• 正则表达式语言世界流行字符串匹配语言

    Regular expression is the most popular string matching language in the world.


  • 如果. NET程序加载器不到完全匹配项,查找具有匹配语言可用附属程序集。

    If the.net assembly loader cannot find an exact match, it will then look for an available satellite assembly with a matching language.


  • 正则表达式语言世界上流行字符串匹配语言许多编程语言工具支持

    Regular expression is the most popular language in the world, which is used to match character stream and supported by many programming languages or tools.


  • 请注意这里匹配优势我们不仅仅处理通配符而且处理语言语义

    Note the strength of the matching here: we are not merely dealing with wildcards, but language semantics.


  • 模式匹配许多不是大多数函数语言中可以找到另一个特性提供了一些有用的功能

    Pattern matching is another feature found in many, if not most, functional languages, and offers some useful power.


  • yaml格式使动态语言数据结构匹配得更好

    The YAML format simply matches the data structures of dynamic languages better.


  • 完成教程后,您可以学习到语言基本内容包括格式化输出记录字段操作以及模式匹配

    By the time you have completed the tutorial, you will have learned the rudimentary aspects of the language, including formatting output, record and field manipulation, and pattern matching.


  • 注意,. NET程序加载器首先请求区域名称可用附属程序集区域名称之间尝试查找完全匹配语言和区域。

    Note that the.net assembly loader will first attempt to find an exact match with both language and region between the requested culture name and the culture name of an available satellite assembly.


  • 模式匹配是从函数式语言中引入强大简洁条件选择跳转方式

    An idea borrowed from functional languages, pattern matching is a powerful yet concise way to make a programmatic choice between multiple conditions.


  • 图形符号中的细节越细它们执行语言匹配机会小。

    The finer details are used in the graphical notation, the less chance there is that they match with the executable language.


  • 正则表达式基本上就是进行文本处理构建一种小型的子语言用来进行字符串匹配替换

    Regular expressions are basically a small sub-language built for text processing, used to match and replace strings of characters.


  • 使分析人员开发人员之间能够协作,可执行过程语言必须足够灵活完全匹配分析图

    To make that collaboration work between analysts and developers, the executable process language must be flexible enough to fit right onto the analysis diagram.


  • 只有新的API才能更好匹配新的语言

    A new API that's a better match for the new language is definitely needed.


  • BPEL一种纯粹技术语言用于构建BPEL语言语义定义业务流程情况下的语义并不匹配

    BPEL is a pure technical language, the semantic used to construct the BPEL language doesn't match with the semantic needed to define Business Processes situations.


  • 通常用计算机只能每个发音匹配一个字母,它无法使用上述两种语言

    The usual computer algorithms, matching a letter to a sound, don't apply.


  • 大量其他函数功能(比如模式匹配)已经引入scala语言中,但是其全部列出超出了本文的范围。

    Numerous other functional features (such as pattern matching) have made their way into the Scala language, but to list them all would be getting ahead of the story again.


  • XPath一种址、搜索匹配文档各部分语言

    XPath is a language for addressing, searching, and matching pieces of the document.


  • XHTML开辟了Web领域,作者提供了Web页面上混合匹配各种基于XML语言文档方法

    XHTML breaks new ground on the Web, giving authors a way to mix and match various XML-based languages and documents on their Web pages.


  • 查询验证能够使检测通过一个XMLpath语言查询返回点数是否与所期待验证点指定的结点数匹配

    Query verification points enable you to check that the number of nodes returned by an XML path language query matches the expected number of nodes specified in the verification point.


  • SocketManager问题Socket-User映射生命周期应当与 Socket 的生命周期相匹配但是语言没有提供任何容易方法实施这项规则

    The problem with SocketManager is that the lifetime of the Socket-User mapping should be matched to the lifetime of the Socket, but the language does not provide any easy means to enforce this rule.


  • Ruby一种其他语言略有不同做法匹配字符串开始结束

    Ruby uses a slightly different approach than many other languages to match the end and the beginning of a string.


  • 正则表达式(regular expression,regexp)是用于描述字符串匹配模式概念,在很多程序语言中都是通用的。

    The concept of regular expressions (regexps) -a notation for describing a pattern that matches a set of strings-is common across many programs and languages.


  • 查询验证能使验证XMLPath语言查询所返回节点数量与验证点中指定预期节点数量是否匹配

    Query verification points enable you to check that the number of nodes returned by an XML Path language query matches the expected number of nodes specified in the verification point.


  • 也可以把模式匹配想象成你最喜欢c语言case指令当然了激素的。

    Pattern matching is the familiar case statement from your favorite C-like language, but on steroids.


  • 确认属性文件报表语言匹配

    Make sure the property file match matches your reporting language. Edit the following file.


  • 8.4.1之前IBMCognosBI版本中,充分地实现实践创建内容用户内容语言必须匹配模型设计语言

    In IBM Cognos BI versions before 8.4.1, the user's content language had to match the model's design language at the time of content creation in order for the practice to be fully implemented.


  • 简单协议RDF查询语言(Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language,SPARQL发音为sparkle”)通常用于针对数据进行查询语言因为在语句构成上匹配 RDF本身结构

    Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQLpronounced "sparkle") is the language typically used to query against that data, as it syntactically matches the structure of RDF itself.


  • 确实认为过程语言定义一个很好匹配BPMN子集

    I do think that for each process language, a BPMN subset can be defined that matches well with that language.


  • 第一也是最显眼的问题语言结构匹配

    The first and foremost problem is the structure mismatch between both languages.


  • 果然兴奋语言中的频率与大音阶音乐非常匹配绝望和孤独的语言却与小音阶的音乐相匹配

    Sure enough, the frequency relationships in excited speech closely matched those of music in major keys, while those of forlorn speech matched minor music.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定