• 维多利亚时代流传着一则箴言:“造物主赋予人类嘴唇遮掩牙齿”。这暗示严格意义上牙科学诞生之前口腔卫生状况往往非常糟糕。

    "Nature gave us lips to conceal our teeth," ran one popular Victorian maxim, alluding to the fact that before the birth of proper dentistry, mouths were often in a shocking state of hygiene.


  • 唾液口腔唾液腺分泌出来的。

    Saliva is secreted by glands in the mouth.


  • 有效提高牙齿口腔免疫能力

    Effective exaltation tooth and the immunity ability of the mouth cavity.


  • 口腔部分发音

    Use the back part of your mouth!


  • 因此认为白茶有助于口腔清洁健康

    Therefore he concludes that drinking more white tea is helpful to the buccal cleaning and health.


  • 噪音音色充分显露出来口腔噪音就消失了。

    The timbre of the laryngeal sound stands out, and oral noise decrease.


  • 果汁中的柠檬酸会调节口腔PH值杀死造成口气细菌

    The citric acid in the juice alters the pH level in your mouth, killing the bacteria that cause bad breath.


  • 古希腊罗马文学详述牙签使用用来保持口腔清洁

    Ancient Greek and Roman literature discusses the use of toothpicks, which were used to keep the mouth clean.


  • 口腔周围明显痕迹是充满死者口腔的金属合金导致干扰线

    The apparent marks around the mouth are interference lines caused by metal or amalgam fillings in the dead man's mouth.


  • 磨牙口腔一种异常功能发生的原因,目前十分清楚

    Night molar is an abnormal function of the mouth, and its cause, is not very clear.


  • 此病通过人与患者带菌者排泄物和口腔的直接间接接触传染

    Transmission is by direct of indirect fecal-oral transmission from a patient or carrier.


  • 十二指肠钩虫第4幼虫口腔长宽几乎相等美洲钩虫宽大于长。

    In the 4th stage larvae, the length of mouth cavity of A. duodenale is almost equivalent to its width, but that of N. americanus is shorter.


  • 开始,会感觉有点奇怪,明白他们作用后,我喜欢用了之后口腔感觉。

    At first it was weird, but after I realized what it was for, I really like how my mouth felt after using it.


  • 近年来,我们开始看到生活于人体不同部位包括肠道皮肤口腔微生物群的全貌。

    In recent years, we have begun to obtain a comprehensive picture of the composition of the human-associated microbiota in various niches, including the gut, skin and oral cavity.


  • 还指出宽阔头骨能够加大口腔容量,这反过来提高吸食海水进食的效率

    The whale's wide skull would have boosted the volume of its mouth and, in turn, the efficiency of suction feeding, he suggests.


  • 因此用于口腔金属材料除了需要具备良好机械性能外,耐腐蚀性能也是个重要考察指标

    Therefore, other than the excellent mechanical characteristics, the corrosion resistance should be treated as the important criteria about testing quality of dental alloys material as well.


  • 显示说常吃木糖醇有助于减少齿菌斑——,牙石,牙渍形成一步——还有提高口腔健康

    Regular use of Xylitol has been shown to help reduce dental plaque - the first stage of cavity development, tartar formation and tooth staining - and promote better oral health.


  • 为了理解牙齿龋坏都发生了什么了解口腔自然状况有益的。以下几个基本组成要素

    To understand what happens when your teeth decay, it's helpful to know what's in your mouth naturally. Here are a few of the elements.


  • 一百万以前我们祖先口腔形状结构声道其它部分足以使他们讲话尽管无法很多话。

    It is thought that the shape and mechanics of the mouth, throat and other parts of the vocal tract of our ancestors from one million years ago would have allowed them to speak - but not a lot.


  • 这个研究提供了更多经常牙科医生照顾口腔理由因此处在如此多的冠状动脉事件风险中。

    This study provides more of a reason to see the dentist regularly and take care of your mouth so you are not at as much at risk for coronary events.


  • 舌头保留了足够长度,让他可以勉强说话不过口腔形状,舌头遭到损伤,吃东西非常困难

    He retained enough of his tongue that he was able to compensate for speech, but the altered shape of his oral cavity and the damage to his tongue made eating difficult.


  • 口腔副作用仍然最主要即使使用许多药物防止治疗其中一个副作用就是口腔念珠菌感染。

    Oral side effects remain a major source of illness despite the use of a variety of agents to prevent and treat them. One of these side effects is oral candidiasis.


  • 被称为跳蛛因为有毒鳌口腔附属物),一种非常物种——只有0.16英寸那么

    Known as the hammerjawed jumper (for the shape of its fangs and mouth appendages), it's a very small speciesonly .16 of an inch long.


  • 研究者棉签刮志愿者口腔细胞这样他们就能确定志愿者是否含有或者是否含有多个争对PTC的“敏感型”受体基因

    Swabs were also taken of the volunteers' cheek cells so that researchers could determine whether they carried none, one, or two 'sensitive' copies of the taste receptor gene that allows taste of PTC.


  • 结论老年人敏感症只要诊断正确,治疗方法得当,均收到理想效果,能显著延长牙齿寿命,以维护老年人口腔的身心健康。

    Conclusion By correct diagnosis and proper treatment, tooth sensitivity in aged can get satisfactory effect, and those teeth can be maintained much longer.


  • 脑膜炎通过病人近距离直接接触沾染病人鼻子以及口腔分泌物而传播但是和病人偶尔的接触并不会传染,同时该病也不会通过空气传播。

    It can be contracted by direct close contact with discharges from the nose or throat of an infected person, but not through casual contact or breathing the same air.


  • 一番彻底的刷牙处理有助清洁口腔

    A thorough brushing helps to freshen up your mouth.


  • 一番彻底的刷牙处理有助清洁口腔

    A thorough brushing helps to freshen up your mouth.


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