• 很快地,库伯勒罗斯开始了医院学校全国演讲。

    Soon, Kübler-Ross was lecturing at hospitals and universities across the country.


  • 厄普代克这个典型美国人,他一个伟大白人新教徒作家当时文学时代犹太人统治:索尔·贝娄诺曼·梅菲利普·罗斯

    Very much a Yankee, Mr. Updike was the great white Protestant writer in a literary era that was dominated by Jews: Saul Bellow, Norman Mailer, and Philip Roth.


  • 罗斯希腊波兰到了南非那么的距离,来自西班牙突尼斯德国的鹳鸟却飞到了萨赫地区。

    The Russian, Greek and Polish storks flew as far as South Africa, while those from Spain, Tunisia and Germany flew only as far as the Sahel.


  • 光是讲到埃斯库罗斯欧里庇得斯索福作品我们甚至不敢后人已经达到了他们一半水准。

    Just talking about the works of Aeschylus, Euripides and Sophocles, you cannot even say that you have attained half of their achievements already.


  • 虽然伊斯坦布尔罗斯快车已经停运可以渡过博斯普鲁斯海峡搭乘横贯亚洲快车德黑兰

    While the Toros Express service from Istanbul to Aleppo may be out of action, you can cross the Bosphorus to pick up the Trans-Asia Express to Tehran.


  • 研究美国布朗大学罗斯·麦克德莫特、加利福尼亚的詹姆斯·哈佛大学尼古拉斯·克里斯塔基斯进行的。

    The study was carried out by academics Rose McDermott at Brown University, James Fowler at the University of California and Nicholas Christakis at Harvard.


  • 后来索福斯因改写悲剧《俄狄浦斯》而名声大噪,而这本失传已久的三部曲最初是埃斯库罗斯执笔的。

    In his later life, Sophocles would become famous for his adaptation of the tragedy of Oedipus, a lost trilogy initially written by Aeschylus.


  • 两者对比,他们导师一个减税”的疯狂斗士,而罗斯乐观包容②。

    Their mentor is a shrill crusader for lower taxes. Dr Rösler is more upbeat and inclusive.


  • 德国财长菲利普·罗斯公开表达了一观点。显而易见,提到破产纯粹只是为了安抚全球投资者

    Germany's economy minister Philipp Roesler publicly introduced the concept and, needless to say, the mere mention of bankruptcy was anything but calming for global investors.


  • 瓦达中心调查显示,四分之三罗斯人民以后的生活没有计划仅有3%的人有超过年的长期计划。

    The sense of a future has been amputated. According to the Levada Centre, three-quarters of Russians do not plan more than two years ahead; only 3% plan more than ten years ahead.


  • 坐在右边欧盟巴尔干地区高级专员拉夫•拉贾克,再往右边欧盟扩大委员会专员—史蒂芬•富

    On his right was Miroslav Lajcak, the European Union's senior point man on the Balkans, and to his right was Stefan Fule, the EU's enlargement commissioner.


  • 美国国会议员罗斯提恩抨击取消旅行限制的提案。她其它一些国家访问古巴的人对古巴内部造成的影响微乎其微。

    At a recent congressional hearing, Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen attacked the travel proposal, saying scores of other foreign visitors have had little impact inside Cuba.


  • 瓦达中心称,四分之三罗斯没有超过计划只有3%的人有年计划。

    According to the Levada Centre, three-quarters of Russians do not plan more than two years ahead; only 3% plan more than ten years ahead.


  • ·罗斯没有动,依旧站在那儿美国女郎双手

    Le Ros did not stand back. He stood clasping in both hands the hands of the young American.


  • 2003年收购了切尔西罗斯罗曼·阿布拉莫维奇,以及2008年接管曼彻斯特足球俱乐部的阿布扎比王室成员阿拉伯族长曼苏尔·本·扎耶德·阿纳哈扬经常被认为这种类型

    Roman Abramovich, the Russian who bought Chelsea in 2003, and Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al Nahyan, an Abu Dhabi royal who took over Manchester City in 2008, are often put in this category.


  • 输给年轻索福斯,巧的索福克斯的作品很大程度上收埃斯库罗斯影响

    He lost to the young Sophocles, whose work was heavily influenced by that of Aeschylus.


  • 库伯·罗斯收到了读者的邮件,他们感谢开始死亡这个话题的探讨。

    "Eva's bearing and beauty flew against the truth that the young woman was terribly ill." kubler-ross received stacks of mail from readers thanking her for starting a conversation about death.


  • 克里姆林宫巴西大教堂(罗斯):金色穹顶洋葱式圆顶,四周为红色砖墙围绕莫斯科克里姆林宫的中心

    Kremlin AND ST. BASIL's CATHEDRAL, RUSSIA: Onion domes with golden cupolas5 surrounded by red brick walls are at the heart of Moscow's Kremlin.


  • 联邦议员自民党奥托•弗里克(Otto Fricke)也表示自民党需要罗斯布吕德中选个,真正重要二者结合起来。

    The party need not choose between Dr Rösler's vision and Mr Brüderle's, says Otto Fricke, an FDP member of the Bundestag . “The combination is so important.


  • 自民党的领导断层注入包括菲利普罗斯辈的新生代

    The leadership gap is being filled by a new generation, including Philipp


  • 罗斯.高特莫2009年4月6号,宣誓就职美国助理国务卿,负责军备控制核查执行

    Rose Gottemoeller was sworn in as the Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, on April 6, 2009.


  • 自民党的领导断层注入了包括菲利普罗斯辈的新生代现年36岁的罗氏出生于越南一对德国夫妇抚养长大,现为下萨克森州(德国北部州)经济部长

    The leadership gap is being filled by a new generation, including Philipp Rösler, the 36-year-old economics minister of Lower Saxony, born in Vietnam and adopted by German parents.


  • 尽管鉴于阿特斯、德尔塔欧洲阿丽亚娜号火箭(事实上,它几乎法国独家制造)以及罗斯质子号火箭,所以重型卫星发射市场已经相当饱和

    The heavy-satellite-launching market is quite crowded already, though, what with Atlas, Delta, the “European” (in reality, almost exclusively French) Ariane and Russia’s Proton.


  • 贯穿美国历史相同家庭不断出现罗斯脱家族,洛克·菲家族同la Follettes,贝耶和肯尼迪家族

    Throughout American history the same families keep popping up: the Roosevelts and Tafts, Rockefellers and La Follettes, Bayhs and Kennedys.


  • 库伯·罗斯想到些什么,想要去谈谈,那些她看来成日围着重症病人却显得并不严肃美国医生们应该如何应对那些已经到来即将到来的死亡

    Kubler-ross had found her topic. She would talk about how American doctors-who, in her experience, were skittish around seriously ill patients-should approach death and dying.


  • 非但认识夫家里的人和季姆怎么不出自己的几个女儿,怎么认不出她们穿她丈夫的几种长衫制服

    She not only failed to recognise the Rostovs and Dimmler, but did not even know her own daughters, or identify the masculine dressing-gowns and uniforms in which they were disguised.


  • 非但认识夫家里的人和季姆怎么不出自己的几个女儿,怎么认不出她们穿她丈夫的几种长衫制服

    She not only failed to recognise the Rostovs and Dimmler, but did not even know her own daughters, or identify the masculine dressing-gowns and uniforms in which they were disguised.


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