• 就是原始文明期望的“众神回归事件

    It is the event that primitive civilizations have looked forward to as "the return of the gods".


  • 榨取了他们所有能量这些所谓原始文明细胞翘辫子

    We call these protoculture cell - and by the time you've gotten all the energy out of them you can, the seeds are dead.


  • 属于地球共同体人类文明走过了原始文明、农业文明,又演绎出今天的现代全球文明

    Human civilization subject to global community has evolved from primitive civilization and agricultural civilization to modern globalized civilization.


  • 原始文明经常用改造天然石群修建石碑记录太阳月亮运行和季节变化创立历法观测日食月食

    Ancient cultures often modified natural rock formations or built stone monuments to mark the motions of the sun and moon, charting the seasons, creating calendars and monitoring eclipses.


  • 这种粗糙原始文明游客精致现代文明见面时绝对带来深深的震撼无限遐想思索

    When this kind of coarse primitive civilization and tourist's delicate modern culture meets, can bring deep shock and infinite daydream thinking absolutely.


  • 一瞬间文明中心到了原始的状态。

    He had been suddenly jerked from the heart of civilization and flung into the heart of things primordial.


  • 亚历山大,来自强盛希腊。我看到你们原始文明似乎欠缺不少的知识学问,希望你能同意这项交易我们互惠互利,共同成长。

    I am Alexander, of the Mighty Greeks. I see that your primitive civilization lacks much knowledge and wisdom. Agree to this exchange and let us thrive together.


  • 老子为什么推荐我们寻找这么个国土来安身立命,为什么非要鼓励我们建立这么抛弃文明回归原始生活的国度呢?

    Why did Laotse recommend such an area for our living? Why did he encourage us to establish a settlement that deserts civilization and returns to primitive life?


  • 来自建筑师描述。人类(我们自己)超脱文明达到物质上的简约的生活方式我们内心原始自然形成的的动物本能便会得到释放。

    From the architect. As human beings (ourselves) are detached from civilization to access a lifestyle of scanty materials, our inner animality generated from primitive natural habitat is emancipated.


  • 阿波罗代表秩序文明原始复仇女神叫喊只有血液更多的血液。

    Apollo represents the new order of light and civilization against the primitive Furies, who scream only for blood and more blood.


  • 原始并不疯狂真正疯狂文明

    The primitive is not a mad, really crazy is civilized.


  • 人类农业文明之前原始社会自然法则支配下社会,作为自然物的一也是按照自然法则行事,物种间和谐有序

    Primitive society before agricultural civilization is ruled by law of nature, in which people as part of nature acted upon law of nature and members were harmonious and orderly.


  • 许多文化发达,按照我们的说法他们是不文明的。但是他们语言不是原始的。

    There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped, who are, as we say, uncivilized, but the languages they speak are not primitive.


  • 原始也许如此行事文明应该养成得体的举止

    Primitive humans might have acted in such fashion, but civilized humans should cultivate more appropriate behaviors.


  • 原始文明对立陆地海洋的冲突在康拉德作品中表现得最为鲜明

    The elements of confrontation between primitiveness and civilization, land and ocean make his works remarkable and distinctive.


  • 论文酒店传统的原始商业文化谈起,作为契机,引出现代酒店装饰文明人性化人性化艺术的构想。

    As a Connection point, the article is brought out the humanity and the humanities arts in modern hotel's decorative Civilization by involving in original commercial culture.


  • 山丘本来有,”补充道:“古老文明只是切出形状然后在上面涂原始水泥那样就得到一个金字塔了。”

    "The hill was already there," he added. "Some ancient civilization just shaped it and then coated it with this primitive concrete and there you have a pyramid."


  • 历史上某些原始部落文明里,只能是婚姻中的夫妇两人一起大米因为一起吃这种当地食物暗示着他们共同生活

    Historically, in certain primitive tribal cultures, the mere act of supping on rice together bound a couple in matrimony, as eating this local food together implied their living together.


  • 这个曾经被叫做垦“人性荒蛮原始屠宰场里,仍然零星闪烁着点点文明的微光。

    There are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity.


  • 人类(我们自己)超脱文明达到物质简约的生活方式我们内心原始自然形成的的动物本能便会得到释放。

    As human beings (ourselves) are detached from civilization to access a lifestyle of scanty materials, our inner animality generated from primitive natural habitat is emancipated.


  • 原始,在极少舒适性文明相关设备的条件下生活

    To live like primitive people; live with little of the comfort and equipment of civilization.


  • 四大文明古国是指世界上最先原始社会进入奴隶社会古代埃及巴比伦印度中国它们世界文明摇篮

    They refer to ancient Egypt, Babylon, India and China, which were considered as the earliest entry from primitive society into slave society. They were the cradles of civilizations of the world.


  • 同时提供了研究丰富人类文明原始材料标本

    At the same time, it provides source material and sample for studying and widening the human civilization.


  • 伊通作为长春市的母亲河,为长春带来原始文明因泛滥,给城市带来了多次洪涝灾害

    Yi tong river, as the mother river of Changchun, had once brought the most primitive civilizations, but also brought some flood disasters.


  • 人类思维第一变革是从远古原始思维走向现代文明思维,即形象思维走向概念思维。

    The first great transformation of human thought was to go from primitive thought in remote antiquity to modern civilization, that is, from thinking in terms of images to thinking in concepts.


  • 人类思维第一变革是从远古原始思维走向现代文明思维,即形象思维走向概念思维。

    The first great transformation of human thought was to go from primitive thought in remote antiquity to modern civilization, that is, from thinking in terms of images to thinking in concepts.


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