• 保留故里茶乡品牌经营文化不变情况广泛吸收资金

    Extensive absorption funds under the condition of reserving the native district tea country brand, conducting, culture is constant get.


  • 由于国家没有充足的管理技术技能缺乏能力吸收资金许多规划正在落后

    Many programmes are lagging behind as countries do not have sufficient managerial and technical skills and lack capacity to absorb the funding.


  • 对于获得大量补充资金负担沉重国家而言吸收能力一个重要问题

    Absorption capacity is a major issue for HBCs that have secured substantial amounts of additional funding.


  • 必须允许所有银行家经营业务时不受干预即使他们吸收公众资金

    Bankers must all be allowed to run their businesses without interference, even as they suck up public money.


  • 这种来源很不稳定这种传统吸收货币方式到期不配比帕克女士如果我们资金来源于内部有助于缓解压力

    This creates a source of instability: the classic ‘original sin’ of currency and maturity mismatch, ” says Ms Park. “It will help us release tension if we fund from our own sources.


  • 这种来源很不稳定这种传统吸收货币方式到期不配比帕克女士如果我们资金来源于内部有助于缓解压力

    "This creates a source of instability: the classic 'original sin' of currency and maturity mismatch," says Ms Park. "it will help us release tension if we fund from our own sources."


  • 地区国家没有大力吸收自己大量资本而是依靠国际投资外部资金外部投资者当然可能不同投资注入期。

    Instead of tapping its own abundant capital, the region continues to depend on external funds to finance internal investment. Outside investors, of course, may have different investment horizons.


  • 而言之,如果新兴经济体能够吸收美国风险资金他们没有必要发明自己的(金融产品)。

    In short, if emerging economies were able to import American venture capital, there would be less need for them to invent their own.


  • 即使希腊债务消减一半大部分欧洲银行资金吸收这些损失

    Even if Greece's debts were cut in half, the net loss would still represent an absorbable proportion of most European Banks' capital.


  • 除了大量发行流动资金保持金融市场稳定外,日本银行承诺加倍资产购买计划有助于吸收多余债务

    In addition to a massive release of liquidity to maintain financial market stability, the Bank has promised to double its asset-purchase plan, which will help absorb some of the additional debt.


  • 许多硅谷开办公司的模式往往是先吸收来自风险投资的巨额资金然后用户免费使用他们产品达到占领市场份额目的

    Too many Silicon Valley start-ups suck up millions from venture capitalists before giving their product away for free in an effort to attract a huge market share.


  • 计划没有减少债务法国企图吸收一些私营部门的债务作为一揽子自愿资金长期债券诡计可能最终导致重组变得更加困难

    The plan does not reduce that—and French machinations to roll some private-sector debt into a “voluntarypackage of cash and long-term bonds may make an eventual restructuring harder (seearticle).


  • TD最大优势体现吸收存款方面,这一优势也保证了TD低廉稳定的资金来源

    TD’s speciality is sucking up deposits, a cheap and stable form of funding.


  • 为帮助吸收多达1万亿美元银行不良资产财政部使用7000亿美元金融救援计划中的部分资金,连同联邦储备委员会联邦储蓄保险公司资金,共出资约1000亿美元。

    The government will tip in $100b to finance the purchases, utilizing the resources of the $700b bank bailout fund, the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.


  • 负债总量中,资金来源95%依靠吸收各种存款

    In the debt total quantity, sources of fund's 95_ dependence absorbs each kind of deposit.


  • 理论上讲银行可以快速列支不良贷款坏账损失然后通过吸收资金,来填补这些漏洞。

    In theory, it makes sense for Banks to swiftly recognize the losses embedded in bad loans - and then make up for those losses by raising fresh capital.


  • 按照资金汇丰银行流动方向本文第四讲述了汇丰银行资金来源,即发行纸币吸收存款

    In accordance with the flow direction of the funding, the paper described in chapter IV HSBC's funding sources, namely, issuing currency notes and depositing.


  • 个重要的救计划将是用资金巩固欧元区银行,用来吸收亏损。

    Otro punto importante del plan de rescate sería fortalecer a los bancos de la eurozona con capital como para absorber pérdidas.


  • 该行吸收存款,而是通过发行债券来筹集资金

    It does not take deposits, but raises money by issuing bonds.


  • 前所述,重要金融机构强大的资金状况资产负债表使它们能够应对吸收上述这些风险

    As mentioned earlier, strong capital positions and balance sheets of key financial institutions put them in a good position to deal with and absorb the risks described above.


  • 负债总量资金来源95%依靠吸收各种存款

    In the overall in debt 95% origin of fund is relied on all kinds of bank deposit.


  • 银行不容易获得存款资金较小银行提供借款——大银行广泛零售分支网络可以让它们吸收大量的存款。广州银行翻译公司。

    Big Banks, whose broad retail branch networks allow them to draw in plentiful deposits, lend to smaller Banks with less access to deposit funding.


  • 公司持续投入大量资金引进国外先进技术潜心研究加以消化吸收,技术水平 一直处于行业领先。

    The company continued to invest a lot of money to introduce advanced foreign technology, research and devote themselves to digestion and absorption, has been in a technology industry-leading level.


  • 公司持续投入大量资金引进国外先进技术潜心研究加以消化吸收,技术水平 一直处于行业领先。

    The company continued to invest a lot of money to introduce advanced foreign technology, research and devote themselves to digestion and absorption, has been in a technology industry-leading level.


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