• 计算由于变化不定的气候更加困难

    Such calculations are made more difficult by the uncertainty surrounding climate change.


  • 一个风向变化不定阴天

    It was a cloudy day with variable winds.


  • JDBC2开发过程中SQL99处在一种变化不定的情况下。

    During the JDBC 2 development process, SQL99 was still in a state of flux.


  • 危机爆发时起,变化不定库存水平一直整体经济活动造成很大影响

    Fluctuating inventories have been a big influence on overall economic activity since the onset of the crisis.


  • 北部非洲的撒哈拉沙漠。张照片中是阿尔及利亚境内形状变化不定沙海

    As passing over the Sahara in northern Africa, Chiao took this picture of the Eastern Sand sea-a vast basin filled with shifting dunes-in Algeria.


  • 可以变化不定环境茁壮成长,并且那些意外的障碍变为成功的基石。

    I thrive in a fluctuating environment and I transform unexpected obstacles into stepping stones for achievements.


  • 但是性能提高量却是变化不定取决于工作负载,范围 5% 与 13% 之间)。

    The performance gain can vary widely (in the range of 5 to 13%, depending on the workload).


  • 针对营销企业商品销售数量变化不定难点提出了基于模型商品月销售量的预测方法。

    Against the difficult problems in protean month sales volume of goods, the method of cloud model is proposed to do month sale forecasting.


  • 且不说变化不定经济,过去几个情感上的波折可能使这种称为“假日忧伤”的情感更为普遍

    These feelings, often known as the "holiday blues," may be even more prevalent, due to the emotional turmoil of the past few months, not to mention the unsteady economy.


  • 且不说变化不定经济过去几个月来情感上的波折就可能使这种称为"假日忧伤"的情感更为普遍

    These feelings, often known as the "holiday blues," may be even more prevalent, due to the emotional turmoil of the past few months, not tomention the unsteady economy


  • 且不说变化不定经济,过去几个情感上的波折可能使这种称为假日忧伤的情感在今年更为普遍

    These feelings, often known as the "holiday blues, " may be even more common this year, due to the emotional disorder of the past few months, not to mention the unsteady economy.


  • 且不说变化不定经济,过去几个情感上的波折可能使这种称为“假日忧伤”的情感在今年更为普遍

    These feelings, often known as the "holiday blues," may be even more prevalent this year, due to the emotional turmoil of the past few months, not to mention the unsteady economy.


  • 由于本人同样也可能遭到奇克夫人突然袭击,所以他们的吵小通常具有变化不定特色富有生气的。

    Being liable himself to similar unlooked for checks from Mrs Chick, their little contests usually possessed a character of uncertainty that was very animating.


  • 内胆底部累积沉淀物产生变化不定噪音可能造成内胆过早老化。按照“ 排水冲刷”地说明排泄并冲刷内胆。

    Sediment buildup in the tank bottom will create varying amounts of noise and may cause premature tank failure. Drain and flush the tank as directed under " Draining and Flushing".


  • 情绪变化不定,一会儿恐惧一会儿生气

    His emotions veered between fear and anger.


  • 过去我们大环境起落不定变化快速

    Our last five years were marked by uncertainty and rapid change.


  • 金融危机气候变化事件并非市场作乱大自然播弄结果,它们不是人类起伏不定的历史不可避免的事件。

    Events such as the financial crisis and climate change are not quirks of the marketplace, or quirks of nature. They are not inevitable events in the up-and-down cycle of human history.


  • 浏览器往往会标题中添加空格使按钮长度变化不定

    Browsers also often add padding Spaces to the captions, giving the buttons varying lengths.


  • 日本传出信息经常变化,以至于很难确定居民究竟暴露怎样辐射水平下;各种情形下不同的地方辐射水平变化不定

    The information coming out of Japan changes so frequently that it's difficult to pin down a specific level of radiation that residents are exposed to; in any case, levels vary from place to place.


  • 由于客户使用数据各不相同而且大小不定所以表空间变化很大,会影响数据大小调整规划方面的考虑

    Because customers use different as well as unexpected amounts of data, table space sizes can vary significantly, affecting database sizing and planning considerations.


  • 另外由于市场带来公司主要市场的不利变化企业可能通过收购别的公司核心业务转移不同的市场里。

    In addition, as volatility brings undesirable changes to its primary markets, a firm may acquire other companies to shift its core business into different markets.


  • 某日,安琪儿讨论一个有趣话题关于那些很自然形成的生活态度的变化不定

    Angel and I had an interesting conversation the other day regarding the natural uncertainty of life.


  • 本书中米里亚作为奋起抗争赖特个性的人物中起着至关重要的作用。在企图相信自己一生中永远需要唯一女性时,米里亚姆摇摆不定性格折射出反复无常情绪变化

    Miriam is the most important counterforce to Wright in this novel, mirroring his volatile mood swings with her own even as she tries to convince him that she is the only woman he will ever need.


  • 可以宾语状语构成不定短语没有人称和数变化时态语态变化

    Infinitive form can take object or adverbial infinitive phrase, there is no person and number of changes, but sometimes tense and voice changes.


  • 价格变化基本要素情感慌乱恐惧贪婪不安全感担心压力犹豫不定,这些短期价格变动主要根源

    The basic substance of price change is human emotion. Panic, fear, greed, insecurity, anxiety, stress, and uncertainty are the primary sources of short-term price change.


  • 价格变化基本要素情感慌乱恐惧贪婪不安全感担心压力犹豫不定,这些短期价格变动主要根源

    The basic substance of price change is human emotion. Panic, fear, greed, insecurity, anxiety, stress, and uncertainty are the primary sources of short-term price change.


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