• 先生中国古代文学研究尤其是唐诗研究以及诗词创作上,取得了累累硕果。

    He had achieved great on the study of Chinese ancient literature, especial for the study of Tang Poems and the writing of poetry.


  • 论文研究属于唐诗艺术学中的一个组成部分

    The study of this paper is part of that of artology of Tang poetry.


  • 近年来学术界对诗歌格律化进程研究普遍重视,研究证实一个至今普遍的观点,即律诗定型于初人沈宋手中

    Along with the recent study on the rules and forms of classical poetic composition , the study on Songzhiwen, who is a poet in early Tang dynasty .


  • 杜甫作为唐诗集大成者,作为位精心于近体诗创作的诗人诗歌创作中的修辞也是杜诗研究重点

    Rhetoric is one of the major concerns of the study of the poems by Du Fu, an eptomizer of the poetry of the Tang Dynasty and a poet skilful at"modern style"poetry.


  • 由于所处时代的特殊性,研究对把握唐诗风之流变有着典型意义

    And because of the special ages, the research attending to the poems of the Prosperous Tang and the Mid-Tang also has got the typical meaning.


  • 研究分析钱锺书先生李贺诗歌所作评论以及评论时所使用的方法。这无疑李贺诗歌以及整个唐诗深入研究都具有重要的意义。

    Researching and analyzing the Mr. Qian's comments on the Li he's poetry and his comments methods will definitely have the great significance to in-depth studying Li he 's poetry and Tang poetry.


  • 唐诗研究历来汉学研究热点之一

    The study of Chinese ancient poem "Tang Poetry" is always one of the hot spot of Sinology study.


  • 画家李庚自幼喜爱唐诗宋词,德国生活和从事教学研究期间,对马勒作品产生浓厚兴趣。

    Li Geng has been a Tang poem lover ever since he was young, during the time he was teaching in Germany, he became very interested in the works of Mahler.


  • 作为中古语音重要研究资料之一历来音韵学所重视

    Rhyme of Sui and Tang Dynasty, as one of the important research data of medieval pronunciation, has always been valued by scientists phonology.


  • 唐代咏史诗研究唐诗类型研究中的分题材研究时期逐渐成为研究热点

    The study of historical poems of the Tang Dynasty is the genre analysis in the poems of the Tang Dynasty, which has gradually become a hot spot in the present new period.


  • 第三对初墓志铭进行系统梳理研究,也是本文的主体部分

    The third chapter carries on the systematical research on the poet epitaphs at the beginning of Tang Dynasty, and is the main part of the whole thesis.


  • 元代唐诗研究研究元代唐诗接受状况核心研究元人唐诗观念的流变。

    The research of Tang poetics in Yuan dynasty is mainly about the reception of Tang dynasty poems, the core of which is the development and deviation of Tang poetics at that time.


  • 本文比较研究几首脍炙人口的唐诗的翻译,表明唐诗翻译过程中表现出唐诗译诗三美中最为重要一部分,并对如何才能达到意美作了简单说明。

    The paper makes a comparative study on several well-known Tang poetrys English versions, to show that the beauty in meaning is the most important part during the translation.


  • 论文嘉靖年间张之象所诗歌总集《唐诗类苑》为研究对象。

    The present dissertation focuses on the poetic collection named "Classified collection of Tang Poems", compiled by Zhang Zhixiang who lived during Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty.


  • 然后本文唐诗名篇之一李白《静夜思》的11个译本做了个案研究,从而模式应用提供范例

    Then it provides an exemplification for the application of this model, using 11 English versions of li Bai's Jingyesi, one of the most famous High Tang poems, for a case study.


  • 希望对于指导日后唐诗中国古典诗歌翻译实践研究翻译理论作出有益的贡献

    The author of this thesis hopes to help further practice of poetry translation and contribute a little to the study of translation theory.


  • 林庚先生唐诗综论正是体现了一点,因而成为了古代文学研究典范

    The synthesizing discussion of Tang poem of Mr. Lin Geng is the model of ancient literature res


  • 林庚先生唐诗综论正是体现了一点,因而成为了古代文学研究典范

    The synthesizing discussion of Tang poem of Mr. Lin Geng is the model of ancient literature res


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