• 弱小目标检测跟踪红外预警系统精确制导系统卫星遥感系统中的一项关键技术

    Dim small target detection and tracking is the key technology of the infrared surveillance system, precise guidance system, and satellite remote sensing system.


  • 地面系统提供卫星指挥控制接收分发有效载荷数据实时遥感数据,评估卫星运行情况

    The ground system provides command and control of the satellites, and receives and distributes payload data and real-time telemetry required to assess how well the satellites are functioning.


  • SR- 5124集成电子情报通信情报的信号情报系统,能够同时同步捕获无线电卫星通信遥感勘测以及雷达信号。

    The SR-5124 is the first SIGINT system that integrates ELINT and COMINT that captures radio, satcom, telemetry, and radar signals simultaneously and synchronously.


  • 遥感卫星地面站主要天馈线伺服系统、接收分系统控分系统、调制器、解调器记录设备设备等构成。

    The remote sensing satellite earth station is composed by antenna, feed subsystem , servo subsystem, receiver, station manage subsystem, modulator, demodulator, recorder and quick view equipment.


  • 接收软件控制遥感卫星接收系统稳定工作关键因素

    Receiving software is the key factor to control remote sensing satellite receiving system in stable work.


  • 基于卫星中继无人机图像传输系统遥感图像的传输中有着十分重要的作用。

    The pilotless image transmission system based on satellite relay communication is very important in remote sensing transmission applications.


  • 试验结果表明,在16∶132∶1压缩比情况算法可很好满足军事卫星遥感图像压缩系统要求

    Finally, experimental results show that when the compression rate is 16 or 32, the method satisfies the requirement for the military satellite remote sensing image system.


  • 污染严重威胁海洋环境,建立常规化卫星遥感监测系统纳入信息高速公路计划非常必要的。

    To setting-up the system of Satellite Remote Sensin monitoring for oil spilled and bring it into the plan of information highway are necessary.


  • 遥感卫星传感器重复观测能力体现卫星系统动态监测能力重要指标之一。

    Capacity of repetitive observation of remote sensing satellite sensors is a key indicator of the system's dynamic monitoring ability.


  • 本文介绍了我们在微机图象处理系统上开发海冰卫星遥感监测业务系统以及海冰多数提取方法

    Outlined in this paper are the operational system for monitoring of sea ice and the technique of extraction of sea ice parameters from satellite remote sensing data.


  • 同步字提取遥感卫星地面记录存档系统设计中的关键技术之一

    The extraction of synchronization is one of the key technologies in the design of remote sensing satellite ground record and archive system.


  • 与其它的一般数据管理问题相比,现代遥感卫星地面处理系统的数据管理自身特点

    Compared with general data management, data management in remote sensing satellite ground system has its special characteristics.


  • 星载微波成像仪卫星遥感技术获取信息重要仪器,性能直接影响整个卫星系统

    Spaceborne microwave imaging instrument is an important about acquiring information in technology of satellite remote sensing. Its properties affect directly the satellite system.


  • 卫星遥感测控系统包括运载火箭飞行测控卫星运行测控、有效载荷设备测控以及它本身完成遥感测量。

    Satellite remote sensing and control system should include flight telemetry and control of launch vehicle, operation telemetry and control of satellite, and telemetry and control of payload equipment.


  • 随着世界各国发射入轨航天器增多,由多种遥感卫星系统组成的,包括地面应用系统在内的天地一体卫星应用网络体系即将形成

    Due to the increase of satellites in orbits, the space_earth integration network for spacecraft is being formed, which is composed of kinds of remote sensing satellites and ground system.


  • 用该方法幅干涉多光谱图像进行了测试,测试结果表明方法性能优于其他多光谱卫星遥感图像编码方法,并有利于在实时图像编码系统中得到应用。

    A few spectral satellite images are tested and the experimental results show that this method has more advantages over other methods reported so far for spectral satellite image compression.


  • 利用卫星遥感影像结合实地调查测年结果,对共和盆地层状地貌系统进行了解译、分析

    Based on the satellite images, combined with field surveys and thermoluminescence dating of Quaternary sediments, the authors explain and analyze the step-like landform system of the Gonghe basin.


  • 文章介绍了卫星遥感图像处理系统中地名查询提示系统(PICS)开发技术软件设计

    The design of place name inquiring and clewing system (PICS) in the satellitic remote sensing application is introduced.


  • 最后算法应用于SPOT卫星遥感图像处理,设计实现SPOT卫星遥感图像处理系统

    At last, we apply the new method to remote sensing image of SPOT satellite, and realize the system of remote sensing image processing of SPOT satellite.


  • 遥感地理信息系统支持下,洞庭湖1989和2001年两个时段TM (etm)卫星影像进行了遥感解译。

    With the support of RS and GIS, the TM (ETM) images of East Dongting Lake in 1989 and 2001 have been interpreted.


  • 遥感卫星成像系统中,地面景物成像系统相对位移产生造成分辨率下降主要原因。

    The image motion generated by the relative displacement between the ground scene and imaging system is the main cause of lower resolution in the imaging system of remote sensing satellite.


  • 论述我国北方地区造成严重影响沙尘天气特别是沙尘暴及其危害及研建完成的“沙尘暴的卫星遥感监测与灾情评估系统”及其监测评估实例。

    The paper touches upon the dusty weather which has caused serious influence on the northern part of China, especially the sandstorm disaster and its harm.


  • 论述我国北方地区造成严重影响沙尘天气特别是沙尘暴及其危害及研建完成的“沙尘暴的卫星遥感监测与灾情评估系统”及其监测评估实例。

    The paper touches upon the dusty weather which has caused serious influence on the northern part of China, especially the sandstorm disaster and its harm.


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