• 关键缩短反应周期

    The key here is to shorten your feedback cycle.


  • 好氧阶段硝化效率约整个反应周期脱氮效率37.0%。

    The denitrifying rate in the aerobic stage was accounted for 37.0% of the denitrification in the whole reaction period.


  • 方法简单反应周期得到纯度达98%甲基环己基二甲氧基硅烷产品

    The method simple, the reaction period short and the productive rate high. The purity of the product can reach 98%.


  • 环路反应进行油酸甲酯加氢制饱和甲酯结果搅拌对照,反应周期缩短60%。

    The comparison of hydrogenation results of 1auric acid methyl ester to saturation with loop reactor and stirring reactor showed the reaction period of loop reactor was 60% shorter than the later.


  • 介绍了聚氯乙烯生产过程采用助剂工艺缩短聚合反应周期以及取得的良好效果

    The new type additives and new process employed in PVC production are introduced, which can shorten the polymerization period, and the good results thereof are also described.


  • 对于反应过程复杂、反应周期长的生化反应建立起切实可行仿真培训系统制药业高等工程教育都有实用意义。

    It's very useful work to establish a simulation training system of biochemical reaction for pharmaceutical industry and higher education of engineering.


  • 伊朗强烈经济民族主义周期高涨一定程度上必须理解英国伊朗商业英国政府之间密切关系的反应

    Periodic surges of intense Iranian economic nationalism must be understood partly as a reaction to the close relations between British business in Iran and the British government.


  • 现行价格水平关键商品应该会看到一个着的反应面积未来数月随着各国开始他们的培养周期

    The prevailing price levels for critical commodities should see a significant acreage response in the coming months as countries begin their cultivation cycles.


  • CXF只有相对较少已知问题问题快速反应以及发布周期意味着,问题一旦发现则会得到及时更正。

    CXF has only relatively minor known issues, and the fast responses to problems and quick release cycle mean problems generally are corrected soon after they're found.


  • 研究表明地球气候可能有很多种基于反馈周期的说法,意味着全球变暖引起气候变化质的反应

    The research indicates that Earth's climate may have multiple states based on this feedback cycle, meaning that the climate could change qualitatively in response to the effects of global warming.


  • 一个周期结束成品取出时,必须已经准备接受反应气体地方补种细丝

    At the end of a cycle you have to harvest the material out, you have to reseed the filaments and restore it to where it's ready to receive the reactive gas — and that's a lot of nonproductive time.


  • Zara成功最关键的就是在时装业他们顾客趋势快速反应,经常性的生产从而使服装具有生命周期(10)。

    Fundamental to Zara's success is their commitment to rapid response in customer trends in fashion, producing clothing often and with short life spans (10 wears).


  • 相反,他发现氦都是惰性气体,惰性的意思是基本参与化学反应,因此把它们放在周期表中的同一类里。

    Versus looking at, for example, helium or neon or argon, these are all inert gases, inert meaning essentially do not react, those were grouped together in the periodic table.


  • 所以如果理解这个图表,你开始了解到反应核心中子周期

    So if you understand this chart you will begin to appreciate the life of a neutron in the reactor core.


  • 差异表达基因的功能涉及细胞生长增殖调控凋亡、细胞周期、应激反应转运代谢酶等方面。

    The expressions of the various genes modulated cell growth and proliferation, apoptosis, cell cycle, stress response, transporters, chaperones, transcription regulation and drug metabolism.


  • 缀合途径参与细胞多种代谢过程包括DNA损伤修复细胞周期调控应激反应

    The ubiquitin-conjugating pathway involves in numerous metabolic processes in cells, including DNA damage repair, cell cycle control, stress responses and so on.


  • 理解大自然气候变化有怎样反应需要监视世界各个角落的关键生命周期事件一一花开、叶子出现青蛙第一呼唤春天鸣叫。

    Understanding how nature responds to climate change will require monitoring key life cycle events - flowering, the appearance of leaves, and the first frog calls of the spring - all around the world.


  • 研究的独特在于强调病人年龄卵巢反应周期特点以及最终结局胎儿出生影响

    It is also unique in that it placed an emphasis on the impact of a patient's age, her ovarian response, the characteristics of her cycle, and the final outcome - a birth.


  • 复杂网络通过1-周期更新使用反应路由协议发现路由。

    In the complex networks, routes are discovered by a periodic update between 1 - hop neighbors or by using a reactive routing protocol.


  • 黏液只是阻止一个春季再生周期本性提供改变动力反应

    The mucous is only a reflection of the desire to stop the momentum of change offered by nature in its cycle of rebirth each springtime.


  • 系统研究了软夹层在底部、中部顶部土层结构反应平台特征周期的主要特征。

    For three kinds of different soil layer construction, the characters of the platform values and the characteristic periods of ground surface acceleration response spectra were studied.


  • 多种细胞机制功能障碍导致染色体不稳定性,包括染色体分离DNA损伤反应、细胞周期检查点端粒功能

    Several factors, such as defects in chromosome segregation and DNA damage response, failure of cell cycle checkpoint, telomere dysfunction, may cause chromosomal instability.


  • 目的探讨利用成熟体外成熟技术治疗卵巢反应不良卵泡发育迟缓周期可能性。

    Objective to apply in vitro maturation (IVM) to poor responding of ovary and retardation of follicular development during conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle.


  • 第二周期反应属一对主效隐性基因控制

    The second photoperiodic reaction is controlled by a recessive gene.


  • 产品生产周期反应温和工艺简单原料易得

    This produce is short production period, moderate reaction, simple technology, easy source of other materials.


  • 反应安全状况等级二级检定周期定为6

    The safe situation classification of reactor is second class. The detection peroid is 6 years.


  • 细胞蛋白质合成系统相比传统细胞表达系统许多优点,包括表达周期短、反应条件容易控制等。

    Cell-free protein synthesis has some advantages on protein expression and regulation, compared with traditional cell-based expression system.


  • 细胞蛋白质合成系统相比传统细胞表达系统许多优点,包括表达周期短、反应条件容易控制等。

    Cell-free protein synthesis has some advantages on protein expression and regulation, compared with traditional cell-based expression system.


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