也在商业经营采取资讯反馈模式,一个服装销售上的典范。

    Eleven in Japan dominated for a decade or more because they used information to change their inventory. Zara in Europe is an information business that happens to sell clothes.


  • 与会者讨论全局调整不仅包括商业银行包括其他金融系统对冲基金(欧洲所急需的)。

    The summiteers will discuss global regulation not just of conventional commercial Banks, but also of other parts of the financial system like hedge funds - a key European demand.


  • 认为对于对手来讲,最大挑战就是他们开始就选择不同商业思路所以调整起来非常困难。

    I think, the most challenging problem for my competitors is that they chose totally different business strategy from the beginning which makes them hard to adjust.


  • 如何调整优化历史性商业建筑内部功能重组更新外部形态本文的主要研究内容

    How to adjust and optimize the historic commercial building internal functions, reorganize and update its external form, this is the main research component.


  • 通过竞争可以使商业银行重新配置资金调整资本结构提高资产质量

    Through competition, it can make commercial bank relocation funds, adjusting capital construction, exaltation assets quantity.


  • 调整贷款结构完善贷款程序等几个方面阐述国有商业银行防范信贷风险方法措施

    This paper elaborates the methods and measures that four giant state-owned commercial banks keep away from the credit risks from adjusting loan structure and perfecting loan program.


  • 商业银行经营转型商业银行面对外部变化经营环境,主动被动调整自己的经营模式增长方式

    By operational transformation, it is meant that commercial Banks adjust their operation patterns and growth mode passively or passively against changing external operation environment.


  • 商业银行经营转型商业银行面对外部变化经营环境,主动被动调整自己的经营模式增长方式

    By operational transformation, it is meant that commercial Banks adjust their operation patterns and growth mode passively or passively against changing external operation environment.


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