• 根据最小区域条件建立空间直线数学模型以及优化目标函数

    According to minimum zone condition, mathematical model of spatial straightness together with the optimal objective function is set up.


  • 因此存在统一样板模式特定城市化模式当时当地区域条件制约产物

    So there is no uniform model, and the specific urbanization models are a product of the regional conditions at that time.


  • 三角都市带北缘扬州、南通、泰州等地区拥有旅游资源品位、区域条件区位特性俱佳的苏中古镇

    There is an ancient town cluster with good tourist resources-regional conditions and location specialty in the north edge of mega-cities of Changjiang Delta.


  • 一些地区沙漠区域扩张主要当地气候条件趋于干燥结果

    In some regions, the increase in desert areas is occurring largely as the result of a trend toward drier climatic conditions.


  • 随着年龄的增长,这些条件可能周围区域可能不再适合后代

    As it ages, these conditions may change and the area around it may no longer be suitable for its offspring.


  • 在对任何进行修改之前,都应该条件寄存器保存堆栈这个区域中,然后返回之前恢复

    The condition register should be saved in its area of the stack before any of these fields are modified, and then restored before returning.


  • 登革热暴发条件已经成熟,它一次又一次肆虐这个区域的某些地区

    The conditions are ripe for outbreaks of dengue to ravage parts of this region time and time again.


  • 虽然亚洲从未报告过疾病,但因为当地有适宜疾病传播条件,该区域也存在感染风险。

    Although the disease has never been reported in Asia, the region is at risk because the conditions required for transmission are present there.


  • 条件输入区域中的内容辅助功能可以用于查看可用变量列表

    Content assist in the condition input area can be used to view a list of available variables.


  • 我们何其幸运,2011年的拉丁美洲拥有需要成为已开发区域克服贫困所有条件

    Our good fortune is that Latin America in 2011 will have everything it needs to become a developed region and overcome poverty.


  • 如果向量一个区域上,满足这个条件会出问题

    The problem comes from a vector field satisfying this criterion in a region but it has a hole in it.


  • 存储区域达到某些条件时,P8服务器自动转换存储区域状态

    The P8 server automatically transitions the storage area state when certain conditions are met on the storage area.


  • 世卫组织区域获得无脊髓灰质炎认证,必须满足三个条件

    Before a WHO region can be certified polio-free, three conditions must be satisfied.


  • 条件输入区域调用内容辅助功能,请使用CTRL +Space

    To invoke content assist in the condition input area, use CTRL + Space.


  • 可以条件输入区域使用内容帮助(content assist)查看可用变量列表

    You can use content assist in the condition input area to view a list of available variables.


  • 可以条件输入区域使用内容帮助利用xpath函数

    You can also use content assist in the condition input area to make use of XPath functions.


  • 题目给出积分条件必须清楚,什么积分的函数,什么是积分区域

    When you are given a piece of data in the statement of a problem, you have to figure out whether that is part of a function to be integrated or whether that is part of the region of integration.


  • 只要输入城市地址邮政编码PadMapper可以带到这个区域准确地列出符合条件的住房。

    Type in a city, address, or zip code, and PadMapper takes you to the region and pinpoints available apartments.


  • 创建一个被称为CICSFiles屏幕自定义然后选定长方形区域中输入单词FILE,以便屏幕指定识别条件,如图16所示,然后再Next

    Create a screen customization called CICSFiles and specify the recognition criteria for the screen by roping off the word FILE in the selected rectangular region, shown in Figure 16, then press Next.


  • 第二风险区域就是开发过程中的早期去确定假定条件(可能系统进行集成测试被证明无效的,导致重大返工)。

    A second major risk area is not validating assumptions early in the development process (which may prove to be invalid when the system is in integration testing, leading to significant rework).


  • 改变搜索文本时,显示结果区域根据新的搜索条件改变(也许并不完全如此,但是如果请求安装一个真正的搜索引擎,它就会这样做)。

    When I change the search text, the result area changes based on the new criteria (well, not really, but if I had a real search engine behind the request, it would.)


  • 经常母亲孩子之间产生那种条件可激活共同的不同大脑区域包括大脑的中部区域

    Unconditional love, the type often seen between a mother and child, lights up the common and different brain areas, including the middle of the brain.


  • 默认条件下,只有界面对话框区域设备显示而转化。

    By default, only the dialog area of the screen is transformed for display on the device.


  • 雷达各种天气条件作战,可以立即发现监控跟踪敏感区域所有地面移动目标和所有海上目标(移动和固定)。

    The radar, which is operational under all weather conditions, immediately detects, monitors, and tracks all ground moving targets and all sea targets (moving and stationary) in the region of interest.


  • 筛选结果选择筛选结果时,会显示区域通过某个条件用户ID,来筛选已显示数据

    Refine results: When you select refine results, an area is expanded where you can refine the displayed data by a condition, such as user ID.


  • 酒店有着优越的基础条件包含高档引人浴室奢华装饰房间时尚前沿公共区域以及可以俯瞰全镇最美风光的屋顶餐馆

    And this hotel makes for a great base: lavishly decorated rooms with knock-out bathrooms, stylish public Spaces and a rooftop restaurant with some of the best cityscape views in town.


  • 例如母亲对于孩子的那种无条件大脑中部不同区域引发

    Unconditional love, such as that between a mother and a child, for example, is sparked by several areas in the middle of the brain.


  • 文章分别论述了区域课程、校本课程开发意义原则条件流程,并利用案例加以说明。

    The essay used cases to explain the significance, principles, conditions, flows of the region based courses and school based courses.


  • 这样所关注区域条件可以任何时间进行监测记录

    Thus, the conditions of the area concerned can be monitored and documented at anytime.


  • 这样所关注区域条件可以任何时间进行监测记录

    Thus, the conditions of the area concerned can be monitored and documented at anytime.


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