• 戴了保暖呢帽露出眼睛鼻子

    She had a warm woollen hat on that left only her eyes and nose showing.


  • 戴上呢帽走进茫茫风雪中。

    She put on her felt hat and walked into the boundless wind and snow.


  • 上月巴黎拍到头顶宽檐软呢帽

    She was spotted in Paris wearing one last month.


  • 男士大多爱穿西装夹克喜欢呢帽

    Most of wearing men's suits, jackets, and like wearing a tweed cap.


  • 唐尼的浅呢帽,则保持布鲁克林风格。

    Downey, however, wore a fedora, in keeping with his Brooklyn hipster interpretation.


  • 离开之后,想到的第一就是,我可是呢帽

    When I left the shop, I was at first self-conscious about wearing a fedora.


  • 这个打扮,他看着眼熟:青大袄,呢帽帽子戴

    This fellow's get-up was familiar: a black padded gown and a felt hat, its brim pulled very low.


  • 如果有人见过大坝修建过程,发现所有工人都只戴着软呢帽

    If one looks at the Hoover dam being built, you can see all the, all the workmen out with their fedoras.


  • 比如说年轻喜剧演员茱莉·安德鲁自己已经一个的软呢帽了。

    Take young comedian Julie Andre. She said she's been wearing a fedora for about a month.


  • 对他们,‘这不是棒球不是滑雪而是一顶售价80美元的呢帽!’

    'I said 'I'm not wearing a baseball cap or a ski hat, I'm wearing an $80 fedora! '


  • 对于那些已经对于软呢帽产生审美疲劳人们来说,这是一个消息风格依然流行。

    Bad news for those who are tired of seeing fedoras: this style refuses to die.


  • 灾后重建加上戴软呢帽,穿13石油大亨的到来,使安克雷奇变成一个现代都市

    Rebuilding, with the arrival of Big Oil in his stetson and size thirteens, has shaped the modern metropolis.


  • 绿色呢帽白色尖头皮鞋,铅笔垫肩黑白夹克的打扮,使LaRoux十分打眼。

    Dressed in a green felt trilby, white winkle pickers, drainpipe jeans, and a black-and-white jacket with shoulder pads, la Roux cuts a striking figure.


  • 宽檐软呢帽不仅继承经典呢帽所有优点而且增添了更多浪漫阴柔复古的元素。

    Wide-brimmed fedoras not only inherit all the advantages of the classic fedora but also have more romantic, feminine and retro qualities.


  • Cohen医生所言,大众眼中,大衣医生标志如同牛仔呢帽或者工程师安全帽

    As Dr. Cohen suggests, in the popular imagination, a white lab coat is as much a part of a doctor's persona as a cowboy's 10-gallon hat or an engineer's pocket protector.


  • 1973年,考夫曼的六月之月》中首次正式出演角色,穿戴一顶呢帽,此剧电视公开播出。

    In 1973, he made his professional acting debut in a televised production of Kaufman's June Moon, wearing a fedora.


  • 如今布鲁克林和爸小贝潮妈维多利亚长相肖似,他带着黑色和米白色的呢帽看上去十分酷

    Already taking after his stylish parents David and Victoria, Brooklyn looked cool in a cream and black fedora, tilted on one side.


  • 他们没花多少时间就给欧洲式样的衣服甚至还有一顶阔边呢帽(就是常见的那种圆筒形有圆边的帽子,译注)。

    In short order, they made European clothes for him, even finding him awide-awake hat.


  • 对于男士来说,宽檐呢帽可以西装休闲套装搭配女士可以用男性化的服装搭配,玩一次变装,尽显男装趋势

    For men, wide-brimmed fedoras can be worn with suits and more casual outfits. Women can sport it with mannish clothes for a menswear trend.


  • 当时听众中,惹波兰先生的歇了业的商人,这平时爱放高利贷制造哔叽、毛布呢帽时赚了五十万。

    Among the audience there was a wealthy retired merchant, who was somewhat of a usurer, named M. Geborand, who had amassed two millions in the manufacture of coarse cloth, serges, and woollen galloons.


  • 游览这个国家像是葡萄酒庄里渡假人们整洁的呢帽首都阿斯马拉栽满棕榈树的哈内大街上洋溢着古老意大利风情。

    Visiting here is like spending your vacation in a vintage shop. Old men in dapper Fedora hats and antique Italian shades haunt Harnet Avenue, the palm-studded main drag in Asmara, the capital.


  • 贝雷帽丝巾搭配既简洁具有传奇色彩多次抢劫中所饰有缎带的浅顶软呢帽不适宜的场合中散发出一种适宜

    Her beret and silk scarf combination is as legendary as it is simple, and the beribboned fedoras she wore on several heists gave her a sense of propriety in improper circumstances.


  • 沙发旁边木头椅子,椅子靠背犄角挂着一顶十分破旧、极不雅观的硬质呢帽帽子磨损得非常厉害,甚至还有裂缝

    Beside the couch was a wooden chair, and on the Angle of the back hung a very seedy and disreputable hard-felt hat, much the worse for wear, and cracked in several places.


  • 舞蹈组合Diversity——电视选秀节目《英国达人》获胜者——向杰克逊致敬;粉丝们穿戴着杰克逊风格的男式软呢帽手套夹克衫

    The dance troupe Diversity -winner of the television competition "Britain's Got Talent" -performed a tribute; and fans wore Jackson-inspired fedoras, gloves and jackets.


  • 他们,从中认出了自己苏格兰格子呢帽那么通过这个永绝于世的仪式外祖父死亡中也担任了某个角色 — 这个发现使我浑身颤抖。

    Among them I recognized my Scotch plaid one, burned by mistake, and I was shaken by the revelation that this ceremony of extermination had conferred upon me a certain role in my grandfather's death.


  • 这些裹着紧身衣、披着斗篷英雄们荧幕上抢尽风头,但是他们早期形象却受到了好莱坞质疑的眼光,也就是莱卡时代之前、带着软呢帽面具那些防暴警员。

    But despite the screen-time lavished on the cape-and-tights contingent, Hollywood has been somewhat leery of their fedora-ed forbears, those unfortunate masked vigilantes from before the Age of Lycra.


  • 我爸头戴破旧斯台特森牌棕色呢帽油腻腻帽檐的一边的一只眼睛上方,一副不许回嘴精明厉害的神态,就像电影《高岭》中的弗莱- 博嘎特那个模样。

    Dad wore an old brown Stetson, and with one side of the oily brim cocked over his eye, he had the sharp, don't-talk-back-to-me look of Humphrey Bogart in High Sierra.


  • 我爸头戴破旧斯台特森牌棕色呢帽油腻腻帽檐的一边的一只眼睛上方,一副不许回嘴精明厉害的神态,就像电影《高岭》中的弗莱- 博嘎特那个模样。

    Dad wore an old brown Stetson, and with one side of the oily brim cocked over his eye, he had the sharp, don't-talk-back-to-me look of Humphrey Bogart in High Sierra.


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