• M4 JCAD基于史密斯探测公司轻重量化学探测(LCD)。

    The M4 JCAD is based on the Smiths Detection Lightweight Chemical Detector LCD.


  • 通用动力的JSLSCAD第一种可以360扫描、范围2千米化学探测系统

    General Dynamics' JSLSCAD is the first chemical detection system designed with a 360-degree coverage field and range up to two kilometers.


  • 束带通过 VNO探测来自蚯蚓它们最喜欢食物之一)的化学信号,然后它们利用这个信号追踪它们的猎物

    Garter snakes detect a chemical signal from earthworms—one of their favorite foodsvia the VNO, and they use this signal to track their prey.


  • 对于需要远距离探测生命化学我们必须要找到一个通过表面生物进行光合作用的星球

    For the chemistry of life to be remotely detected, we must find a planet where photosynthesis is is being conducted by surface organisms.


  • 不同仪器可以探测大气层中不同层次成分,因此最终化学成分待到他们收集了所有的信息才能出来。

    These different instruments also probe different layers of the atmosphere so that ultimately a picture of the chemistry going on between them can be gleaned.


  • 面临一个重要挑战就是怎样找到探测表示以及绘制太阳系复杂有机化学物质最佳方法,观察木卫二冰层下海洋是否生命存在。

    One of my key challenges is figuring out how best to detect, characterize, and map complex organic chemistry out there in the solar system to see if Europa’s ice-covered ocean is, in fact, inhabited.


  • 面临一个重要挑战就是怎样找到探测表示以及绘制太阳系复杂有机化学物质最佳方法,观察木卫二冰层下海洋是否生命存在。

    One of my key challenges is figuring out how best to detect, characterize, and map complex organic chemistry out there in the solar system to see if Europa's ice-covered ocean is, in fact, inhabited.


  • 比如激光探测光谱特性,这些特性是无法复杂有机化学来解释的。

    For example, imagine the wonder at detecting spectral features that cannot not explained by complex organic chemistry, like laser emissions.


  • JSLSCAD利用复杂的模式识别算法,可以探测分类鉴定化学战剂,同时还可以识别自然人造战场干扰物。

    Using sophisticated pattern recognition algorithms, JSLSCAD detects, classifies, and identifies chemical agents while discriminating against both natural and manmade battle space interferents.


  • 台设备探测中子不同化学分子碰撞后产生不同伽马射线

    The other device can detect the distinctive gamma rays produced by collisions of neutrons with the atoms of different chemical elements.


  • 莱特纳举例说明,我们火星发射探测器上着一些特异的抗体可以检测细菌以及一些生命活动所产生的化学物质

    For instance, Leitner said, we can send rovers to Mars carrying antibodies that detect traces of chemicals and bacteria that would indicate life.


  • 迄今为止,围绕月球,共开展了73项科学探测任务载人或者无人,了解月球的化学成分尤其是发现,更是重点关注的项目。

    There have been 73 missions, manned and unmanned, to the Moon, and understanding its chemical composition, particularly finding water, has always been a priority.


  • 去年9月,印度宣布月船1号航天器探测产生化学反应,事情终于有了重大突破

    A major breakthrough came last September, when India announced that its Chandrayaan-1 craft had detected that chemical reactions producing water are still taking place.


  • 这些状物可以感应表面纹理探测同类释放的微量化学物质

    The combs sense textures of surfaces and detect chemical traces of their own species.


  • 因此蛇类通过器进行辐射供热结构探测红外信号不是靠化学转换。”研究显示。

    "Thus, snakes detect infrared signals through a mechanism involving radiant heating of the pit organ, rather than photochemical transduction," says the study.


  • 如果机械皮肤能够探测疾病醉酒或者有毒化学人们发出警告,甚至超级柔韧并可感知怎样?

    What if robotic skin could detect and alert people of illness, drunkenness or toxic chemicals, and on top of that would be super flexible and sense the lightest of light touches?


  • 如果设备探测化学药品化学药品组合,这段RNA就保持不变从而生成绿光蛋白质

    If the device detected a chemical or a certain combination of the two chemicals, then the strand of RNA was left alone, which produced the green glowing protein.


  • 表明轨道(遥感)探测(比如伯龙号”)方法可以用来探测木卫二非冰沉积物化学成分,并可能从中发现地外微生物等生命迹象

    This means that an orbiting sensor like Hyperion could be used to identify chemicals in Europa's non-ice deposits that may be a sign of extraterrestrial microbial life.


  • 研究人员希望设备可以佩带式公司门卡式辐射探测一样成为化学快速响应小组的探测化学泄漏事件的利器。

    And the researchers hope the device may soon provide chemists or first responders to a chemical spill with a wearable detector, much like the badges worn to detect radiation.


  • 证据包括地球探测小行星化学组成周围碎屑颗粒分布或者温度方面的改变

    Evidence could include changes in the chemical composition of the asteroid, the size distribution of debris surrounding it, or other thermal changes that could be detected from Earth.


  • 幸运是,生物进化赋予哺乳动物通过嗅觉MHC进行分辨能力因为MHC的不同导致化学物质浓度差异,而这时可以被嗅觉探测到的。

    Fortunately, then, evolution has equipped mammals with the ability to detect by smell chemicals whose concentrations vary with differences in the MHC of the producer.


  • 肿瘤检测石油探测街道照明以及疾病治疗等方面应用潜力纳米微粒很受欢迎,生产却需要使用到危险有害化学

    Gold nanoparticles are heralded for their potential to detect tumors, search for oil, light the streets and cure diseases, but their production requires dangerous toxic chemicals.


  • 研究人员得出一下结论细菌味觉——生物学上的定义对于来自于远距离挥发性化学物质探测能力——他们假设味觉首先细菌中进化产生的。

    The researchers concluded that bacteria are capable of olfaction—the biological detection of volatile chemicals across a distanceand hypothesize that this sense may have first evolved in bacteria.


  • 化学探测用于探测化学有毒工业化学产品(TIC)。

    The chemical point detector has been developed to detect both chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals (TICs).


  • 有几家公司生产能够进行生物分子筛选合成探测所需大规模化学反应显微射流技术设备。

    Several companies have now manufactured microfluidics devices (" labs-on-a-chip ") that allow the high-throughput chemistries needed in screening, synthesis and probing of biological molecules.


  • 有几家公司生产能够进行生物分子筛选合成探测所需大规模化学反应显微射流技术设备。

    Several companies have now manufactured microfluidics devices (" labs-on-a-chip ") that allow the high-throughput chemistries needed in screening, synthesis and probing of biological molecules.


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