• 微波脉冲听觉效应动物行为观察听觉中枢电位活动记录得到证实

    This effect has also been proved by observing animal behavior to a pulsed microwave fields and recording microwave-evoked neural electrical activities from the central auditory.


  • 我们需要视觉听觉集中注意同一、同一方位,所以视觉和听觉中枢之间信息交换

    We also need to Orient our visual and auditory attention to the same events and to the same place in space, so there is an exchange of information between the auditory and visual cortices.


  • 目的比较脑啡肽ENK雄性黄雀与白腰文鸟发声核团听觉中枢分布差异。

    Objective: To compare the distribution of enkephalin (ENK) in the vocal and auditory nuclei of male Carduelis spinus and Lonchura Striata.


  • 研究员将这部手机调成静音状态,使得调查对象无法辨别处于开机状态手机,同时避免刺激大脑听觉中枢

    This phone was kept muted so that the subject didn't know which phone was on, and also to prevent stimulation of the brain's hearing center.


  • 目的探讨听觉中枢功能状态对听力语言康复影响,分析交错扬扬格试验助听器选配中的作用

    Objective: To study the effects of central auditory function in hearing and speech rehabilitation and investigstethe relation between hearing aids fitting and Staggered Spondaic Word(SSW) test.


  • 如果测试对象听到旋律特殊样本,则大脑中的听觉中枢正常,听力损失的原因肯定位于内耳

    If the subject identifies the sounds as a tune or specific pattern, the central hearing in the brain is normal and the cause of the hearing loss must be located in the inner ear.


  • 对于盲人来说,所有这个区域大脑能力浪费了,不知何故一个盲人大脑自我修复了,大脑听觉中枢与视觉中枢连接起来。

    In blind people all this brain power would go to waste, but somehow an unsighted person's brain rewires itself to connect auditory regions of the brain to the visual cortex.


  • 我们耳朵中,离子在导致毛细胞(能够感觉声音振动特殊细胞)神经细胞(连接毛细胞和大脑听觉中枢)的损伤扮演了重要的作用。

    In the ear, calcium may play a role in causing damage to hair cells (specialized cells that sense sound vibrations) and the nerve cells that connect the hair cells to the hearing centers of the brain.


  • 那些出生时就失去视力的婴儿来说,视觉中枢完全不会任何听觉或是视觉刺激有反应

    In people who are born blind the visual cortex is completely unresponsive to any auditory or visual stimulation.


  • 一些大脑皮质控制视觉听觉区域比如纺锤体,失去视力后会扩大范围利用视觉中枢里的闲置网络。

    Also, some regions of cerebral cortex that border visual and auditory cortices—the left fusiform gyrus, for exampleexpand territory in blind people to make use of the idle circuitry in visual cortex.


  • 即使迷路完全切除了耳鸣不一定消失是因为手术中枢听觉系统神经元仍然自发地放电

    Nevertheless, the tinnitus may not disappear even the labyrinthine is totally removed because the spontaneous spark of the neurons in the central auditory system after the operation.


  • 一领域专业人士寻求方法诊断恢复人们各种沟通障碍,这些障碍包括耳聋中枢听觉处理障碍,自闭症

    Professionals in this field seek to diagnose and rehabilitate people with all kinds of communication disorders, including deafness and central auditory processing disorders, such as autism.


  • 结论脑干听觉诱发电位敏感反映听觉脑干功能,区别周围性、中枢性、混合性引起的眩晕

    Conclusion The brainstem auditory evoked potentials can sensitively reflect the brainstem auditory action, and can also distinguish the periphered, central and compound vertigo.


  • 目的探讨脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)前庭周围性眩晕中枢眩晕相关性

    Objective: To explore the correlation between BAEP and vestibular peripheral and central vertigo.


  • 结论MEG灵敏客观检测出急性梗死患者体感听觉皮层中枢功能损伤。

    Conclusion MEG can provides objective and sensitive parameters to evaluate the function of cortex in patients with acute cerebral infarction.


  • 听觉性语言中枢定位左侧、颞上回、缘上回。

    The results showed that Sensory's areas were located at middle temporal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus.


  • 听觉性语言中枢定位左侧、颞上回、缘上回。

    The results showed that Sensory's areas were located at middle temporal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus.


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