• 第二部分:我国合同诈骗罪犯罪构成

    Part II: My contract constitutes the crime of fraud.


  • 合同诈骗罪主观上是以非法占有目的

    To occupy unlawfully is deemed to be the purpose of fraud of contract crime.


  • 第三部分合同诈骗罪司法认定问题。

    Part III: Crime of contract fraud problem.


  • 本文合同诈骗罪的司法疑难问题进行研究

    This thesis endeavors to study major issue regarding the crime.


  • 其次介绍了合同诈骗罪概念构成特征

    Secondly, the concept and constitutive characteristics are described of the crime of contractual fraud.


  • 目前学界对于单位合同诈骗罪没有展开研究

    However, the research on the fraud crime with unit contract has not been made in details.


  • 比较合同诈骗罪诈骗罪招摇撞骗金融诈骗罪

    And compare crime of contract fraud with crime of fraud crime of cheating and bluffing and crime of financial fraud;


  • 合同诈骗罪犯罪数额犯罪行为受害人造成直接损失额

    The amount of the contract fraud is the victim 'direct loss caused by the guilty conduct.


  • 本着主客观相一致原则区别合同诈骗罪非罪,罪与彼罪。

    So we shall differentiate contract fraud crime from other crime adhering to the principle of subjective shall be accordance with objective.


  • 部分主要阐述了合同诈骗罪概念我国合同诈骗罪历史沿革

    This section mainly elaborates the concept of contract fraud and contract fraud, and our history.


  • 合同诈骗罪实质非法占有目的支配下设定骗局无偿攫取他人财物。

    The essence of the contract fraud is, motivated by the illegal occupation, to devise a trick and seize another persons belongings.


  • 合同诈骗罪手段隐蔽、情况复杂,在诈骗犯罪合同诈骗案所占比例相当

    Because of its concealment and complexity, contract dupery crime has retained a high ratio compared with other dupery crimes.


  • 部分主要论述重视合同诈骗罪犯罪数额作用合同诈骗罪的严重情节不足

    This part discusses the main emphasis on the amount of contract fraud role in the crime, contract fraud problem serious circumstances.


  • 合同诈骗罪合同犯罪行为人利用骗取他人财物而且扰乱市场秩序合同

    The contract in the crime of contract fraud refers to those used by the criminal to defraud money and property of other persons, resulting in the disorder of the market economy.


  • 合同诈骗罪非法占有目的,其含义限于“非法所有” ,而是包括“非法占用” ;

    The purpose of illegal possession of contract swindle refers to not only"illegal possession", but also "illegal occupation and use".


  • 合同诈骗罪修订后刑法规定一个重要经济犯罪罪名也是目前司法实践中的常见

    Crime of contract take-in is a familiar name of crime in the practice of judicature, as well as an important name of economic crime prescribed by revised Criminal Law.


  • 具体表现为,合同诈骗罪合同纠纷区别主要表现合同双方有无履行合同的能力等;

    More concretely, the difference between contract fraud and contract dispute mainly depends on whether the two parties or one of the parties have the capacity to fulfill the contract.


  • 文章首先合同诈骗罪之“合同性质形式,对如何界定合同诈骗罪之“合同进行了讨论

    In the first part of the paper, it has discussed the nature and the patterns of the so-called contract (a contract fraud) and distinguishes the features of a contract fraud.


  • 合同诈骗罪民事欺诈行为无论主观方面客观方面还是侵犯客体及其权利属性都有不同

    But contract fraud and civil fraud are different in both their objective and subjective aspects, what is being violated and the nature of its rights are also different.


  • 合同诈骗罪非法占有目的,在签订、履行合同过程中骗取对方当事人财物数额较大行为

    The contract fraud refers to the illegal possession for the purpose of entering into, performance of the contract process, to cheat the other party property, the amount of the larger acts.


  • 因此如何正确理解认定合同诈骗罪非法占有目的”,刑法理论实践部门所面临的重要课题

    How to understand and determine the intent of illegal possession in the crime of contractual fraud, therefore, is an important topic for criminal law theory and in practical sector.


  • 部分主要介绍合同诈骗罪客体合同诈骗罪的客观方面合同诈骗罪的主体和合同诈骗罪的主观方面。

    This section introduces the object of contract fraud, contract fraud and objective aspects of the main contract fraud and contract fraud subjective.


  • 但是,合同诈骗罪故意仅指直接故意,还是既有直接故意,又间接故意,在刑法理论界还有不少争论。

    The chapter 2 discusses the problem that whether the crime of contract can be constituted by indirect intent, which has been discussed for a long time.


  • 犯罪主观方面强调无论是自然人为主体或是单位主体合同诈骗罪必须具备非法占有为目的的主观故意

    The subjective of the crime stresses the subjective intention having to possess something with illegal way for aims, whose subject of the crime of contract fraud is the nature or the unit.


  • 一方面司法实践提供理论上支持一方面为打击合同诈骗罪献计献策从而规范经济行为净化经济环境。

    On the one hand to provide theoretical support for the judicial practice, on the other hand to offer advice on fraud against the contract to regulate economic activity, economic environment clean.


  • 合同诈骗罪主观上要求非法占有他人财物目的但该目的不是目的之目的,合同诈骗罪并非刑法理论上特定目的犯。

    In article 224th of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, it stipulates "purpose of illegal possession" precisely, which requisites to constitute a crime of contractual fraud.


  • 现行刑法虽然惩治合同诈骗犯罪提供了法律依据但是司法实践中,如何正确区分合同诈骗罪合同纠纷中的民事欺诈行为,探讨价值的问题。

    Present Criminal Law also provides law gist for punishing this crime. But it is worth discussing so as to correctly distinguish civil cheat in the crime of contract take-in and contract dissension.


  • 由于此类犯罪具有其他刑事犯罪交叉、参与犯罪主体庞杂等特点,认定时应从犯罪行为方式、犯罪数额、行为人的主观故意、犯罪主体以及与合同诈骗罪的区别等不同侧面进行分析。

    Owing to the facts that this kind of crimes are usually interacted with other criminal acts and the subjects of crime are always rather complicated, the determination of this kind of c…


  • 由于此类犯罪具有其他刑事犯罪交叉、参与犯罪主体庞杂等特点,认定时应从犯罪行为方式、犯罪数额、行为人的主观故意、犯罪主体以及与合同诈骗罪的区别等不同侧面进行分析。

    Owing to the facts that this kind of crimes are usually interacted with other criminal acts and the subjects of crime are always rather complicated, the determination of this kind of c…


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