• 因此建筑设计一连串单独结构固定主体结构上,两个结构刚性框架现场同时制作墙体构成的。

    The building is designed as a series of parts that are mounted onto two main structures, composed of rigid frames and walls made on site that operate jointly.


  • 需要每一个目录创建个或两个结构这取决于应用程序以及组织配置单独构建的选项。

    Within each of these directories, you need to create one of two structures, depending on the application and how you choose to organize and configure your individual builds.


  • 强调内容结构而不是形式多数XML设计布局都是单独维护的。

    It stresses the structure of the content, not the form; layout is maintained separately in most XML designs.


  • 介绍了一种思路,即将XML文档结构部分数据部分分隔开,然后将相关的数据项归入同质容器中,对这些同质容器单独进行压缩。

    It introduced the idea of separating the structural part of the XML document from the data part to then group the related data items into homogenous containers that can be compressed separately.


  • 通过重新组织文档,可以清晰地对象结构描绘出翻译资源因为可翻译资源移入单独文件文档

    By reorganizing the document, the translatable resources are clearly delineated from the object structure because they have been moved into separate files or subdocuments.


  • 使用线框图可以容易的表达常见页面结构单独页面内容需要

    Common page structure and content needs for individual web pages are easily conveyed using Wireframes.


  • 它们的这种行为并非单独原子决定而是由略大的人造结构—“元原子”决定的。

    Their behavior is not determined by individual atoms, but by larger artificial structures called meta-atoms.


  • 即使创建一个单独、不压缩包含二进制文件,所时间也仍然少于初始结构导入二进制文件所需时间的十分之一。

    Even creating a single, uncompressed file containing the binary takes less than one tenth of the time required to import the binary in its initial structure.


  • 这个深入过程中,那种可以识别的形状在这以数学公式模型结构单独以及成群结队地在四处重复出现

    As one progresses downward, the recognizable fractal shape is evident, singly and as large groups of the same fractal shape repeated throughout the structure of the mathematical equation modeled.


  • 这个组合计划结构上与单独的update语句几乎一样

    The structure of the combined plan is nearly identical to that of the UPDATE statement alone.


  • 使用产品待办事项列表工具的时候,可以单独使用表3.1结构比如块插针白板或者公司墙上适当地排列纸质卡片

    Note that you can employ the structure in Table 3.1 independently of your product backlog tool, for instance, by appropriately arranging paper CARDS on a pin board, whiteboard, or the office wall.


  • 使用RETURNS结构时,必须输出数据单独声明结果列名

    When you use the RETURNS structure, you must separately declare result set column names for the output data rows.


  • 设计XML应用程序 XML文档结构时,可能面临哪些业务数据放在一个单独的 XML 文档中的选择

    When you design your XML application and your XML document structure, in particular, you may have a choice to define which business data is kept together in a single XML document.


  • 觉得他们每天准备单独食物容易,尤其是他们住一个食物结构大米鱼肉牛肉为主国家

    I think it would be too hard for my them to prepare a separate meal for me every single day in a country that pretty much bases its food pyramid on rice, fish and beef.


  • 相反我们编写了助手助手类只不同数据源提取检索到的数据这些数据值放到单独的、经过合并结构中。

    Instead, we wrote one helper class that simply took data values retrieved from different sources and placed them into a single, consolidated structure.


  • 编写这样组件导致组件重复的数据验证工作,从而使其性能单独应用程序结构

    Composing such components results in repetitively validating data passed between components with performance inferior to monolithic application structures.


  • 相对于单独使用,研究人员利用这些从植物中提取天然复合物结构特性,开发一种新的化学物质即2 - ACP。

    Instead, the researchers used the structure of these natural plant compounds to develop a new chemical, called 2-acp.


  • gather()函数迭代页面所有部件,信息收集一个单独数据结构中。

    The gather() function iterates through all the widgets on the page and gathers this information into a single data structure.


  • 我会使用两个代码示例第一个例子代码结构简陋只有单独Main方法

    I will use two code samples; first is an example of poorly structured code and has single Main method.


  • 脚本主要内容定义了一个单独结构Stats使用它封装所有函数

    Most of this script is defining a single structure, Stats, to wrap all the functions.


  • QueryResultsXMLFormat一个单独规范用于定义SPARQL查询处理程序返回数据的 XML结构参见参考资料)。

    The Query Results XML format is a separate specification that defines an XML structure for data returned by a SPARQL query processor (see Resources).


  • 这些规则存储一个称为“文档类型声明(Document Type Declaration (DTD))”单独文档中,并且使用这些规则验证XHTML文档结构准确性

    These rules are stored in a separate document called a document Type Declaration (DTD), and are utilized to validate the accuracy of the XHTML document structure.


  • 但是这种结构所能的只是通过单独的(或者多维的)索引设置检索元素

    Good enough, but about all you can do with this structure is set and retrieve elements by individual (multi-dimensional) index. In contrast, a Numarray array is a bit more flexible.


  • 反之Django使用了一个单独的基于正则表达式的配置文件URL映射底层代码,这样就降低URL路径结构实际实现之间的耦合程度

    Conversely, Django USES a separate regular expression-based configuration file to map URLs to the underlying code, decoupling the URL path structure from the actual implementation.


  • help——目标主要用于正确插件语法结构参考可以命令中输入mvngrester: help单独执行

    Help - This goal, used mainly for references on the correct plug-in syntax and structure, can be executed in isolation on the command line as MVN grester: help.


  • 结构不是XMLname元素中的使用单独,而是将这些直接包含customer元素对应类中。

    Rather than using a separate class for the values within the XML name element, this just includes the values directly within the class that corresponds to the parent customer element.


  • 获得右侧表单中的数据需要创建一个视图——MySQLV 5中的结构,它将把来自其他整合单独合成虚拟中。

    To get the data in the right form, create a view - a new construct in MySQL V5 that assembles columns from other tables into a single, composite virtual table.


  • 这个结构中的任何指令相当于编写这个指令coun t每次重复占据单独一行

    Any instruction placed inside this construct is equivalent to writing that instruction count number of times, each on a separate line.


  • 如果需要编写这种代码可能会碰到可移植性问题;您应该开发一个具有单独标记结构使用这些结构而不是使用指针

    If you need to write code like this, you are in trouble for portability; you should probably develop a structure with separate flags, and use these instead of Pointers.


  • 必须每个租户基础结构单独执行这些任务

    These tasks have to be conducted separately on each tenant's infrastructure.


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