• 海天公司调配艘船投入该项上海出发服务公司48小时AMS预报系统”,旨在提高效率

    Horizon has deployed five ships on the weekly service departing from Shanghai, which "boasts 48-hour AMS cut off in Shanghai" for enhanced efficiency, said the company.


  • 上了一个为期15打字速成

    I did a 15-week crash course in typing.


  • ——阿诺德·斯塞·琼斯爵士英国皇家天文学家,1957(2斯巴尼克人造卫星环绕地球)。

    Sir Harold Spencer Jones, Astronomer Royal of the UK, 1957 (two weeks later Sputnik orbited the Earth).


  • 许多课程都是工作经验设立的继续教育项目,其中包括课程、夜校、网络教育研究生进修

    Many of the courses are continuing education programs for people with job experience.They include one-week courses, night classes, online offerings and graduate degree programs.


  • 许多课程都是工作经验设立的继续教育项目其中包括课程、夜校、网络教育研究生进修

    Many of the courses are continuing education programs for people with job experience. They include one-week courses, night classes, online offerings and graduate degree programs.


  • 那个男孩带着尼犬,所以他们想到,他们一直在打听。

    The boy had a spaniel with him. That's how they know it was you.


  • 之后,衣橱洗衣篮里就多了只小雪白的灰色猫,哪儿楚楚可怜地

    By the next week, I had a gray tabby with snowcapped paws peering at me from the laundry basket in the closet.


  • 德里北京直达年前开始有而且最多只有更奇怪地是埃塞俄比亚航空提供服务。

    Direct flights between Delhi and Beijing began only three years ago, and run to only four a week, with the odd supplement provided by Ethiopian Airlines.


  • 乔装警察进入该岛这个夏令营中的600名青少年开火他们参与为期种族主义讲习研讨会运动会

    He entered disguised as a policeman and opened fire on the camp's 600 youngsters, who were attending a week-long programme of anti-racism workshops, seminars and sports.


  • 最初阶段火车维持

    The trains will initially run twice a week.


  • 有一回家好多烹饪书;之后她告诉了高中的时候是多么地热衷设计套装

    One day she came home from work with a stack of cookbooks; the next week she told me stories about how she loved designing outfits in high school.


  • 很多人像浑身是工程师王江卡(音译)一样闷热管道负责施工,忍受着酷热高温工人,每次12个小时。

    Men like Wang Jiangka, a profusely perspiring engineer in charge of one of the steamy tunnels, endure sweltering temperatures at the tunneling site, where workers put in five 12-hour shifts a week.


  • 因此公司计划裁减320个工作岗位,把50生产日程减少36次,今年最后星期关闭厂房

    So the company plans to cut 320 jobs, to reduce its production schedule to 36 units a week from 50, and to close its plants during the last two weeks of the year.


  • 七十英里星期天下午若是再骑车回来根本谈不上休息然后只得去上下

    It was seventy miles, and the same distance back on Sunday afternoon would leave him anything but rested for the second week's work.


  • 以后莱契对一学员讲授高速飞行原理时在作示范动作

    It happened just a week later. Fletcher was demonstrating the elements of high-speed flying to a class of new students.


  • 自从以前西方轰炸行动制止了卡扎菲上校的坦克往加西推进利比亚人民接受外国干预门槛已经明显降低

    Since Western bombing stopped the colonel’s tanks advancing on Benghazi two weeks ago, Libyansthreshold for accepting foreign intervention has become markedly lower.


  • 棱角分明的家伙出现在个位于第五大街乔治阿曼尼旗舰店时装派对上,他像一个明星一样闪亮登场,身上杜嘉纳的毛衣让他肌肉凸显。

    THE chiseled figure in the bicep-hugging Dolce &Gabbana sweater arrived at a Fashion Week party at the Giorgio Armani flagship on Fifth Avenue in a manner befitting a star.


  • 那个男孩带着尼犬,所以他们想到,他们一直在四打听

    The boy had a spaniel with him. That's how they know it was you. They've been asking questions around there.


  • 兼职

    I only work part-time, two days a week.


  • 而萨蒙德却有意诺克本2014举办场盛典庆祝战斗胜利700

    Then it emerged that Mr Salmond wants Bannockburn to host a really big bash in 2014 to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the battle.


  • 他们盘问抵达加西之后的所有所作所为——我住在哪里,我曾谈话,所有内容。

    They grilled me about everything I'd done since arriving in ben-ghazi six weeks earlier-where I'd stayed, whom I'd talked with, everything.


  • 2008年12月孟买恐怖袭击成千上万的、说着英语年轻专业人士聚集孟买、新德里、加罗尔海德拉巴

    In December 2008, a week after the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, thousands of young, English-speaking professionals gathered in Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad.


  • 由于前一大风天气造成延误我们现场勘察5着睡袋个人装备最后货运几天才抵达

    The five of us in our field party arrived with our sleep kits and personal gear several days after the last cargo flight, because of the weather delays from high winds in the previous week.


  • 道格·约翰逊歌手托尼·尼特享受上杂志广告牌顶部头号位置两百年图表

    DOUG JOHNSON: This week, singer Tony Bennett is enjoying the number one position on Billboard's magazine top two hundred albums chart.


  • 美国管理协会熟了几个长达一合并讲习其中包括如何避免一厢情愿的想法,实现真正协同作用收购兼并

    The American Management Association has cooked up several week-long merger workshops, including one on how to avoid wishful thinking and achieve true synergy in mergers and acquisitions.


  • 奔驰:发现一个有趣的英语口语培训名字叫“口语闪电战30”。

    I found a very interesting spoken English training class called"30 Days of Lightning Spoken English".


  • 奔驰:发现一个有趣的英语口语培训名字叫“口语闪电战30”。

    I found a very interesting spoken English training class called"30 Days of Lightning Spoken English".


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