• 该局最近完成了靠近北极纳尼西维克区域海图绘制工作有计划那里建立一个军事深海港口

    The service also recently completed charting work in the Nanisivik area near Arctic Bay, where there are plans to build a military deep sea port.


  • 然在北纬88°以北其较为罕见,但有证据表明,它们的活动范围甚至一直延伸到北极,向南则延伸到加拿大的詹姆斯

    While they are rare north of 88°, there is evidence that they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada.


  • 加拿大福克斯北极冰的冰冷水域反映的一道彩虹

    A rainbow is reflected in Arctic icy waters in Canada's Foxe Basin.


  • 北极游的优势在于获利丰厚,需求量大同时较为安全——很难看到海盗的踪迹。

    Arctic voyages arelucrative, in demand, and relatively safe (pirates are few and far between in Baffin Bay).


  • 加拿大马尼托巴湖丘吉尔哈德森上空,皓月当空时北极

    Aurora borealis, above Hudson Bay and the town of Churchill with a bright moon, Manitoba, Canada.


  • 去年英国石油墨西哥事故凸显灾难性洋溢油结果之后,美国加拿大监管机构侧重北极特殊挑战

    After the BP accident in the gulf last year highlighted the consequences of a catastrophic ocean spill, American and Canadian regulators focused on the special challenges in the Arctic.


  • 哈德逊西部地区,冰雪在晚春就会开始融化,此时北极进入夏眠,以消耗自身存储脂肪为生直到海面再次结冰

    In the western portion of the bay, the ice begins to melt in late spring. The polar bears then go into hibernation, living off reserves of body fat until the sea freezes again.


  • 在每年十月至十一月间哈德逊第一结冰时候,有约一千只世界上大型陆地食肉动物迁徙这个北极首都”。

    More than a thousand of the world’s largest land carnivores migrate through thepolar bear capital of the world” during October and November, when the first ice forms on the edge of Hudson Bay.


  • 中国改变了额尔齐斯河(由南至北流经俄罗斯鄂毕最终汇入北极)的部分流向以便开凿出补给新兴石油城市克拉玛依运河

    The Chinese have diverted part of the Irtysh river, which feeds Russia's Ob river and ends up in the Arctic, to a canal supplying the booming oil town of Karamai.


  • 一年中的大部分时间北极都会冰冻哈德逊漫步,以猎食海豹为生

    For much of the year, polar bears roam the frozen Hudson Bay, hunting for seals.


  • 这片北极苔原一根根瘦得皮包骨手指横放在加拿大西北部利物浦

    Skeletal extensions of land reach like bony fingers across a section of Liverpool Bay along the northern edge of Canada's Northwest Territories.


  • 普拉德霍以外滞留北极

    Stranded polar bears on Cross Island outside Prudhoe Bay.


  • 举例来说,火地岛前往阿拉斯加北极燕鸥无视蒙特利观鸟的美味鲱鱼

    An arctic tern on its way from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska, for instance, will ignore a nice smelly herring offered from a bird-watcher's boat in Monterey Bay.


  • 这些计划建议已故专家联系,被石油浸透海象(海象见于北极墨西哥并没有动物)设置条款

    The plans recommended contacting dead experts and set out provisions for dealing with oil-soaked walruses (of which there are plenty in the Arctic but none in the gulf).


  • 几百年来,10月末11月初时候,北极都会聚集加拿大哈得逊西岸等待变成冰面。

    Polar Dance. "For centuries polar bears have gathered along the western shores of Hudson Bay [Canada] during late October and early November waiting for the bay to freeze.


  • 每年十到十一月,哈得逊开始结冰时候,一千世界最大陆地肉食动物北极就会这个“世界北极熊之都”开始迁徙

    More than a thousand of the world's largest land carnivores migrate through the "polar bear capital of the world" during October and November, when the first ice forms on the edge of Hudson Bay.


  • 很快来自格赖斯(加拿大北极高地上一个偏远因纽特人村)其他居民乘机动雪车跋涉50英里来到这里打洞使鲸鱼可以呼吸

    Soon other residents from Grise Fiord, a remote Inuit Hamlet in the Canadian High Arctic, traveled 50 miles by snowmobile to break holes in the ice so the whales could breathe.


  • 中心位于伊卢利萨特北极以北150英里地方,它是受联合国教科文组织所保护的格陵兰西海岸地区。

    The Icefjord Centre will be located 150 miles north of the Artic Circle in Ilulissat, a UNESCO-protected area on Greenland's western coast.


  • 北极阳光群游弋加拿大福克斯大西洋海象身上投下点点光斑。

    Arctic sunlight dapples a pod of Atlantic walruses swimming in Canada's Foxe Basin. Walruses are clumsy on land but swim with fluent grace.


  • 北极日光晒起斑纹一个豆荚状的斑纹,大西洋海象群游泳加拿大福克斯

    Arctic sunlight dapples a pod of Atlantic walruses swimming in Canada's Foxe Basin.


  • 最终明白他们途中北极内,所有道路普拉德霍

    He eventually got me to understand that they were enroute to the Arctic Circle, but that he alone wanted to go all the way to Prudhoe Bay.


  • 冰岛墨西哥暖流性的,具有处于北极高纬度温带气候

    Iceland is warmed by the Gulf Stream and has a temperate climate despite high latitude just outside the Arctic Circle.


  • 冰岛墨西哥暖流性的,具有处于北极高纬度温带气候

    Iceland is warmed by the Gulf Stream and has a temperate climate despite high latitude just outside the Arctic Circle.


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