• 辛达·布洛德布里奇十四行诗第四首中惊人地表达了这种强烈的感情。

    There is real intensity as Lucinda Broadbridge strikingly conveys in the fourth of the Casos Sonnets.


  • 他们的恶劣影响印古什体现得非常明显——奇仁娅称:“在晚上人们害怕出门咖啡店大门紧闭,因为每晚交火事件。”

    Their influence has become especially visible in Ingushetia. "People are afraid to go out in the evening, cafes are closed, there are fire exchanges almost every night," says Ms Sokiryanskaya.


  • 很多球员法布雷加或者可以一样抱怨机会少。

    There are a lot of players like Fabregas or Cazorla who could make the same complaint.


  • 特米洛娃遇害之前,其同事捷琳娜•奇仁娅就曾谈及车臣地区恐惧升级人权活动者的压力

    Even before Ms Estemirova’s murder, Ekaterina Sokiryanskaya, a colleague, talked of escalating fear in the region and pressure on human-rights activists.


  • 特·米洛娃遇害之前,其同事捷琳娜•奇仁娅就曾谈及车臣地区恐惧升级人权活动者压力

    Even before Ms Estemirova's murder, Ekaterina Sokiryanskaya, a colleague, talked of escalating fear in the region and pressure on human-rights activists.


  • 没有哪个人真正自己经历之后那耳索斯做的称之为爱。”•温特劳布。

    Nobody who has experienced real love themselves would call what Narcissus is doing love.’’ K.W.


  • 回到纽约之后,社会研究学校报名参加厄文·皮(ErwinPiscator)主管工作室开办表演这里同事沃尔特·马(WalterMatthau)也是的苏渥校友

    Back in New York, he enrolled in acting classes in the workshop headed by Erwin Piscator at the New School for Social Research, where one of his colleagues was another Seward alumnus, Walter Matthau.


  • 民意测验显示11月大选中,卡索先生可能击败库恩先生。

    Polls had suggested that Mr Castle had a better chance of defeating Mr Coons in November's general election.


  • 4月23世界文学而言是很纪念意义。因为1616的同一天,塞万提莎士比亚加西(描述拉美古文化的《印王室述评》的作者)去世了

    April: a symbolic date for world literature for on this date and in the same year of 1616, Cervantes, Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso DE la Vega all died.


  • 但是索斯拍卖行的雷托的素描,拍出了542500美元的价格,较低估价还高出了一倍多。

    A Canaletto drawing at Sotheby’s, however, fetched $542,500, over twice the low estimate.


  • 所有当地遗迹中包括世界大奇迹之一哈利——摩陵墓)可以发现使用当地开采同一种石材

    The local quarries use the same stone found in all the local ancient ruins including the Tomb of Mausolos at Halicarnassus, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.


  • 全球衰退结束之后,年轻人的境遇是否改善呢?普·表示不会立即改善,因为劳工市场通常都滞后整体经济复苏

    Will things improve for young people when the global recession finally ends? Kapsos said not right away because labor markets typically lag behind the overall economic recovery.


  • 我们需要伊涅席尔瓦那样有效串联其中前场球员

    I think we need players like for example Iniesta, Silva, Cazorla,... quality players that can operate between the midfield and attack.


  • 雅文战役不久帮赫特人赏金猎人星系抓住了·卢克·天行者丘巴

    Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, a group of Jabba the Hutt's bounty hunters captured Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca in the Hoth system.


  • 索斯说:“年青求职者此刻确保他们第一次就业机缘之前,必需得排队期待比以往更长的时刻

    Young job seekers are having to queue, wait, longer periods of time, before securing their first employment opportunity.


  • 国际劳工组织的经计揭捉家史蒂夫·,“受伤一代”年青工作者人数在持续增添。

    ILO economist Steve Kapsos said this scarred generation of young workers continues to grow.


  • 卡索·离开新西兰老家前往悉尼参加为期一天拍摄,工作行程非常紧凑

    Castle-Hughes left her native New Zealand to arrive in Sydney for a single day of shooting on a very tight schedule.


  • 先是尼古拉·帕克小说《恋恋笔记本》,然后是尼克·执导同名电影,描述的都是男人在复述一个故事。

    First a novel by Nicholas Sparks, later a movie directed by Nick Cassavetes, The Notebook tells the story of a man telling a story.


  • 发现最后一部被拍摄电影时,能参与其中我觉得相当荣幸。”卡索-休说。

    "When I found out this was going to be the last Star Wars film that was ever going to be made, I felt pretty privileged to be in it," says Castle-Hughes.


  • 周时间里到过米兰那不勒威尼弗洛伦萨庞培兰托普里岛

    Also, during these eight weeks, I travelled to Milan, Naples, Venice, Florence, Pompeii, Sorento and Capri.


  • 干酪是在墨西哥城购买的,之前坐长途公车便宜旅行穿越市,杜兰戈奇瓦瓦市直边境厄尔,远远两千里

    I'd bought the cheese three days ago in Mexico City before the long cheap bus trip across Zacatecas and Durango and Chihuahua two thousand long miles to the border at El Paso.


  • 普·:“不美观撒哈拉以南非洲地域的失踪我们估量显示全球经济危机时代,那儿那里的失踪业率几乎没有什么转变。”

    Kapsos said, "If you look at the unemployment rate in the sub-Saharan African region, our estimates show very little change during the global economic crisis."


  • 因为阿森纳俱乐部想要获得更多有价值的一线经验,于是这名后卫队员在过去四个赛季里租借在外,租借球队名单包括森德、莱彼得·伯勒。

    The full-back enjoyed spells out on loan at Cardiff, Southend, Leicester and Peterborough over the last four seasons as Arsenal looked for him to gain some valuable first-team experience.


  • 获胜者宣布安贝尔··坦半岛将会继续世界小姐代表墨西哥

    The winner was announced as Anabel Solis Sosa from Yucatan, who will go on to represent Mexico at Miss World.


  • 当巴米娜拉走近时,阿纳金和阿交换的简短几乎不清台词——阿:“有没有听见说什么?”

    The dialogue spoken by Anakin and Ahsoka during the briefing but barely heard underneath lines spoken by the approaching Barriss and Luminara are (Ahsoka) "Did you listen to what I was saying?"


  • 这样平衡掌握得刚好随着迪达拉泽加图伤病名单中恢复,以后情况有所改善

    The balance seems just right and it will only improve from here as stars like Nelson Dida, Kakha Kaldze, Alessandro Nesta, Rino Gattuso and Ricky Kakà come off the injured list.


  • 海梅·阿方·埃兰特1930出生于玻利维亚的拉父母均为教师,他祖国玻利维亚做了12数学科学课程的教学工作。

    Jaime Alfonso Escalante was born in nineteen thirty in la Paz, Bolivia. Both his parents were teachers. He taught math and science in his home country for twelve years.


  • 海梅·阿方·埃兰特1930出生于玻利维亚的拉父母均为教师,他祖国玻利维亚做了12数学科学课程的教学工作。

    Jaime Alfonso Escalante was born in nineteen thirty in la Paz, Bolivia. Both his parents were teachers. He taught math and science in his home country for twelve years.


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