• 经常模仿千花玻璃的工艺,这是通常用于做纸镇的种玻璃工艺

    Polymer clay pieces often mimic millefiori, a glasswork technique commonly seen in paperweights.


  • 上万的很多观看支乐队演出

    Thousands of people paid good money to watch the band perform.


  • 损坏严重,要修好块钱

    The damage was such that it would cost thousands to repair.


  • 这些已经留在这里年了也许雪莲一样,已经蔓延上万了。

    These bulbs had been left to themselves for ten years and perhaps they had spread, like the snowdrops, into thousands.


  • 子看到成上万的玫瑰,看起来和他的玫瑰别无二致,这让他觉得他仿佛被自己的欺骗了。

    Seeing the thousands of roses that look just like his rose makes the prince feel as if he was tricked by his flower.


  • 盛开万紫

    Flowers are blooming in a riot of colour.


  • 盛开万紫

    Flowers of all sorts are blooming in a riot of colour.


  • 接受这一检测者需提供自己全部基因组数据目前可以美元到基因测序公司得到这些数据。

    But to take the test, people will have to provide their own complete genome -- which currently can cost thousands of dollars from gene-sequencing companies.


  • 无论如何乘客开始下落之前几个小时地球36上空巡航

    Regardless, passengers will spend a few hours cruising silently 36 km above the earth before beginning their descent.


  • 位加沙地带企业家通过埃及之间隧道进口盆栀子其他植物用来装点近两年以军袭击新建房屋

    A Gazan entrepreneur has imported thousands of gardenia and other pot plants via the tunnels with Egypt to decorate the homes Gazans have begun to rebuild since Israel's assault nearly two years ago.


  • 上万的美国人一样,米歇尔玛丽亚萨沙都会一整天美味的食物看点足球赛然后反思我们多么幸运啊

    Like millions of Americans, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and I will spend the day eating great food, watching a little football, and reflecting on how truly lucky we are.


  • 数以潮水般涌入瑞士北部城市巴塞尔就为一睹一种恶臭巨型首次盛开

    Thousands of people are flocking to the northern Swiss city of Basel to see a giant, stinky flower bloom for the first time.


  • 人们愿意价钱英镑但是没有证据证明是富商雇人射杀鹿王的。

    People will pay big money - several thousand pounds - but there's no evidence that a wealthy businessman paid to shoot the Emperor.


  • 今天晚上,丈夫小时带着女儿在附近自行车然后个小时荡秋直到入睡

    This evening, my husband spent an hour riding bikes around and around and around our neighborhood with our daughter. Then he pushed her on the tire swing for another hour until she fell asleep.


  • 这些人会上万美金猎杀大象狮子、斑马水牛

    The hunters pay tens of thousands of dollars to shoot wildlife including elephants, lions, zebras, and buffaloes.


  • 饭前洗手——秒钟的时间洗手可以杀死可以导致疾病细菌

    Wash your hands Before Eating - Washing your hands takes two seconds and kills thousands of germs that could potentially lead to illness.


  • 帐篷内到处都是玩具蜡笔外面儿童,一瓶

    There were toys and crayons dotted around, a children's swing outside one of the tents, and a vase of flowers.


  • 什么时候父母还会一个陌生的地方天天晚上喝醉

    When else are your parents going to spend several thousand dollars a year just for you to go to a strange town and get drunk every night?


  • 次实习中同事告诉他们收到求职申请每份秒钟一眼

    At a few of my internships, co-workers told me they got more than a few thousand applications and only glance at each resume for a few seconds.


  • 即使是同一门类下乳酪,其生产原料所用的乳品也是八门,各不相同,味道亦是差万别不过有了本文手把手式指导再也不会在乳酪世界里晕头转向了。

    Within each category, individual cheeses made from different types of milk will taste wildly different, but you'll always know your way around cheese with this handy guide.


  • 因此他们通过猎头公司工作,但这些通常都是打了水漂。

    Hence, they'll spend thousands of dollars on career-marketing firms that promise to find them jobs. After paying the money, these executives often find the firms don't deliver.


  • 辣椒口味差万别形状各有秋,颜色多彩缤纷,当然——名称也五八门。

    Chiles come in a variety of flavors, shapes and colors — and names.


  • 接受纽约客》杂志采访时,表示,“在确定喜欢之前对方几百甚至上美元请吃饭令人尴尬。”

    She told The New Yorker that, "It's awkward to have somebody spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on dinner before you really know that you like him."


  • 当成上万人们沉浸于街头欢庆之中,加西,这一位于利比亚海岸线一端反抗军总部也闪耀之下。

    Benghazi, the rebel capital at the other end of the country's coastline, was illuminated by fireworks as hundreds of thousands of people celebrated in the streets.


  • 一位加沙企业家通过连接埃及地下隧道进口了上万株栀子其它盆栽植物装饰加沙重建家园,大概距以色列袭击已有2光景

    Gazan entrepreneur has imported thousands of gardenia and other pot plants via the tunnels with Egypt to decorate the homes Gazans have begun to rebuild since Israel's assault nearly two years ago.


  • 欧文(Irvine)新港(Newport Beach)篇一律玻璃混凝土写字楼充斥着五八门不容错过的新公司,合法合法的都

    The anonymous glass-and-concrete office buildings of Irvine and Newport Beach are filled with the latest can't-miss ventures, some legitimate, some not.


  • 欧文(Irvine)新港(Newport Beach)篇一律玻璃混凝土写字楼充斥着五八门不容错过的新公司,合法合法的都

    The anonymous glass-and-concrete office buildings of Irvine and Newport Beach are filled with the latest can't-miss ventures, some legitimate, some not.


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