• 控制器等效扰动信号对象对象模型内模控制器反馈滤波器参考输入滤波器组成。

    The PID controller is composed of the equivalent interference signal, the controlled objects, the object model, IMC, feedback filter and reference input filter.


  • 将其卫星导航系统(GNSS共同运用弹道导弹组合导航系统,以融合反馈模式联邦滤波器为基础构建SINS/CNS/GNSS组合导航系统。

    On the basis of feedback federal filtering, the CNS data producer and GNSS are used together in an integrated navigation in order to set up the SINS/CNS/GNSS integrated navigation system.


  • 构造了一些新的基于电流反馈放大器电压模式双二阶滤波器滤波功能参数可调这些电路主要优点

    Some new voltage-mode second-order filters based on current feedback amplifier are proposed. The major merits of these circuits are multiple filtering function and adjustable parameter.


  • 研究线性不确定系统反馈控制器鲁棒故障检测滤波器集成设计问题

    The integrated design problem of feedback controller and robust fault detection filter is studied for uncertain linear time invariant system.


  • 着重介绍采用最小均方算法横向滤波器判决反馈均衡器均衡器,讨论了HDTV采用的不同均衡方案及其均衡性能

    The emphasis is laid on the principles of LMS transversal filter, decision feedback equalizer and blind equalizer. Different equalizing schemes and their performance used in HDTV are discussed.


  • 本文导出误差反馈次最优二阶状态空间数字滤波器单位噪声增益计算公式。

    A simple formula of unit noise gain is derived for suboptimal second-order state-space digital filter with error feedback.


  • 结果表明采用IIR滤波器结构的ANC系统声学反馈现象确实具有明显抑制作用

    It is shown that in the ANC system with IIR filter the acoustic feedback effect has been apparently abated.


  • 在此基础上,应用优状态反馈控制卡尔曼滤波器模块构成完整LQG控制系统。

    Moreover, the optimal state-feedback control modules and Kalman filter are added in the model, then the whole LQG control system is constructed directly.


  • 报道了利用增益开关分布反馈半导体激光器F-P光学滤波器掺饵光纤放大器研制成孤子研究工作

    The studies on an optical soliton source which is prepared using a gain -switched DFB laser, a F-P optical filter and an Er-doped fiber amplifier are reported.


  • 本文介绍电流反馈放大器CFA基本原理四个CFA几个电阻电容设计了一种输入输出新的通用滤波器

    The fundamental of current feedback amplifiers(CFA) has been introduced. A new universal filter with three inputs and single output using four CFAs and a few of resistors and capacitors is presented.


  • 环路反馈结构,包括插值器、时钟误差检测环路滤波器三个部分。

    The loop is a second order phase lock loop, consisting of an interpolator, a timing error detector and a loop filter.


  • 结果表明:变自适应判决反馈均衡器前馈滤波器长度收敛一定范围内、判决延迟保持一定的情况下,反馈长度并不是越长越

    The results show that a longer feedback filter tap-length is not necessarily better when the feedforward filter tap-length converges to a certain range and the decision delay maintains a fixed value.


  • 为了缩短数字低通滤波器的动态时间计算量,提出基于采样反馈理论数字化谐波检测方法

    A method for digital harmonic detecting based on resampling and feedback theory is proposed, and a digital harmonic detecting system is designed.


  • 滤波器配置消除反馈信号失真。

    The analogue filter is configured to cancel the predistortion of the feedback signal.


  • 最后本文详细介绍高阶电流模式滤波器系统方法阐述等效电路替代法反馈法,给出了设计的具体步骤。

    In the last section, as the design methods of high-order current-mode integrated filters, the equivalent circuits and the multi-loop feedbacks are systematically expounded.


  • 本文导出了反馈有源带通滤波器电压转移函数计算出滤波器、相频理论特性曲线。

    In this paper we develop the voltage transfer function of the six order active passband filter with multiple path feedback and calculate the theoretical values for A-F and P-F response.


  • 本文设计均衡器采用时域联合处理的自适应均衡技术,其中频域均衡作为DFE前馈滤波部分,时域的反馈滤波的部分使用常规横向滤波器

    The equalization in frequency domain is the feed-forward filtering of the DFE. And the traditional transversal filter is used in the feed-back filtering in time domain.


  • 其中内部动态分别带有局部激活反馈局部输出反馈的自回归滑动平均滤波器构成

    The internal dynamic elements are auto-regressive moving average filters with local activation feedback and local output feedback, respectively.


  • dsp数字反馈控制器dsp数字移频-dsp自动数字滤波器组成,根据现场环境dsp软件自动寻找啸锁定无需人工调节

    Dsm dsp frequency feedback controller is made of dsp shift frequency and dsp automatism digital filter. dsp software searches howl point and lock it by locale condition with no adjusting.


  • 提出了一种新颖利用反馈环路以及RC滤波器提高电源抑制比的精密CMOS基准电压源。

    In this paper, a novel high precision CMOS bandgap voltage reference which USES a negative back circuit and a rc filter to enhance the PSRR is proposed.


  • 将LVDT输出加在同步稳压器上,跟随一个低通滤波器产生直流电压送至adc直接驱动模拟反馈控制系统

    Applying the LVDT's output to a synchronous rectifier followed by a lowpass filter produces a dc voltage that can feed an ADC or directly drive an analog feedback-control system.


  • 再将有源滤波器接入点线上电流谐波分量反馈回来,作为调节器输入调整前馈控制误差

    Active Filter access point and then after the line current harmonics back to the company as the regulator's input, adjusting the feedforward control error.


  • 本文以并联电流型有源滤波器数学模型为基础,讨论了有源滤波器控制方法方法负载电流前馈、电源电流状态反馈控制延迟补偿组成。

    In this paper, the control method of the current-source active filter is discussed, which is made up of the state-feedback and delay compensation control.


  • 为保证电力有源滤波器稳态指标,对状态反馈后的系统设计重复控制器

    Repetitive controller also is designed out of state feedback control loop to improve static performance of APF.


  • 将有源滤波器接入点后的线上电流谐波分量反馈回来,作为调节器输入调整前馈控制误差

    APF then access points al0ng the harmonic current feedback, as a regulator input, adjusted feedforward control error.


  • 将有源滤波器接入点后的线上电流谐波分量反馈回来,作为调节器输入调整前馈控制误差

    APF then access points al0ng the harmonic current feedback, as a regulator input, adjusted feedforward control error.


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