• 关于棉线修眉的争论不止一个商业定位问题或者健康问题。

    The threading battle isn't just a niche business or minor health concern, either.


  • 酒店位于金奈心脏印度南部一个重要工业商业定位

    The hotel is located in the heart of Chennai, a premier industrial and commercial location in South India.


  • 区分不同商业定位采取不同的设计手法赋予各类厨房灵感生命

    Distinguish between different business orientation, to adopt a different design approach, giving inspiration and all the kitchen to life.


  • 品牌意义在于企业骄傲优势公司成立后,品牌力就因为服务品质形成无形商业定位

    Brand meaning lies in the enterprise's pride and advantage, when the company is established, brand because of service or quality, forming invisible commercial positioning.


  • 苹果公司主要集中消费者定位技术,在通往市值顶峰的路上,它却超越微软IBM商业定位技术巨人

    On its way to the top of the valuation stakes, the company, which focuses primarily on consumer technology, has leap-frogged more business-oriented tech giants such as Microsoft and IBM.


  • 出售公司部分业务旨在公司重新定位主要出版商业信息出版商。

    The sell-off is aimed at repositioning the company as a publisher of business information.


  • 由于具有精确定位授时能力,该系统广泛支持民用科研以及商业应用,空中交通管制互联网

    The worldwide system also supports a wide range of civil, scientific and commercial functions - from air traffic control to the Internet - with precision location and timing information.


  • 我们看作是多功能合一的服务比如说既能够定位商业机构,可作为教育平台

    We look at it as a service with many uses, such as locating a business, and an educational platform.


  • 航天行为已经产生了全球定位装置这种赚 钱商业应用的有价值发明

    Space activity has produced valuable inventions such as global positioning devices that have had lucrative commercial applications.


  • 然而商业学校却依旧只关注怎么样生产定位产品不是赋予产品文化内涵

    But business schools devote far more energy to teaching people how to produce and position their products rather than how to infuse them with meaning.


  • 一定程度是因为盗版与民众拥有其他娱乐选择所以好莱坞正向商业模式迈进定位于拍摄那些必看无疑、场景宏大壮观影片---影视业俗称为“大片”。

    In part because of piracy, in part because people have so many other entertainment choices, Hollywood is moving towards a business model based on must-see spectaculars—“event movies” in the jargon.


  • 公司来说外部环境发生改变需要重新定位企业时候,商业智慧最为重要。

    In companies, business acumen is crucial when the external world changes and there's a need to reposition the business.


  • 他们被迫快速做出回应商业模式企业产品受众细分定位技术渠道企业一切方面都要快速进行更新迭代

    They are forced to respond quickly with rapid iteration of everything from their business model or offerings to audience segments, targeting technology, new channels, and much more.


  • 扭转局面,巴西航空工业公司把市场定位中型喷气机同时也创造了新的商业模式

    Embraer turned itself around by spotting a market niche in medium-sized jets and by inventing new business models.


  • scottSweeney所讲那样,即使商业XML编辑器一定程度上需要定位点击成为快捷自由地编写内容拦路虎

    As Scott Sweeney noted, even the best commercial XML editors require a degree of point and clicking that gets in the way of rapid, free-form content creation.


  • wsfl规范定义那样,执行商业流程,可用4种不同方法定位Web服务静态方法、本地方法、通过UDDI的方法动态方法。

    As defined by the WSFL specification, there are four different ways that your Web services can be located: statically, locally, via UDDI, or dynamically while the business process in being executed.


  • 他们双倍价钱到达我们一半受众。” “绝对音乐”(和BBC定位相似商业电台)的CliveDickens

    They are spending more than twice the money to reach half of the audience we achieve, ” says Clive Dickens of Absolute Radio, a commercial station that plays roughly the same kind of music.


  • 全球商业意味着全球旅行——不仅是令人衰竭的跨时区商业旅行工作重新定位

    A global business means global travelnot just exhausting business trips across time zones, but having to relocate for work.


  • 对于容纳和承载太多信息量商业公司而言瓦里安定位非常清晰。

    For businesses that are gorging on a surfeit of information, Varian says the fix is clear.


  • 内容包括目的、目标、可提供产品服务细节市场定位商业战略

    It should include your goals and objectives, details of your product or service offerings, your market position and business strategies.


  • 出售公司部分业务目的公司重新定位为以商业信息类出版物为主的出版商

    The sell-off is aimed at repositioning the company as a publisher principally of business information.


  • 一定程度是因为盗版与民众拥有其他娱乐选择所以好莱坞正向商业模式迈进定位于拍摄那些必看无疑、场景宏大壮观影片---影视业俗称为“大片”。

    In part because of piracy, in part because people have so many other entertainment choices, Hollywood is moving towards a business model based on must-see spectaculars—"event movies" in the jargon.


  • 商业飞行执照要求灵活的掌握无线电导航全球定位系统

    A commercial pilot's license requires you to learn how to use more sophisticated radio navigation and global positioning systems (GPS).


  • 强大的企业网站可以帮助定位企业商业公司作为市场领导者

    A strong corporate website helps position a business-to-business company as a market leader.


  • 作为一个全球品牌最佳定位全球商业人士提供服务,虽然此类人群较小能获取高额利润

    And as a global brand it will be best placed to serve the small but disproportionately lucrative global business clientele.


  • 制定战略考虑三个关键因素商业周期SWOT分析价值定位

    There are three key elements that we must think about when we making the strategy, they are business cycle, SWOT Analysis, and value proposition.


  • 商业服装店国家其次成衣服装购买目标定位其次是十分有意义的。

    The state of business clothing store, followed by clothing and clothing purchase vision of positioning is very relevant.


  • 我们团队策划更为细致市场调查基础上,我们生产公司能够创造一个更加准确定位商业广告

    Our team carried out a more detailed customer survey, and on the basis of that, our production company was able to create a commercial that was more accurately targeted.


  • 我们团队策划更为细致市场调查基础上,我们生产公司能够创造一个更加准确定位商业广告

    Our team carried out a more detailed customer survey, and on the basis of that, our production company was able to create a commercial that was more accurately targeted.


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