• 利用单纯形优化选择了最佳实验条件

    The optimal experimental condition was obtained by using the simplex optimization method.


  • 本文介绍了单纯形优化分析中的实际应用。

    The application of simplex optimization method for rock and mineral analysis is introduced.


  • 单纯形优化,选用摩尔分数目标函数求出了相应模型参数

    NRTL model was used to correlate and calculate LLE data of system and model 's parameters were obtained by using of simplex optimization method with objective function of mole fraction.


  • 单纯形优化选用摩尔分数目标函数求出了相应模型参数

    NRTL model was used to correlate and predict the LLE data, and parameters of the model were obtained by using simplex method with objective function of mole fraction.


  • 单纯形优化法,选用摩尔分数目标函数求出相应模型参数

    The NRTL model was used to correlate and predict the LLE data of system and obtained the model's parameters by using of simplex method with the objective function of mole fraction.


  • 使用单纯形优化文献中四十余二元液-液平衡数据进行关联

    Over forty sets of Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (LLE) data of binary and ternary systems in literatures have been correlated using simplex optimization method.


  • 结果表明单纯优化较少的实验次数,获得灵敏度最佳显色条件。

    Results show that with simplex method, optimum sensitivity can be obtained with fewer experiments.


  • 并用正交试验单纯形优化法相结合,确定了制备F-吸附剂的配方合适的工艺

    The absorptivity is 86%~89%. The proper process and the suitable recipe were determined by vertical cross experiment and simplex method.


  • 利用单纯优化选择了各种试剂最佳用量以及采样体积、反应管长的最佳实验条件

    The amount of used reagents and the experimental conditions for sampling volume and coil length were optimized by using the controlled and weighed centroid simplex method.


  • 结果表明,改进单纯形优化灵敏度比传统有所提高实验次数线性关系良好

    The result indicates that this way has some advantages as follows compared to the traditional method:higher sensitive, less time of experiment and linear relationship.


  • 本文应用改进单纯优化较好弥补目前分析化学计量学中得到广泛应用卡尔曼滤波存在的不足

    The modified simplex optimization is used to remedy the drawbacks of Kalman filter method which is widely applied in analytical chemometrics.


  • 为了网络参数进行优化,本文提出了一种一般单纯这种单纯形收敛速度要

    In order to optimize the parameters of the network, we propose the General Simplex Method, which converges more quickly than the Simplex Method.


  • 一种动态优化每次学习使用的学习参数单纯形优化器在之前的学习过程中进行预测

    One is the dynamical optimization method that the learning factors at every step are previously predicted by the simplex optimizer.


  • 应用单纯形优化研究了三种混合试剂体系消除原子吸收分光光度测定干扰

    The three mixed releasing reagent systems of removing interference of aluminium in the atomic absorptive spectrometric determination of calcium were studied with simplex optimization.


  • 同时,引入变量代换基于线性规划单纯形提出该类绝对值规划问题的全局优化求解

    Based on variable substitution and the simplex method for linear programming, the paper also discusses the global optimization algorithm for the absolute value programming.


  • 对于约束采用约束处理,并用修正单纯形进行优化设计。

    The optimization problem with multiple constraints is treated by the compact constraint tactics and is solved by the improved simplex method.


  • 利用单纯形参数寻技术,提出一种控制系统调节器优化设计

    The new method of optimisation design for the regulator in control system is stated on the optimum seeking technology of parameters by using the simplex method.


  • 非线性规划问题单纯加速用于混合线性滴定计算,同时优化酸浓度及有关条件常数,求出酸浓度最优解。 讨论影响单纯形计算速度的因素

    The simplex optimization method about nonlinear programming problem has been used in the mixed acid linear titration and the effect of various factors on computative speed has been discussed.


  • 介绍基于NEC分析八木天线原理单纯的基本原理,并将两者结合起来提出了一种适合工程中使用优化设计方

    The theory used in the analysis of the Yagiuda antenna of NEC which is based on method of moment(mom) and the simplex are briefly introduced in this paper.


  • 本实验表明单纯形药物色谱分离优化中一种简单有效

    The simplex method seems to be one of the simple effective techniques for the optimization of chromatographic separation in drug analysis.


  • 本文利用带上、下界的修正单纯求解安全约束优化问题之一有功安全校正问题。

    In this paper, a revised simplex algorithm with lower and upper bounds is used for solving the problem of active power security control which is one kind of the security constrained optimization.


  • 针对单星平台方案提出了能够综合不同性质修正指标性能的整体优化指标,选择单纯形调优确定最佳方位。

    An optimum index that can compromise the performance of accuracy indices which have different properties is proposed, intending to get the best navigation star of the platform decline scheme,.


  • 单纯一种经典的,能够同时优化多个因素

    The simplex method is a classical method, which is able to optimize several factors simultaneously.


  • 为了适应复杂机械产品优化设计,提出一种修正单纯用来改进模拟退火

    In order to adapt to the optimization of the complex mechanical products, a new simplex method is presented. Then the simulated annealing algorithm is improved by using the new method.


  • 根据特点分别对两个系统采用单纯形网格因素轮换进行优化

    With characters of phase diagram, simplex lattice method and single factor alternative method were used to optimize formulation of microemulsion respectively.


  • 根据特点分别对两个系统采用单纯形网格因素轮换进行优化

    With characters of phase diagram, simplex lattice method and single factor alternative method were used to optimize formulation of microemulsion respectively.


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