• 提出了CO2气体保护短路过渡和谐控制思想建立相应的控制系统。

    The harmonious control idea of the short circuiting transfer of the CO2 shielded arc welding is put forward in this paper, and its control system is set up.


  • 这个社会过分强调和谐他们方法通过严厉控制-他们试图一切都下来,把问题地毯下面不是解决问题。

    This society emphasizes too much harmony, so the way they do that is by heavy-handed control - they try to put everything down and sweep it under the rug without solving problems.


  • 发现任何事无需虚幻控制和谐在发生

    You will notice that everything is happening harmoniously without the illusion of control.


  • 声音和谐更易控制

    The sound is more consistent, and controlled.


  • 智慧勇气节欲一个人自我控制有关;而和谐外流,公平,则通过慈善友好行为直接指向其他人

    Wisdom, Courage and Temperance are directly related to one’s own self-control; Justice flows outward from this harmony, and is directed towards other people through acts of charity and kindness.


  • 我们可以控制我们主观想法需求,喜欢和不喜欢类的想法都浮云了,我们甚至还自己的主观感受和谐共处

    We can distance ourselves from our subjective wants and needs and likes and dislikes, and we can coexist with it in a happy and constructive way.


  • 内在世界和谐意味着我们控制思想的能力,我们可以利用这种能力决定经验我们产生怎样影响

    Harmony in the world within means the ability to control our thoughts, and to determine for ourselves how any experience is to affect us.


  • 内心世界和谐意味着我们控制思想的能力,我们可以利用这种能力决定经验我们产生怎样影响

    Harmony in the world within means the ability to control our thoughts, and to determine for ourselves how any experience is to affect us.


  • 意志真理保持和谐,真正的你自己控制范围之外东西相互抵触的

    Keeping your will in harmony with truth and concerning yourself with what is beyond your control are mutually exclusive.


  • 就是你们为什么绝不吃肉的原因。你们应该控制自己心情所有生命和谐共处这样每个人才过得快乐

    This is why you should never eat meat. You should try to control your temper, and get along well with all living creatures so that everyone can enjoy life.


  • 内在世界和谐意味着我们控制思想能力我们可以利用这种能力决定经验我们产生怎样影响。

    Harmony in the world within means the ability to con? Trol our thoughts, and to determine for ourselves how any experience is to affect us.


  • 没有必要单独控制组件-和谐1100远程管理一切

    There's no need to control components individually - the Harmony 1100 remote manages everything.


  • 成功设计酒店社会空间延伸,也必定是兼顾酒店质感设计资金控制营运目标和谐美学反映

    The best designed hotels are an extension of the community and reflect a harmonious aesthetic that balances quality design with the financial and operational goals of the hotel.


  • 面料,两个印象中仿佛永远不能和谐接触事物,在这通过速度距离精细控制,演绎品质升华过程。

    Fabric and flame seem impossible to exist in harmony, but here, with fine control of flame by appropriate speed and interval, the quality of the fabric is greatly improved.


  • 自然造物主领域,有着许多法则控制平衡和谐通过法则成为负责任银河公民

    Naturally in the Creator's realms there are many laws that maintain harmony and balance, and it is through experiencing them that you become responsible citizens of the Galaxy.


  • 谣言有效控制成功辟谣对于构建和谐稳定社会具有重要现实意义

    Effective controlling and successful refutation of rumor have important and real meaning to the steady and harmony of our society.


  • 一个单一联系手掌大小的和谐1100年缩短电源远程控制家庭娱乐的手中

    With a single touch, the palm-sized Harmony 1100 remote puts the power to control your home-entertainment in your hands.


  • 可编程控制高于24V直流电压等级控制回路应用解决输入模块的电压变换干扰等问题

    In the application of above 24V fort current voltage grade control circuit, Voltage Alternating and resonant wave interference of input model for Programmable Logic Controllers must be resolved.


  • 屋顶高度得到仔细控制以便紧邻建筑和谐相处。

    The height of the roof is also carefully controlled to relate to the immediate adjacent buildings.


  • 内在世界和谐意味着我们控制思想能力我们可以利用这种能力决定经验我们产生怎样影响

    Harmony in the world within means the ability to con-trol our thoughts, and to determine for ourselves how any experience is to affect us.


  • 从而获得音质效果主观感受方法评价音质效果及煤矿噪声和谐控制提供一种手段

    Therefore a method of the sound effect subjective feeling was obtained and could be means to assess the sound quality effect, mine noise and harmonized control.


  • 城管一股控制管理城市力量负责维护社会和谐安定,检查核对执照查处流落在城市中的非法街头小贩以及无照出租汽车。

    Chengguan, an urban control force charged with keeping the peace, ridding China's cities of illegal street hawkers and unlicensed taxi cabs, and checking permits.


  • 最后指出宏观协调微观控制建立工程建设地质环境和谐关系的基础。

    The paper finally points out that macro coordination and micro control are conductive to reach the harmonization between engineering construction and geo environment.


  • 周代和谐文化主要体现制度控制精神控制以及艺术审美三个层面。

    Harmonious culture in Zhou Dynasty is characterized by system control, spiritual control and aesthetic appreciation.


  • 文中讨论太阳电池发电系统最佳功率控制实现方法以及补偿无功功率失真等问题。

    The actualization of optimal power flow control of solar cell power system and the compensation of reactive power, harmonic distortion are discussed.


  • 时期和谐文化主要体现制度控制层面、精神控制层面以及艺术审美个层面。

    The manifestation of the harmony culture to the society in the period of the Xia-Shang Dynasty exist in the system control, the mental control and the aesthetic art.


  • 通过意识呼吸以及控制呼吸本质一个人可以控制身体系统让脑电波模式和谐

    By becoming aware of the nature of the breath and retaining the breath, one can control the systems of the body and one can harmonize the brain wave patterns.


  • 母亲所体验到家庭生活的和谐程度能显著地预测儿童延迟自我控制行为

    The mother 's feelings about her family's harmoniousness predicted children's delaying self -control behaviors significantly.


  • 母亲所体验到家庭生活的和谐程度能显著地预测儿童延迟自我控制行为

    The mother 's feelings about her family's harmoniousness predicted children's delaying self -control behaviors significantly.


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