• 该党反恐战争批评态度。

    The party is critical about the war against terrorism.


  • 特异功能的能力真会结束反恐战争吗?

    And if psychic powers do end the war on terror?


  • 全球系统飞行超过28500小时其中21500小时用于支援全球反恐战争

    The Global Hawk system has logged more than 28,500 total program flight hours, of which more than 21,500 hours were flown in support of the global war on terrorism.


  • 铭记正是过去十年反恐战争教训要根治问题源头而非表面症状

    The best lessons to bear in mind are those learned in such costly fashion during the past decade of the "war on terror". Deal with the source of the problem, not just its symptoms.


  • 此,今天判决却对三军统帅挂羊头卖狗肉,必然使得我们反恐战争愈加困难

    The game of bait-and-switch that today's opinion plays upon the Nation's Commander in Chief will make the war harder on us. It will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed.


  • 所谓反恐战争菲律宾延伸至泰国东南亚紧张前线中,柬埔寨一个安全的边缘地区。

    New theatre of terror? In the so-called war on terror, Cambodia is a sleepy outpost on a tense South-East Asian front that stretches from the Philippines to Thailand.


  • 恐怖事件美国国家战略发生转移,制定了“先发制人军事战略,推行反恐战争

    Since "9.11" terrorist event, American state strategy were diverted, then set the military strategy of "wipe one's eye", and undertook the war of opposing terrorist.


  • 优秀盟国的支持下我们动用美国一切力量打赢这场反恐战争,确保我们孩子们的自由和平

    With good Allies at our side, we will fight this war on terror with every resource of our national power so our children can live in freedom and in peace.


  • 反恐战争第二十年阿富汗战争美国经济衰弱一道继续加速美国在全球的衰落

    In the second decade of the Anti-terrorist War, the Afghanistan War, along with the decay of the economy, will continue to quicken the pace of American decline.


  • 反恐战争启动9年来美国一直努力解决如何一种正义安全的方式处理那些冲突中被关押的人员。

    Nearly nine years into the war on terror, America is still struggling to work out how to handle those detained in the conflict in a manner consistent with both justice and security.


  • 同时·伊尔,伦敦《泰晤士报》上写到电影包含含蓄的对美国反恐战争中的行为批评”。

    Meanwhile Ben Hoyle, writing in the Times of London, noted that the film "contains heavy implicit criticism of America's conduct in the War on Terror."


  • 篇文章暗示目标扩展“奥威尔创伤突出也门和非洲大陆美国所谓反恐战争’的全新焦点。”

    The article suggests the goal was to spread "Orwellian-style trauma and project Yemen, as well as the African continent, [as] the brand-new focus of the American so-called 'war on terror.'"


  • 将稳定amt成本反恐战争耗费、以及财政赤字在一起,总额这个剩下时间gdp的2%附近

    Add together the cost of fixing the AMT and likely expenses for the war on terror, and the budget deficit may well stay around 2% of GDP for the rest of the decade.


  • 巴马远远不是放弃反恐战争,而是将战争中心前线伊拉克转阿富汗并且那些能够做的更好事情

    Far from abandoning the war on terror, Mr Obama is shifting its central front from Iraq to Afghanistan, and doing what he can to sell it better. That hardly counts as naive doveishness.


  • 伊拉克战争侵蚀共和党反恐战争优势主要是因为布什于2004年竞选时将两者成功绑在了一起

    The Iraq war has also eroded the Republicans' advantage in the "war on terror", not least because of Mr Bush's success in tying the two subjects together in the 2004 campaign.


  • 埃及土耳其沙特阿拉伯其它波斯湾国家这些美国反恐战争中的盟友也都从来没有留下布什的踪影。

    Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf states-all close Allies in the war on terror, as the cliche goes-still represent mostly blank pages in Bush's travel diary.


  • 惊人的:军事统治主要借口美国人所熟知-反恐战争(永远介意勇士们自己实施的恐怖)。

    And this is striking: the main excuse for his martial law is one that is all too familiar to Americans - the war on terror (and never mind the terror dispensed by the warriors themselves).


  • 就获取一个更广视野理解美国从过去年间反恐战争”中得到的教训而言,再没有基尔卡伦的精彩著述更好的了。

    For a wider perspective on the lessons drawn over the past seven years of the "war on terror", the reader can do no better than turn to Mr Kilcullen's excellent book.


  • 过去年里我们经济经历了很多我们经受股市下跌经济萧条企业丑闻祖国受袭正在进行反恐战争需要

    In the past four years, our economy has been through a lot: we faced a stock market decline, a recession, corporate scandals, an attack on our homeland, and the demands of an ongoing war on terror.


  • 尽管,9.11事件后,美国反恐战争全球部署给中亚的土俄关系增加了诸多变数这并不能根本上改变未来的土俄关系。

    After 9.11 affair took place, many variables are produced by America global anti-terrorism war, but their relationships can not be completely changed.


  • 那些面孔集中经济国家安全部门,时值美国处于反恐战争经济动荡之际,巴马想以延揽这些人入阁来向外界发出安抚信号

    The old faces are grouped in the economics and national-security camps, an effort by Mr. Obama to send reassuring signals at a time of war and economic upheaval.


  • 那些面孔集中经济国家安全部门,时值美国处于反恐战争经济动荡之际,巴马想以延揽这些人入阁来向外界发出安抚信号

    The old faces are grouped in the economics and national-security camps, an effort by Mr. Obama to send reassuring signals at a time of war and economic upheaval.


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