• 南佩贾称经济低迷时期瓦斯瓦尼讨论一些困难决策使威普罗联席CEO具有其它公司单个CEO所不具有的优势。

    Mr Paranjpe has said that the ability to discuss difficult decisions with Mr Vaswani during the economic downturn has given Wipro's bosses an advantage over sole supremos.


  • ·洛西似乎天生就是那些经常上漫画政客之一。

    NANCY PELOSI is one of those politicians who seems made for caricature.


  • 因此正如的那样,我非常高兴得知·洛西正在竭力拯救这个星球

    So as I said, I'm very glad to know that Nancy Pelosi is trying to save the planet.


  • 或者,当目光穿过桌子·罗斯和哈里·雷德凝神对视之时,是不是恍然觉察到自己分呢?

    Or had he looked across the table into the eyes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and realized that he was not among friends?


  • 20082009年庞大赤字则来自·洛西哈里·雷德操控国会所通过的预算

    And the mammoth deficits of 2008 and 2009 came from budgets approved by a Congress run by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.


  • 今天白宫发言人·洛西觉得白宫歌颂迈克尔·杰克逊提案没什么必要

    Today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she sees no need for a House resolution in praise of Michael Jackson.


  • 凯拉··赫尔德斯来到密苏里大学之后,开始想念波多黎各朋友家人

    After Keila Pena-Hernandez came to the University of Missouri, she began missing friends and family in Puerto Rico.


  • 不可能的,想想前众议院议长希·洛西,她的事可跟维纳先生做过的别无他样。

    It would be impossible, she said, to imagine Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker, doing anything like what Mr. Weiner did.


  • 另一名追踪者说希望能够召开刺激方案公众听证会但是·洛西却碍手碍脚。

    He told another follower that he wanted public hearings on the stimulus package, but that Nancy Pelosi was standing in the way.


  • 众议院议长·洛西没有这笔援助款称为救助,而是称为贷款认为这笔贷款对美国经济总体健康至关重要。

    House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not call the assistance a bailout, but a loan she says was critical to the overall health of the U.S. economy.


  • 自从 希 ·洛西搬家旧金山后,一直在努力房,几个月来,四个年幼孩子一直寄婆母家

    WHEN Nancy Pelosi moved to San Francisco, she struggled to find somewhere to live. For months, and with four small children, she lodged with her mother-in-law.


  • 凯拉··赫尔德斯第一次踏上密苏里大学土地时,除了兴奋之外再没有别的。

    There was nothing but excitement for Keila Pena-Hernandez when she first stepped onto the grounds of the University of Missouri.


  • ·赫尔德斯完成了的研究课题,进行一次回家旅行

    Pena-Hernandez, who is finishing her Ph.D, makes a trip home once a year.


  • 为什么先生很大期望四个里克·

    Why don't I expect much from Mr. Bernanke? In two words: Rick Perry.


  • 众议长希·洛西措施及时有针对性临时的”—也是经济刺激一揽子政策的三个目标

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the measures are "timely, targeted and temporary" — the three goals for an economic stimulus package.


  • 众议院议长.洛西试图共和党人相信这样去做。

    Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, sought to assure Republicans that that would be the case.


  • 妇女权利支持者们发现很可恶但是持赞成态度的立法者(包括众议院发言人希.洛西)却捏着鼻子了票

    Women’s-rights advocates find this odious, but legislators sympathetic to them (including Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House) held their noses and voted for the House bill anyway.


  • 妇女权利支持者发现很可恶但是持赞成态度的立法者(包括众议院发言人希.洛西)却捏着鼻子了票

    Women's-rights advocates find this odious, but legislators sympathetic to them (including Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House) held their noses and voted for the House bill anyway.


  • 联邦办公室候选人猛烈地抨击巴拉克.奥巴马洛西哈里.瑞德

    Candidates for state and federal office alike inveighed against Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.


  • 曾经以为需要公开透明责任分明时代坦诚地说,我受不了这个时代,”现居俄亥俄州的尔切

    "I thought I wanted a new era of transparency and accountability, but honestly, I just can't handle it," Ohio resident Nathan Pletcher said.


  • 美国众议员发言人茜•罗西仍名列第35位。

    Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the U.S.House of Representatives, retained No. 35.


  • 众议院·洛西2002年简要上报中情局水刑其他有争议的质询手段,没有受到质疑

    Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives, was reportedly briefed on the CIA's plans for waterboarding and other controversial techniques in 2002, and raised no qualms.


  • ·赫尔德斯渴望热带水果清凉海风

    Pena-Hernandez craved the tropical fruits of Puerto Rico and the cool sea breeze.


  • 恰好·洛西白宫所的,气候法案在2009年通过。

    That's exactly what Nancy Pelosi did in the House, making sure the climate bill got passed in 2009.


  • ·洛西高居议长,明明白白的提醒人们自从中期选举以来,美国政坛变化多么的巨大,权力布什身边的流失是多么的迅速。

    Nancy Pelosi's position in the Speaker's chair was a vivid reminder of how much politics has changed since the mid-term elections-and how rapidly Mr Bush's power is slipping away from him.


  • 传言加利亚尼打电话给 弗洛伦蒂诺 ·雷斯询问 迪亚拉,利诺奥马尔 ·蒂索内费尔父亲经纪人 ),米兰可能儿子签约。

    Rumours are that Adriano Galliani has phoned Florentino Perez for Lassana Diarra (26), but according to Lino Omar Tissone, the father and agent of Fernando, Milan could be making his move for his son.


  • 最近政客网站(The Politico)询问众议院议长希·洛西(Nancy Pelosi),为何阻止近海钻探修正案纳入拨款法案企图

    Recently the Web site the Politico asked Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, why she was blocking attempts to tack offshore drilling amendments onto appropriations bills.


  • 5月4日23岁克里斯托弗琼斯绰号叫络腮胡子的,克思钻探工作并且很快就要爸爸了,发现吊死提摩尔庭院棚子里。

    On May 4, 23-year-old Christopher Jones, nicknamed Whiskers, who worked at Apex Drilling and was about to become a father, was found hanging in the shed in his yard in Nantymoel.


  • 众议院发言人洛西(Nancy Pelosi)甚至于1月21宣称:“认为如果参议院提案作改动的话,是不会被通过…我还没见到有支持票。”

    On January 21st, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, even declaredwithout any change, I don't think it's possible to pass the Senate bill in the House...I don't see the votes for it.


  • 美国众议院议长·洛西(Nancy Pelosi)定于本周抵达

    Nancy Pelosi, America's House speaker, is due to arrive next week.


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