• 长期从事味觉研究的研究员查尔斯·扎克带领的研究人员们目前哥伦比亚大学医疗中心一些因基因变异丧失酸感应细胞白鼠进行研究

    The researchers, led by longtime taste researcher Charles Zuker, now at Columbia University Medical Center, conducted the study using mice that had been genetically altered to lack sour-sensing cells.


  • 我们不列颠哥伦比亚癌症研究中心资深科学家玛丽•迈克布莱德提出这个问题

    We posed that question to Mary McBride, a senior scientist with the British Columbia Cancer Agency.


  • PatientCare哥伦比亚医药中心列出很多病人资源包括找到医生牙医医院工具

    Patient Care: Columbia University Medical Center lists a number of patient resources, including tools for finding a doctor, dentist and hospital.


  • 葛林哥伦比亚大学ISCAP(论、宇宙学天体粒子研究中心)的教授

    He is a professor at Columbia University's Institute for Strings, Cosmology, and Astroparticle Physics.


  • 然而这个位于哥伦比亚加勒比海岸港口城市尔塔的中心广场过去绝不一个街灯闪耀的浪漫之所。

    Yet this square in the center of Santa Marta, a port city along the Caribbean coast of Colombia, was not always a streetlamp-lighted refuge of romance.


  • 机构正在这些详细数据转给位于哥伦比亚国际热带农业中心以便中心建立一个名为“数字土壤地图”的数据库

    It is giving this detailed information to the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture, based in Colombia, so that it can build a database called the Digital Soil Map.


  • 太平洋海啸预警中心哥伦比亚秘鲁发布了警报

    The Pacific Tsunami WarningCenter issued alerts for countries asfar away as Colombia and Peru.


  • 温哥华不列颠哥伦比亚——这个城市绿洲被广泛认为是世界上适宜居住地方之一位于中心东区的15街区

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia - in this urban oasis widely considered one of the most livable places in the world, the Downtown Eastside is about 15 square blocks of something else.


  • 玛丽·安妮迈克尔·伯恩花30分钟温哥华中心到了不列颠哥伦比亚古老居留地之一,个史蒂夫·斯顿的港边村庄

    Mary Anne and Michael Berner moved from downtown Vancouver 30 minutes south to one of the oldest settlements in British Columbia, the harbour-side village of Steveston.


  • 位于片梦幻地中心树木建筑保持加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚最大并且最高)的记录

    This unusual tree building at the heart of the experience holds the record for the largest (and tallest) tree house in BC, Canada.


  • 泰伦齐奥女士帮琼斯女士联系了哥伦比亚大学医学中心幸存者健康中心,是一家专接受癌症治疗青少年服务的机构。

    Ms. Terenzio connected Ms. Jones with Columbia University Medical Center’s Center for Survivor Wellness, which serves teenagers who have been treated for cancer.


  • 纽约哥伦比亚大学医学中心的神经学家认为对于基因表达分析成为未来研究价值的工具

    The gene expression analysis will be a valuable tool for future research, says Asa Abeliovich, a neurologist at Columbia University Medical Center in New York.


  • 1981年4月12日哥伦比亚航天飞机肯尼迪航天中心发射升空,此次旅行指挥长约翰·罗伯特·克里平将地球轨道运行37

    Lift off! Columbia launches from the Kennedy Space Center on April 12, 1981, and orbits the Earth 37 times with commander John Young and pilot Robert crippen.


  • Not-Yet-Commons-SSL是英属哥伦比亚信用联盟中心(Credit UnionCentralof British Columbia)开发的,2006年捐赠Apache软件基金会

    Not-Yet-Commons-SSL was developed at the Credit Union Central of British Columbia and was donated to the Apache Software Foundation in 2006.


  • Patient Care:哥伦比亚医药中心列出很多病人资源包括找到医生牙医医院工具

    Columbia University Medical Center lists a number of patient resources, including tools for finding a doctor, dentist and hospital.


  • 同理,谷歌选择了俄勒冈州哥伦比亚叫做达尔斯的村庄建立新的数据中心

    For similar reasons, Google chose to build a new data centre at the Dalles, a Hamlet across the Columbia River in the state of Oregon.


  • IBM公司与美国哥伦比亚大学医学中心马里兰州大学医学院协议一部分

    It is part of an agreement among IBM, Columbia University Medical Center in New York City and the University of Maryland's School of Medicine.


  • 现在它们横扫曼哈顿华盛顿广场公园中心哥伦比亚大学它们的身影

    Now, they are sweeping across Manhattan, with sightings near Washington Square Park, Midtown and Columbia University.


  • 哥伦比亚中部偏北,安第斯山脉的科迪勒拉山中一城市建于'22年主要商业中心人口342,'9

    A city of north-central Colombia in the Cordillera Oriental of the Andes. Founded in '22, it is a leading commercial center. Population, 342,' 9.


  • 布卡拉曼加哥伦比亚中部偏北,科迪勒拉山系安第斯山脉东部的城市建于1622年,主要商业中心人口342,169。

    A city of north-central Colombia in the Cordillera Oriental of the Andes. Founded in1622, it is a leading commercial center. Population, 342, 169.


  • 哥伦比亚大学医疗中心爱荷华州大学研究者目前正在研究一种特定病毒细菌

    Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center and the University of Iowa are now searching for specific viral and bacterial culprits.


  • 一家学习中心建于哥伦比亚首都—波哥大

    Our first center in Colombia, Rosales, was opened in Bogota, the capital city.


  • 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚南部一个城市临近奥卡诺根北端伐木地区加工业中心人口9,987。

    A city of southern British Columbia, Canada, near the northern end of Okanagan Lake. It is a processing center in a lumbering region. Population, 9,987.


  • 彭带克顿加拿大哥伦比亚南部城市,位于温哥华以东的奥卡诺根湖南岸旅游观光区的商业中心人口23,181。

    A city of southern British Columbia, Canada, east of Vancouver at the southern shore of Okanagan Lake. It is a trade center in a resort area. Population, 23, 181.


  • 彭带克顿加拿大哥伦比亚南部城市,位于温哥华以东的奥卡诺根湖南岸旅游观光区的商业中心人口23,181。

    A city of southern British Columbia, Canada, east of Vancouver at the southern shore of Okanagan Lake. It is a trade center in a resort area. Population, 23, 181.


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