• 适当的选材低温预后热可以抑制表面裂纹产生。

    Proper selection of materials, preheating and postheating can help to avoid cracking.


  • 影响区的循环决定影响组织性能重要因素

    Thermal cycling is an important factor to determine structure and property of HAZ after welding.


  • 中新世以盆地进入浅海半深海沉积环境的裂沉降

    After Late Miocene, the basin got into a post_rift thermal subsidence stage in a shallow to semi_deep sea environment.


  • 上菜顺序要求,先咸席必有没有海参不算

    After the first heat requirements of the order to serve cold, after a sweet first, I must every fish, no sea cucumber is not a big majority.


  • 结果显示在海沟及其洋侧软流层发生了大规模的沉降,的软流层则强烈抬升

    The conversion result shows that the cold asthenosphere sinks in large scale along trenches and ocean-sides and hot asthenosphere rises greatly along the arc-back area.


  • 改造负荷提高了8.5%,同时降低炉膛温度,并能高效率、大负荷下长周期安全运行。

    After revamping, heat load was increased by 8.5% while the temperature in the furnace hearth was decreased. The objective o...


  • 考察了阻燃磷酸基脲浓度、浸渍处理时间阻燃效果影响,研究了绝缘纸阻燃处理降解参数、剩炭率、击穿电压变化情况。

    Probed the effect of the content of guanylurea phosphate and the soaking time on flame retardation, at the same time the treated insulated paper was studied by thermal analysis.


  • 身体感到,可体温保持升高高度上差不多稳定不变

    The body feels hot and the temperature remains more or less constant at the new elevated level.


  • 熟食拿到手必须重新

    Food that is being offered hot must be reheated thoroughly.


  • 2009年,纽约爱乐乐团决定聘请艾伦·吉尔伯特担任其下一任音乐总监任命消息突然宣布,在古典音乐界引起议。

    The decision of the New York Philharmonic to hire Alan Gilbert as its next music director has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the sudden announcement of his appointment in 2009.


  • 奋力跳入吉姆赞许地冲我微笑我们下水到了沙滩上沙子上一会儿对岸,把这种活动一遍。

    When I came up sputtering, Jim smiled approvingly and we swam a few strokes to the beach, lay on the hot sand for awhile, and then swam back across the pool to do it again.


  • 在经历了几个阻止流入到该国境内本周巴西开始允许货币大幅度升值抑制通货膨胀

    Brazil, after months of fighting the tide of money into the country, this week allowed its currency to rise sharply to help its own fight against inflation.


  • 但是初始阶段就是宇宙爆炸仅一微妙,宇宙如此致使夸克胶子那时存在是自由的和不受约束的。

    But in its infancy, just microseconds after the Big Bang, the universe was so hot and dense these quarks and gluons existed freely and unbound.


  • 那时我们已经完成了客场对曼城切尔西曼联的比赛。圣诞我们在主场等他们

    By then, we will have played Man City away, Tottenham away, Chelsea away, Man United away and they all come to the Emirates after Christmas.


  • 需要记住安装完设备进行恢复

    But you need to remember to do hot restore after you installed new devices.


  • 萨拉机场经过了一段心事重重的漫长等待告知,那个几天由我精心包装纸板现在停留伦敦

    After a suspiciously long wait at Sarajevo airport for the cardboard box I'd carefully packed it in days earlier, I was told it was still in London.


  • 船上还有晚餐篝火边拉给我们背诵描写淘金文学作品——一首罗伯特.塞维斯诗,或者杰克.伦敦的传奇,有关艰苦卓绝和荒诞不经的人生,以及寒冷死去

    On the boat, and at the campfire after dinner, Kyla recites from the literature of the gold rush - a poem by Robert Service or a tale by Jack London, accounts of hardship, folly and dying of cold.


  • 这项新的研究显示格陵兰冰盖这样的冰层这种变暖趋势反应几十年内就会显现,非传统模型预测那样百年才会出现。

    The new study showed ice sheets like the Greenland ice sheet can respond to such warming on the order of decades rather than the centuries projected by conventional thermal models.


  • 告诉电视上收看尼克比赛间歇看到,他看起来很不错快乐。

    Then I told him I'd seen him on TV during halftime at the KnicksHeat game, that he looked good, that he looked happy.


  • 尚无证据支持利巴韦林作为拉沙暴露预防性治疗作用

    There is no evidence to support the role of ribavirin as post-exposure prophylactic treatment for Lassa fever.


  • 蒸馏涉及到沸腾变成水蒸气- - -盐分了下来- - -收集的蒸汽冷却凝结水。

    Thermal distillation involves heat: Boiling water turns it into vapor-leaving the salt behind-that is collected and condensed back into water by cooling it down.


  • 完了包含薄煎饼柠檬丰盛早餐玛丽结帐零钱拿给,他把零钱留在了桌上。

    After he had finished a hearty meal of pancakes, bacon, and hot lemon tea, Mary brought him the change from his check.


  • 希腊获得1987年世界篮球锦标赛冠军全国开始一片篮球

    Basketball became a national passion after Greece won the world championship in 1987.


  • 餐馆从不供应未加工的鳗鱼,因为鱼中含有一种神经毒素经过烹饪才会失效。

    It is never served raw: The blood contains a neurotoxin that's neutralized when cooked or hot smoked.


  • 豫让回去剃去眉毛胡子吞食,把声音嘶哑以便形象到声音不让人认出来。

    Returning home, Yu Rang cut off his eyebrows and beard, and swallowed burning charcoal to hoarsen his throat, in order to escape recognition both in appearance and voice.


  • 豫让回去剃去眉毛胡子吞食,把声音嘶哑以便形象到声音不让人认出来。

    Returning home, Yu Rang cut off his eyebrows and beardand swallowed burning charcoal to hoarsen his throat, in order to escape recognition both in appearance and voice.


  • 豫让回去剃去眉毛胡子吞食,把声音嘶哑以便形象到声音不让人认出来。

    Returning home, Yu Rang cut off his eyebrows and beardand swallowed burning charcoal to hoarsen his throat, in order to escape recognition both in appearance and voice.


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