• 帮助了解个人目标我的商业战略协调程度

    She also helped me to understand how my personal goals fitted with my business strategy.


  • 结果专家权威值、积极程度意见集中程度协调程度均较高;

    Results The results of three rounds consultation were reliable. The consistency of expert opinions was good.


  • 模型通过引入协调程度实现了不同专家意见处理,通过应用梯形模糊实现各敷设方案指标权重确定

    In the model, different expert's advices were treated by introducing the concept of coordination degree, and the index weight was determined by applying the trapezoidal fuzzy number.


  • 最后大连市轨道线常规公交进行实证分析,评价协调程度其站点和线网调整给出了建议

    Thirdly, for Dalian urban 3 rail line and conventional public transit as an example, evaluate its coordination and give suggestion for adjustment of conventional public transit site and network.


  • 性能保持最优水平一个方法开发Web服务度量应用程序(请参见8),测定深度防御协调程度

    One way of maintaining performance at an optimal level is to develop a Web service metrics application (see Figure 8) to measure how well the defense in depths are performing in the orchestra.


  • 为了衡量子系统协调程度,本文提出了一种新的计算系统协调方法,在现有系统协调度评价方法的基础进行了一定的改进。

    In order to measure the coordination between each subsystem, a new method which has been improved on the basis of the current system coordination evaluation method is proposed.


  • Cardoon一家室内景观设计维修公司很大程度上依赖云中状态协调管理植物护理专家

    Cardoon is an indoor landscape design and maintenance company that relies heavily on its presence in the cloud to coordinate and manage its plant care specialists.


  • 现在一个关键问题中美这种储备意图管理以及在石油供应严重中断的情况下如何协调一致,达成某种程度的共识。

    One key question now is to develop some congruence on the purpose and management of such a reserve - and on how to co-ordinate during a major disruption.


  • 因为计算机动画写实视觉一个动画需要知道运动什么样的程度运动应该角色设计匹配并与它所处的世界协调

    Because of the realistic look of computer animation, an animator need to be aware of how far to push the motion. The motion should match the design of the character and the world.


  • 对于某些分配跟踪请求团队很大程度上是有效地协调如何使所有人员一起工作

    For some teams, assigning and tracking requests is, largely, effectively coordinating how all of those people work together.


  • 不同的神经导入不同的肌肉中所以不同时间不同程度刺激这些神经束能够产生协调腿部运动

    Different fascicles lead to different muscles, so stimulating groups of fascicles at different times and by different degrees should enable co-ordinated leg movements.


  • 虽然分歧一定程度在所难免,但是需要更多协调

    Some degree of divergence is inevitable, but more co-ordination is needed.


  • 亚斯能源集团协调吉里希·特说:“印度收入增加对能源的需求程度欧盟美国相比。”

    "India has gotten its income through very low levels of energy intensity compared to the E.U. or the U.S., " says Girish Sant, a coordinator with the Prayas Energy Group.


  • 因此我们必须建立一个调节监管体系这个体系范围应该广,干预介入程度更深而且在世界范围内能够得到更好协调

    That is why we must develop a system of regulation and supervision that is wider in scope, more intrusive in its interventions and better coordinated internationally.


  • 10投入程度为20%,他们产出理论上相当于全职人员;但是协调这10个人要比协调个人花费更多精力

    10 fractional people with 20% effort might theoretically produce the output of two full-timers, but coordinating 10 fractional does not take the same amount of effort as coordinating 2 people.


  • 在此雪杉树每个人分享这些信息:内在音乐协调程度越高,你体验良好提升日子就越多。

    However the Cedar Trees share with each that to the degree one can harmonize one's inner music, the more frequently one will experience good ascension days.


  • 应用系统可能包含协调角色某种程度变得越来越清晰为什么协议必要性要远大业务逻辑本身

    the application may subsume the role of the coordinator at which point it becomes less and less clear why the protocol is needed at all above and beyond the business logic itself.


  • 精神的作用要和谐程度而定;不和谐就意味着思维混乱因此能够获得力量的人,一定使自己的一切自然规律保持协调—致。

    Mental efficiency is contingent upon harmony; dis cord means confusion; therefore, he who would acquire power must be in harmony with Natural Law.


  • 我们仅仅负责在盟军之间最大程度开展协调指挥控制问题。

    We just have to work out the command and control that is most accommodating to all coalition members.


  • 语文教学言语行为运用必须遵循善意尊重原则程度控制原则、协调一致原则、优搭配原则。

    When the teachers use the non-language behaviors in teaching, it's better to follow these rules: kindness and respect, control in degree, coordination and consistence, finest cooperation.


  • 新的会计准则体系存在会计准则相关经济法规协调、会计准则国际化程度较低等问题

    But new accounting standards system still exist such problems as accounting standards incompatible with the relative economic laws, the lower internationalization degree of accounting standards.


  • 电厂单元机组协调系统控制品质,从很大程度取决于对机组的动态特性预测程度

    The control quality of plant unit coordination systems, to a large extent depends on the predictable of dynamic characteristics of the unit.


  • 随着保险公司国际化经营程度不断提高,保险会计准则国际协调成为我国保险会计准则建设不可回避的重要问题。

    With the development of multinational insurers, the international coordination of Insurance Accounting Standards has become an unavoidable part in setting up China Insurance Accounting Standards.


  • 由于彼此间存在不同利益诉求利益协调便很大程度决定合作成败

    They have different interest demands. Success or failure of cooperation is, to a great extent, determined by benefits harmony.


  • 细菌内毒素标准品引入建立很大程度促进了该方法的标准化和规范化,并使该方法在世界范围内得以协调和统一。

    The import and establishment of RSE promote the BET standardization in great degree, harmonize and unify it in the range of the world.


  • 鉴于企业内部不同程度地存在市场的事实,作者认为应该把管理费用区分组织协调费用内部交易费用部分

    In our opinions, the management cost can be divided into two parts: intra-organization co-ordination cost and intra-market transaction cost.


  • 卡住了的原因来自于欧元区主要力量法国德国。这两个国家都同意欧元区应该有必要进行更大程度统一和融合,但是分歧点在于在哪方面协调

    It is stuck because the euro zone's dominant powers, France and Germany, agree on the need for greater harmonisation within the euro zone, but disagree about what to harmonise.


  • 机器人足球比赛不仅研究多智能体系统典型问题而且还是检验对抗双方多智能体协调策略优劣程度实验平台

    The robot-soccer match is not only a typical problem of MAS, but also the experiment platform to estimate both sides' harmonious strategy.


  • 机器人足球比赛不仅研究多智能体系统典型问题而且还是检验对抗双方多智能体协调策略优劣程度实验平台

    The robot-soccer match is not only a typical problem of MAS, but also the experiment platform to estimate both sides' harmonious strategy.


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