• 到目前为止,三星韩国著名品牌品牌咨询公司Interbrand选出的全球最佳品牌100强中,三星排名第七

    Samsung is the best-known brand name South Korea has ever produced, ranking seventh in the 100 best global brands compiled by Interbrand, a brand consultancy.


  • 安永咨询公司预测,到2012年,俄罗斯人每年购买新车数量超过500万辆,其中90%为外国品牌

    By 2012 Russians will be buying more than 5m new cars a year, of which nearly 90% will be foreign brands, predicts Ernst & Young, a consultancy.


  • 韩国这家公司大多数奢侈品牌仍然依赖挨户访问营销方式,因为认识本国消费者需要更加私人化化妆品咨询服务

    In Korea, the firm still relies on door-to-door distribution for some of its most luxurious brands since it realizes that local consumers demand more personalized cosmetic consultation.


  • 也许咨询公司(有着伟大品牌)可以公司共存

    Big consulting firms (with their big brands) can probably coexist with smaller operators.


  • 数码策略咨询公司AltimeterGroup合伙人耶利米·欧阳(Jeremiah Owyang)只要不是过于推广公司品牌公司推出的生活网站会受到欢迎。

    Jeremiah Owyang, a partner at the Altimeter Group, a digital strategy consulting firm, said company-generated lifestyle sites could be effective as long as they did not push the brands too hard.


  • 他们开始聘请CI咨询公司调整自身品牌设计品牌理念。

    They begin to hire corporate identity consulting firms to align the brand design and brand concept.


  • 咨询公司Interbrand调查显示,优衣库是日本最有价值品牌之一

    Uniqlo ranks among Japan’s ten most valuable brands, according to Interbrand, a consultancy.


  • Bain咨询公司慕尼黑合作伙伴GregorMatthies的话说,高端客户总是愿意一个值得信赖品牌那里购买产品

    "Premium customers," says Gregor Matthies, a Bain partner in Munich, "want to buy from a trusted brand."


  • 高德纳技术咨询公司最近的一份报告注意无论是否提供服务科技公司一窝蜂儿地最近的热词云来重塑品牌

    Gartner, a technology consultancy, observes in a recent report that tech firms are rushing to rebrand their products with the latest cloud buzzword, whether they actually are cloud offerings or not.


  • 上个世纪术,美国斯特恩管理咨询公司EVA品牌创造者率先提出了经济增加值(EVA)概念将其成功应用于全球300家企业

    Since the previous century's end, stern& Stuart consulting company (EVA brand inventor) firstly proposed the concept of EVA, and successfully applied EVA more than 300 enterprises in the global.


  • 现在很多品牌可供选择可以向相关公司进入设备建造咨询满足需求的相关设备特性

    There are still a lot of brands available, for the time being, and you might find somebody out there building access equipment with features that perfectly suit your needs.


  • 咨询公司麦肯锡去年做过这样调查发现59%的非洲杂货店消费者们被迫接受他们最喜欢品牌38%人选择便宜的出售商品。

    A survey last year by McKinsey, a consultancy, found that 59% of African grocery shoppers stuck with their favoured brands, compared with 38% that chose the cheapest deal on offer.


  • 解释咨询服务为主其它收费多少上,除了上市公司规模明显影响外,会计师事务所的规模品牌有明显影响。

    However, to explain the prices of consulting services, not only the size of the listed companies, but also the size and the trademark of the audit companies have significant influences.


  • 名字就是我的品牌,”28岁井上深雪(Miyuki Inoue)。她一家人力资源咨询公司销售部工作

    "My name is my brand," said Miyuki Inoue, 28, who works in sales at a human resources consulting firm.


  • 中国中车经济学家沈佳俊说道世界任何人如果咨询中国中车股份有限公司铁路交通设备就是专业,”“这就是品牌意义。”

    Anyone on earth who wants to buy rail transit equipment would be considered unprofessional if he did not come to consult CRRC, said Shen Jiajun, a CRRC economist: "This is the significance of brand."


  • 上海山野食品有限公司餐饮设备生产技术研究,食品开发营销咨询策划服务一体的综合性品牌连锁企业

    Shanghai Food Co. , Ltd. is a mountain restaurant equipment, technology, food from the research and development, real shop marketing, consulting and planning services as an integrated brand chain.


  • 上海品牌设计有限公司上海专业品牌咨询设计公司我们多年品牌设计经验专业人组合

    Up BrandDesign is a professional brand consulting and design company in Shanghai, we have many years of experience in the design of the brand and become a professional.


  • 由于产品高档品牌产品不能品牌放在网络显示:单独咨询公司

    Since the product is high-end brand name products: the brand can not be displayed on the network: You can contact the company alone!


  • 由于产品高档品牌产品不能品牌放在网络显示:单独咨询公司

    Since the product is high-end brand name products: the brand can not be displayed on the network: You can contact the company alone!


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