• 交换协议版本答成一致

    Protocol versions are exchanged and agreed upon.


  • 这个连接我们socket链接,处理协议版本谈判鉴定

    The connection abstracts the socket connection, and takes care of protocol version negotiation and authentication and so on for us.


  • 服务器状态包括服务器运行协议版本、状态表示返回代码文字消息

    The server status line includes the protocol version number running on the server, the status code, and a text message representing the return code. Below are several examples of valid status lines.


  • 连接端点数据库所需完全绑定句柄之后,检查接口协议版本服务器协议版本兼容性

    Once we have a fully bound handle to contact the endpoint database, the protocol versions of the given interface are checked for compatibility with that of the server's.


  • 如果协议序列接口id传输语法协议版本客户机的接口匹配,就找到了兼容绑定

    We say that a compatible binding is found when the tower's protocol sequence, interface id, transfer syntax and protocol version numbers match with that of the client's interface.


  • 例如可以构建PHP以便新的网际协议版本6 (IPv6)Internet寻址方案进行互操作。

    For instance, you can build PHP to interoperate with the new Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) Internet addressing scheme.


  • 这个输入绑定获取RPC地址绑定数据结构其他字段比如协议版本超时等,把它们复制另一个句柄表示中

    The RPC address and other binding data structure's field values like the protocol version, timeout are all retrieved from this input binding handle and copied into another handle representation.


  • 得到SSLContext时,我们指定SSL协议;我们可以在这放入特定的SSL(TLS)协议版本并且强制通信特定级别发生

    When getting the SSLContext, we specify a protocol of "SSL"; we could also put here specific versions of the SSL (or TLS) protocol and force communications to take place at that particular level.


  • 例如现代WindowsMacintosh电脑已经配备支持IPv6互联网协议。IPv6修正目前IPv 4协议版本许多缺陷

    For example, modern Windows and Macintosh computers already come equipped to support a new Internet protocol known as IPv6 that would fix many of the shortcomings of the current IPv4 version.


  • SpringSource核心业务销售SpringSource企业一个Apache许可协议版本Spring框架,其使用Hyperic产品配备了用于系统监测的测量仪器。

    SpringSource's core business is selling SpringSource Enterprise, a version of the Apache-licensed Spring framework that is instrumented for system monitoring using the Hyperic product.


  • Curt Hopkins / 2010年5月19日 3:49 PM今天互联网主要基于IPv4或者叫互联网协议版本4Internet Protocol version four)建成的,1980年首次被引入

    Today's Internet was built largely on the IPv4 or Internet Protocol version four, first introduced in 1980.


  • 正如Hawkeye协议所指,付费版本仅仅多提供了两个额外的功能,99%的开发者真的需要

    As specified in the licence of Hawkeye, the paid version only offers you two extra functionalities that 99% of developers don't really need.


  • 每个核心组配置运行最新版本核心组协议

    Configure each to run the latest available versions of core group protocol.


  • CUDA最终用户许可协议(EULA)更新版本可供下载。它明确许可了用户包含工具包运行时的重新分配

    An updated version of the CUDA toolkit end user license agreement (EULA) that specifically allows redistribution of the runtime and libraries included in the toolkit is now available.


  • 有效方式使用HTTP协议 1.1版本保持连接打开走出服务器更新发送客户端。

    The most efficient way is to use the 1.1 version of the HTTP protocol to hold the connection open and to have the server send out updates to the client when moves are made.


  • 产品具有双重许可有限功能遵循gpl版本2许可协议,而全面的产品则商业许可提供

    The product is dual licensed with a limited version offered under GPL version 2 and a more comprehensive product offered via a commercial license.


  • 当前发布版本中,协议版本3

    In the current release, the protocol version is 3.


  • 目前市场设备运行蓝牙协议三个版本 —— 分别是版本 1.1、1.2AFH 2.0+EDR

    There are three versions of the Bluetooth protocol running in devices currently on the market -- Version 1.1, 1.2 AFH, and 2.0+EDR.


  • 其一,推进全互联网范围内标准更新换代引导安全补充协议得以接受从而抛弃旧的版本

    On the one hand, the evolution of internet-wide standards led to new security fixes being proposed and obsoleting older versions.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学研究人员发布dtn协议版本目的电脑编程人员编制出兼容协议程序

    Researchers at Ohio University are already distributing a version of what is known as the DTN protocol stack, so that computer programmers can write programs that will use this new protocol.


  • 开发人员带来任何问题因为版本协议以前的版本兼容

    This doesn't pose a problem to developers and users because the newer versions of the protocol are compatible with the previous versions.


  • 服务级别协议(Service Level Agreement,SLA)— 对特定服务版本可能其他已定义服务含有的依赖项提供正式规范

    Service Level Agreement (SLA) -- Provides a formal specification of the dependencies that a particular Service Version may have on other defined services.


  • 函数使用PostMessage协议大多数浏览器最新版本工作

    This function USES the Post Message protocol and works in the latest versions of most browsers and is preferable.


  • Rational Software Archictect V7.5版本中,已经引入了支持设计合约管理协议转换

    Transformations to support design contract management protocols were introduced in Rational Software Archictect Version 7.5 releases.


  • Net workFileSystem (NFS)version4NFS协议最新版本它定义一代网络文件系统

    The network file system (NFS) version 4 is the latest version of the NFS protocol, defining the new generation of network filesystems.


  • 然而RandomHouse,相关作品部分印刷版本的发行商,反对这个协议开展了对Wylie clients抵制

    However, Random House, which publishes many of the titles at issue in print, objected to the deal and launched a boycott of Wylie clients.


  • Sun引入了具有较高安全性带有状态协议NFSv4 (NFS之前版本都是无状态的)。

    Sun introduced NFSv4 with strong security along with a stateful protocol (prior versions of NFS were stateless).


  • 我们说说已经介绍新的协议方案公司ie4.0以上版本用户提供支持

    Let's say that a new protocol scheme has been introduced and your company wants to provide support for users of Internet Explorer 4.0 and later.


  • 我们说说已经介绍新的协议方案公司ie4.0以上版本用户提供支持

    Let's say that a new protocol scheme has been introduced and your company wants to provide support for users of Internet Explorer 4.0 and later.


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